The War of Resistance

Chapter 1164 Needles and Nails

The parapet is a circle of walls on the roof of a building. It is built when building a building. It can prevent construction workers from falling and play a role similar to a protective fence, as well as waterproofing or decorative functions.

Generally speaking, the parapet is only knee high.

For people like Shang Zhen and others on the roof just now, although it can be used as a bunker to hold guns, they still have to expose their upper body when shooting.

Shang Zhen himself was able to hit the Japanese troops with perfect accuracy with a box cannon. When the Japanese troops hit them with Type 38 rifles on their exposed upper bodies behind the parapet, it was not a missed shot either. ?

This time their ambush caught the Japanese army off guard, that would be fine. If the Japanese army continued to fight back, they would be killed.

Therefore, Qiu Bo only threw three rounds of grenades and shouted to run away, while Shang Zhen turned around and retreated before the Japanese army raised their guns to fire!

Shang Zhen wanted to cover, but he didn't want to cover under the Japanese army's accurate marksmanship. In that case, maybe the person he was covering could run away, but he himself would be left here!

Let me tell you something that is hard to hear but also very true for Northeasterners, that is, veterans like them are more thieves than rabbits. If they make the slightest mistake, they will run away immediately!

So, Shang Zhen and his group of veterans can definitely add another metaphor to the original two metaphors, called "fierce as a wolf, cunning as a fox, and running like a rabbit"!

Shang Zhen hunched over and sprinted on the roof of the small second floor. At this time, the scattered bullets from the direction of the Japanese army either hit the parapet or flew over Shang Zhen's head.

When Shang Zhen ran to the top of the building, the Japanese bullets had no shooting angle even if they wanted to hit him. At this time, Shang Zhen pressed the parapet and jumped directly.

How high is the second floor? Anyone with some common sense in life knows that it is about six meters.

Can a person weighing more than 100 kilograms get injured if he jumps from a height of six meters? Lian Jia Zi, of course, the kind of Lian Jia Zi who has practiced Qing Gong will definitely not get injured.

Shang Zhen was not a Lianjiazi, but he had already observed it when he got to the top of the building. He jumped down in the air and landed directly on the rain cover of the door on the first floor!

Who knows whether Shang Zhen jumped too hard or the rain gear became loose in the gunfire. Shang Zhen hit his body and the rain gear fell down with a "click".

At present, China's steel production is extremely limited, and the rain roof is rarely made of reinforced concrete, so when it is smashed, the rain roof falls from the second floor to the first floor.

Fortunately, the rain gear relieved Shang Zhen's strength. After landing, Shang Zhen ran diagonally forward.

At this time, he did not forget to glance at Qiu Bo and the others.

The explosions of grenades had become sporadic, and Qiu Bo and the others were already retreating.

As for the few people who were covering with him on the roof, as well as Mr. Wang and the others downstairs, Shang Zhen didn't have to worry about them at all. They were all thieves too. They didn't want to jump off the building, but they could still take the stairs. .

Shang Zhen's feet were like wind. In a moment, he ran to a house. The house had been burned. Shang Zhen just raised his legs and jumped in. Then he turned around and pointed the box cannon forward. .

At this time, Qiu Bo's soldiers who dropped bombs were almost in front of the house where Shang Zhen was hiding.

Qiu Bo and Shang Zhen's eyes immediately separated. Then he turned around and commanded the soldiers who were running back with him: "Go around! Go around!"

The soldiers hurriedly moved around the house where Shang Zhen was hiding, and at this moment, the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand fired again in a short burst.

The Japanese soldiers were chasing so fast. When Shang Zhen's gun fired, a Japanese soldier who followed Qiu Bo and the others was shot and fell down.

Then, Shang Zhen's gun kept firing, but it was all short bursts of "pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah". Although some Japanese soldiers were knocked down by Shang Zhen, there were also Japanese soldiers who dodged and escaped in time.

The reason why Shang Zhen fired in short bursts was that his breath was still rushing while he was running wildly, and the other was to increase the deterrent effect. There were really too many Japanese troops on the other side of the street!

By the time Shang Zhen emptied his twenty-round magazine, there was already a burst of gunfire on his end, and the soldiers who were also in position also started shooting.

At this time, behind the house, Ma Erhuzi was looking at the old man curiously and asked: "Are you in Gaha?"

It turned out that the old man had already retreated to a place about ten meters away from the house.

The old idiot didn't answer, but ran a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly and threw out a grenade in his hand!

Ma Erhuzi watched as the grenade flew over the house, which must have been more than three meters high including the ridge, and disappeared.

"Okay?" Ma Erhuzi was stunned for a moment, turned around and ran towards the corner of the room.

It's just that he was a little far away from the corner of the room. When he just ran there, he heard the explosion of a grenade from ahead.

At the same time, he heard Chu Tian, ​​who was shooting at the other end with a box cannon in the corner, praising: "Who is this? This grenade is so accurate! Oops, one more!"

After hearing what Chu Tian said, Ma Erhuzi quickly turned his head and looked at the old man in disbelief.

The house they were in now was more than fifty meters away from the house where they ambush the Japanese army.

The grenade is not like a grenade with a handle, so it can't be thrown as far as the grenade. The problem itself is not that, it is that the grenade needs to fly over the three-meter-high house where they are hiding, and then land accurately there. In an aisle in the middle of the house.

This requires the bombardier to consider both the throwing angle and the throwing distance. Therefore, the grenade can only land there if it draws the expected perfect arc in the air. This is very difficult!

As for Shang Zhen, who among the original group of people would have thought that Big Boss could have such a skill.

Although Ma Erhuzi did not see whether the grenade thrown by Big Boss killed the Japanese army, he could imagine that the grenade exploded. It was undoubtedly good.

Just this technique and this arm strength can match the grenade launcher of the Japanese devils!

Then why are you hesitating? Just be the ammunition hand and supply ammunition quickly!

So Ma Erhuzi hurriedly threw his grenade at Big Boss, and Big Boss took it, pulled out his pin and knocked his hat to throw the grenade.

But the old fool threw out five grenades in succession before waving his hand and saying: "I can't do it anymore, I'm exhausted, I'm hungry!"

"Okay, retreat quickly!" At this time, the merchant jumped out of the back window of the house and shouted.

Shang Zhen was still very content. It would be good if he could beat the Japs like this, but he couldn't beat them any more. If the Japs continued to fight, the gains would outweigh the losses if the Japs calmed down and beat their team to a pulp.

Under Shang Zhen's order, his men went into the residential area that had been dilapidated by the war.

But this time Shang Zhen was at the end, and he really needed to stop.

At this time, the gunshots and explosions in the west were getting closer. It was obvious that the Chinese army was also pursuing the Japanese army very closely, and the encirclement was gradually shrinking.

Based on the situation at hand, if it were another Chinese army, they might have stopped this group of Japanese troops no matter what they said.

But Shang Zhen would never do this. Don't say who is right or wrong, or it can only be understood as different fighting styles.

He and his group were more like sharp needles. They stung the enemy, drew some blood, and then turned around and ran away. It was said that they were stuck there like nails. This was definitely not their fighting style.

If they stick here, they will definitely cause greater casualties to the Japanese army. But the problem is that the combat style is also a habit. If they have always been this style, then their team is not possible, but definitely no longer exists. Got it!

Killing the enemy and preserving yourself have always been a double-edged sword. If you want to be perfect, you want all the watermelons and sesame seeds, but there is no such good thing in this world!

Just when Shang Zhen turned around and was about to leave, there was a brief silence from the gunshots not far away, or in other words, the gunshots were slightly quieter.

But at this time, he heard the sound of box artillery firing directly in front of him, in the direction where they ambush the Japanese army.

Shang Zhen, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly froze.

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