The War of Resistance

Chapter 1166 Rendezvous

When Shang Zhen and the others walked around two collapsed houses, gunshots rang out in front.

And what is in front of it? It is a small second-story house with a single family.

Perhaps the house here does not face the street, so the small second floor has only collapsed a corner. Adjacent to the left and right of the small second floor are tall bungalows. The roofs have collapsed, but the walls are still standing.

At this time, Qiu Bo, who was rushing to the front on the right, waved his hand, and the soldiers all hid behind the second floor with guns in hand.

At the same time, Qin Chuan, who rushed to the front left, glanced to the right, waved his hand and hid behind another corner of the second floor.

How to explain this situation?

Although the gunfire was right in front, the veterans didn't want to rush out directly, that's all.

A wise man is not brave. Veterans like them, or veteran Youzi, would never rush out of the passages on both sides of the small second floor without receiving orders.

No matter what, they fired a few shots when they rushed over just now.

Stubborn people can hear the difference between the sound of a box gun and a Type 38 rifle, and the Japanese army can also hear it.

According to what Shang Zhen observed, the Japanese army should be chasing their people. But when the Japanese army heard the gunshots of the Chinese army behind them, would they set up defenses behind them?

If they were fortified, they would be in danger of hitting a gun if they rushed out of the narrow passages on both sides of the second floor!

The performance of these veterans at this time is definitely not brave, but there is no way. This is how Shang Zhen and his group of veterans survived in the hail of bullets. This is their battle logic!

At this time, Shang Zhen, who also understood the situation ahead, obviously had no intention of letting the soldiers rush forward, saving one, two or even more. Not only did he understand the soldiers very well, but he himself would never do such a thing!

However, if someone wants to be saved, but there is no delay in coming, what will Shang Zhen do? The soldiers were also waiting for Shang Zhen's order.

Shang Zhen's choice was to point to the top of the small second floor: "Qingfeng Li, follow me up. The others follow my orders!"

Following Shang Zhen's order, the soldiers noticed that the windows on the second floor were blocked with wooden boards, or nailed shut, and the door was also tightly closed with General Iron hanging on it.

Obviously, the people here had evacuated before the Taierzhuang war.

People have to make a living, not to mention that families with mistresses always have items that cannot be moved, so it is normal for the doors and windows to be nailed shut.

But precisely because this place was not damaged by the war, it was impossible for the soldiers to pass through the wall.

Then, these veterans under Shang Zhen saw the process of Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng not taking the usual route to get married.

That's it for Shang Zhen. They knew that Shang Zhen could climb high or jump high.

But Qingfeng Li's performance really blinded them.

Then Qingfeng Li "jumped" directly towards the wall of the second floor. He actually used the force of the rush to "walk" four steps on the wall of the second floor, and then stretched out his hand to hook the wall of the second floor. The flat roof is turned up!

"This little brother can do it!" Ma Erhuzi, who was with Big Boss, said in surprise, and then asked Big Boss: "Can you go up?"

Just when Big Boss honestly said "No", Gu Man, whose head was a little harder than Big Boss' head, said angrily: "Have you seen the roof on a tank?"

Can't you? Although Da Laobeng is a little shorter than Gu Man, he is stronger than Gu Man. When he stands, he looks like a black iron tower, and when he squats down, he looks like a tank. It is very difficult to put the tank on the roof!

You can also change the metaphor. Big Old Stupid is a heavy cavalry, charging into battle with arrows. Qingfeng Li is a light cavalry or ranger, but it is used for reconnaissance and speed comparison.

While talking, Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng disappeared on the roof of the second floor.

Only a moment later, Qingfeng Li poked his head out from the roof again and said, "Listen to our movements. When the grenade goes off, everyone will rush out!"

Qingfeng Li retreated and disappeared. After a while, the soldiers who were ambushing at the corners on both sides of the second building heard two almost connected grenade explosions in front of the building. At the same time, the sound of grenades exploding on the roof of the building was heard. The sound of cannons on the box also rang rapidly.

Qiu Bo and Qin Chuan each led their soldiers and rushed out from the passages on both sides of the small building.

And just as the two of them rushed to the other end of the passage, the box cannons in their hands also fired. Although the box cannons used by both of them were semi-automatic, due to the rapid shooting, the bursts of the two guns quickly converged. It has become a continuous sound!

The two men were shooting, but they dodged to the side. The reason was naturally because the passage was narrow. If they didn't get out of the way, how could they rush out and unleash their firepower?

At this time, in front of this small second floor, the gunshots were all mixed together. Of course there were the sounds of rifle shooting, but more of them were the sounds of box cannons!

Not only was there a steady flow of gunfire from Shang Zhen and the others, but the sound of short bursts of box artillery fire was also heard from the bungalow opposite. For a moment, it seemed as if the box artillery had become the master of this battlefield, and this was in line with Shang. A surprise attack that shocked their combat philosophy.

In just over two minutes, the gunfire here stopped, and more than 20 Japanese soldiers had fallen in the open space in front of the second floor.

As Shang Zhen observed earlier, there was a Japanese saber among them, but the saber was no longer sharp. Instead, it fell into a pool of blood of the Japanese invaders and was stained with blood.

And just at the exits on both sides of the small second floor, several Japanese soldiers also fell. They were killed by Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng on the roof with grenades. However, when the soldiers rushed out just now, they saw the guards. Who would care about the Japanese troops who were exporting?

"Wu Ziqi, you bastard, come out quickly!" A shout rang out from above the small second floor. It was Shang Zhen's voice.

Wu Ziqi? Second-hand goods?

When the veterans under Shang Zhen were wondering, they saw the door of a house opposite opened, and a man ran out carrying a box of cannons, and he happily agreed: "Here it is, here it is. Yeah! I've killed four Japanese!"

This person is of course Wu Ziqi.

Wu Ziqi reunited with Shang Zhen again, so he was naturally very happy, but he didn't know that his words "I've killed four Japs" almost made Shang Zhen on the roof spit out blood!

I gave you four magazines and eighty rounds of bullets, so you killed four Japs? !

Shang Zhen thought so, but someone happened to hear Wu Ziqi yelling and praised him loudly: "Four is a lot! Those who can fight against the Japanese are good brothers!"

The one who sang praises to Wu Ziqi was Hu Zhuzhu.

Who knows what's going on, maybe the bad guys in the world are attracted to each other, that's all Shang Zhen can think.

"There are still people, there are still people, come out!" Wu Ziqi then shouted happily, and at this time, two more people actually ran out from another room.

Just looking at the two Shang Zhen, the soldiers were happy, because those two people were He Xiangcai and Fan Tuantuan!

"We still need a chicken!" At this time, Mr. Wang, who was leaning on the second floor door, said angrily.

Which chicken is this chicken? Of course it's the white chicken!

But before Mr. Wang finished his words, an equally cheerful voice came from behind him: "I'm here!"

Everyone turned around and saw a face peeking out of a window on the second floor. It was none other than Bai Zhan!

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