The War of Resistance

Chapter 1165 Return of Carriage

That is, five minutes later, Wang Laomao and Qian Chuan'er were looking forward from behind a ruins, and right next to them and behind them at different positions were Chinese soldiers holding guns, but they were exactly Their gang.

A street appeared in the gap between the ruins in front of Wang Laomao and the others.

This street was exactly the same street where Shang Zhen and the others ambush the Japanese army, but their ambush location was further west.

"This little kid went wild by himself! How could there be any of our people in this place?" Old Man Wang said angrily.

"Why don't we have people? Bai Zhanji, He Xiangzi, and Rice Shovel haven't come back yet!" Qin Chuan, who was behind Mr. Wang, answered.

As a result, Mr. Wang was speechless.

Just now, Mr. Wang and his men all evacuated, but then they were stopped by Qian Chuan'er who was chasing after him.

The reason is that Shang Zhen just said to Qian Chuan'er, "There seems to be someone of ours on the other side of the street" and then Shang Zhen went alone!

When Mr. Wang heard that Shang Zhen had run away alone, he became anxious.

If he had only been a platoon leader, he would really be happy to be the commander of an anti-Japanese squad.

But now as he gets older, he feels that he is a little powerless. He really doesn't want to worry about these little brats anymore. If Shang Zhen runs away again, won't he have to take care of things if he is separated from them again? How could he not be in a hurry?

And now he led his men to pursue Shang Zhen and they had chased him here, but they really didn't dare to go up the street in front easily. The gunshots and explosions all around were getting closer and closer, and they could even see it from their current position. To the west, the smoke and dust caused by the grenade explosion were no more than 300 meters away from them!

That is to say, the Japanese army is retreating, but the Chinese army is chasing after them!

If they rush to the streets rashly now, it does not mean that they may be attacked by the Japanese army, but they will definitely be attacked by the Japanese army.

"Where did that little bastard go?" Mr. Wang finally added a prefix to his "nickname" for Shang Zhen to express his dissatisfaction.

But at this moment, it seemed that Shang Zhen heard him scolding him, but he got out of a half-collapsed house next to them.

"We have to rush over. There are Japanese soldiers on the other side who are chasing our people. Some of the little devils chasing us are senior officials. I saw several holding command swords."

When he said this, Shang Zhen didn't even look at Wang Lao Mao. He was just talking to his soldiers. But when he arrived in front of Wang Lao Mao and the others, he had already turned around and his eyes were still looking in the direction of the street.

And just after Shang Zhen said this, he immediately laid out a battle plan: "Qiao Xiong, have you seen the house over there? There is a Japanese heavy machine gun position there. You can shoot two explosives at them.

Ma Erhuzi and Qin Chuan are responsible for covering the right side. Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen are responsible for protecting the left side. Everyone else rushes across the street! Take Qiao Xiong's explosive blast as an action order! "

After finishing speaking, Shang Zhen carried his box cannon and moved forward to hide against the dilapidated house he had just crawled out of.

He didn't even ask for the opinions of his group from beginning to end!

He didn't need to ask. He was the commander and he gave the order to fight. What was he asking others for?

Chu Tian, ​​Chen Hanwen, Ma Erhuzi and Qin Chuan, who were assigned the cover task, each went to cover with short guns.

As for Qiao Xiong, he poked the grenade on the ground, but his right arm had already been stretched out. When he raised it with his thumb, he began to measure the distance using traditional methods.

"Leave me a few grenades, I can throw them over." At this time, the old man also volunteered.

At this time, although the soldiers were following Shang Zhen's orders, they were all thinking the same thing, that is, let's just say, this big man is very good at throwing grenades, and he is really close to catching up with the grenades!

As for the reason, of course it was visual inspection. The Japanese heavy machine gun position that Shang Zhen pointed to was only seventy or eighty meters away from them.

It seems that even though this old fool is hungry, he still has much more strength than the average person!

Old Mao Wang stared blankly at Shang Zhen and the soldiers who started to separate. After a moment of silence, he saw that the two soldiers Shang Zhen had brought back were a little slow to react, and he cursed angrily: "You two If you know how to fight, hurry up and follow me, otherwise I will engage in military law!"

When the two soldiers heard what Mr. Wang said, they were so frightened that they ran forward with the other soldiers. Those two soldiers were none other than Wang Xiaodan and Hu Chuang.

Although the two of them were considered veterans, they were not afraid of Shang Zhen because Shang Zhen was kind to others. But after seeing Wang Laomao's appearance, he realized that the people from the Northeast were very fierce, and Shang Zhen was the most popular among the Northeastern people. special case!

Next, the battle started with Qiao Xiong firing the grenade half a minute later. Wang Laomao and the rest of the soldiers rushed through the street like the wind.

As for the people on guard on both sides, they fired a few short bursts and then ran across the street.

Why did they shoot less? It was because they knocked down the scattered Japanese soldiers they saw. So what were they doing with their guns? Do they have to make a big noise so that the Japanese army can attack them?

At this time, it had not been more than five minutes since Shang Zhen and the others blocked the retreating Japanese army!

The Japanese army originally retreated along the east-west street, but was blocked by Shang Zhen and others. It cannot be said that the camp was full of wounded soldiers, but within the range of the grenade explosion, the Japanese army was also knocked down. .

It stands to reason that the Japanese army will then retreat and then break out from the small north gate, which is the city wall that was destroyed by them.

But now the gunshots and explosions in the direction of the small north gate were equally intense. Who knows if it was because the Japanese troops had communicated with each other or for some other reason. They found that it was equally difficult to break through on the other side, so they stopped retreating.

As for Shang Zhen, he also considered the difficulty of crossing that street, so the place he chose to cross the street was still about 200 meters away from where the Japanese troops were heading.

This is Taierzhuang, which is full of residential buildings or shops. With the ruins of houses within a distance of 200 meters, and the density of the Japanese army's defenses not being high enough, they really took advantage of such a loophole!

"Everyone be careful, we have to start fighting at any time!" Shang Zhen did not expect that they could rush through the street so smoothly.

But, where is the person who shot the box gun earlier?

Originally, Shang Zhen had planned to retreat.

But when he heard the sound of the cannon on the other side of the street, for some reason, this picture appeared in his mind:

A Chinese soldier was holding a box cannon with both hands and was shooting. Although he was exerting force with both hands, the muzzle of the box cannon was still beating at a rate visible to the naked eye, which was the number of bullets of the twenty-shot box cannon in a few seconds. The box is emptied.

God knows where all those twenty bullets went with just one burst from beginning to end.

Shang Zhen is good at using box cannons. How come he didn't realize that the box fired continuously?

And who would waste bullets like that? Who else but Wu Ziqi?

Wu Ziqi Er? Two, really two!

But if the person who hit the box gun earlier was really him, would Shang Zhen save him? They must be saved, they are also one of our own!

And all this is the reason why Shang Zhen led his people to fight back again.

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