The War of Resistance

Chapter 1851 A brief assault from the perspective of a third party

The puppet army commander knelt on the ground and looked at the guard whose head he held with both hands, ignoring the blood of the guard staining his clothes.

Who knows whether the grenade used by the Japanese devils has 8864 petals or 7749 petals?

Anyway, when the puppet army commander turned over the soldier who risked his life to save him, the soldier's body was already riddled with holes by the fragments of the grenade explosion!

The soldier just looked at him and died.

The puppet army commander was full of anger and pointed the box gun forward, but he didn't know who to hit.

Hit the Northeast Army who threw the grenade? So far, he hasn't seen a single person from the Northeast Army.

And it seems that the Northeast Army can't be blamed for this. The Northeast Army can't do anything if the grenade is thrown down!

Hit the Japanese soldiers who were blown up by the grenades?

He is not afraid of falling out with the Japanese army, but even if he does, Xiaodaner has to bring his people back, right?

As the puppet army commander was hesitating, he heard the sound of rapid box gun firing.

With the rapid gunshots, he saw the Japanese soldiers who were climbing up after the grenade exploded and fell down one after another.

It is said that you cannot be stunned on the battlefield, but the puppet army commander was stunned at that time.

Of course, he could hear that the box gun was firing in bursts, but the bursts were fired too quickly, just like continuous firing.

It would be fine if the gun fired quickly, but every time there was a "pop" sound of bursts, a Japanese soldier would be shot.

The shooting was fast and accurate!

What did he see in front of him?

This reminded him of the time when he asked the soldiers with better shooting skills in the regiment to practice shooting.

At that time, he asked more than a dozen soldiers to lie on the ground and aim their guns at a row of jars a hundred meters away.

With his order, his soldiers fired one after another, like a string of cannons, the first person fired the first shot, the second person fired another shot, and so on, and with the rapid gunshots, the jars were broken one by one.

But the problem was that they were just practicing at that time!

And the box gun this time was not a practice, they were really fighting the Japanese in battle!

The puppet army commander subconsciously looked to his right front based on his intuition.

If the box gun had not been firing continuously, he felt that he might not be able to see the gunman.

The reason was that the gunman was hiding too well!

He first saw the smoke rising from the muzzle of the gun, then saw the box gun, and finally saw the gunman who put the box gun with a wooden box against his shoulder through the box gun.

When he saw the gunman, he was surprised to find that the man had grass and dirt on his face, and he was wearing camouflage rags with grass stuck on the rags. He was hiding in a dense bush like that.

If the man had not stood up to shoot, he felt that if he walked straight up, he might not be able to find him even if he walked in front of him!

However, it was the shout of a Japanese soldier that instantly woke the puppet army commander from his shock.

When he looked at the Japanese soldiers again, he saw that one of them had turned around and pointed his rifle in the direction of the man.

But then the Japanese soldier was hit by a bullet. The puppet army commander clearly saw a blood flower blooming between the Japanese soldier's eyebrows, and then the Japanese soldier fell down!

"Good shooting!" The puppet army commander couldn't help but praise.

The Japanese soldier fell down, but the shout before his death made more Japanese soldiers start to turn their guns.

The puppet army commander guessed that the man who was shooting less than 50 meters away from him should be the sharpshooter of the Northeast Army?

But as the saying goes, "Two fists can't beat four hands, and a vicious tiger is afraid of a pack of wolves."

The puppet army commander certainly understood that if the box gun was used to fire continuously for more than one second, the box gun's twenty bullets would be empty.

And now the Japanese soldiers in front of him have been knocked down by that person, and it seems that the twenty bullets should be used up.

In this way, that person is in danger!

There are many choices in a person's life.

Some choices are carefully considered, while others are inadvertent, or decided on a whim.

The same is true for the current puppet army leader.

He didn't know when he let go of the soldier who died because of him. Now seeing that the sharpshooter was about to suffer, the box gun in his hand also "bang bang bang" shot out a short point, and a Japanese soldier was shot and fell down.

The Japanese soldiers in front of him noticed it as soon as he fired, but before those Japanese soldiers turned around, gunshots rang out again.

The puppet army leader saw more than a dozen Northeast Army soldiers showing their heads, all with box guns, starting to shoot at the Japanese.

But this time, because there were too many Japanese soldiers coming up, including those who pretended to be him, some Japanese soldiers rushed up the hill with guns, and a melee broke out for a while!

If that were the case, it would be fine, but he happened to hear someone shouting: "Don't hit the one with his butt sticking up, that's our regiment commander!"

At this point, the regiment commander still couldn't tell who the person shouting was? It was a confidant of his younger brother Xiaodaner, and of course his subordinate.

I think it was him who showed up at the beginning--

When he thought of this, he suddenly understood when he saw that no Japanese army was paying attention to the puppet regiment commander.

The Northeastern people on the mountain actually teamed up with his subordinates to set up a trap!

My men appeared and fired, leading the Japanese army to another direction, thus giving them a grenade.

When the Japanese army focused their attention there, the gunman who was ambushing in front of him on the right suddenly appeared. He successfully avoided the attack of the Japanese army, but used his shooting skills to directly kill more than a dozen Japanese soldiers!

What a good plan!

The puppet army commander couldn't help but sigh, but then he found that the cleverness of this game set by others was still there!

Why didn't they shoot at the beginning?

It's not because their shooting skills are not good, but because the Japanese have not been mixed with them. If they show up and shoot, they will be shot by the Japanese army behind them.

And now, now the enemy and us have been mixed together, and the Japanese soldiers behind him will never shoot again even if their shooting skills are accurate, otherwise they will definitely hurt their Japanese soldiers by mistake.

After thinking about all this, the puppet army commander realized that he was kneeling on the ground now, no, he was squatting on the ground.

The reason was that he had knelt down to see the soldier who died to save him, and he was still in this kneeling position when he shot at the Japanese.

When shooting, in order to prevent himself from being hit, he subconsciously lowered his head, so wasn't he sticking his head out?

This was a sudden close combat, and it only took a few minutes.

The puppet army commander didn't need to look behind him, because the Japanese army's covering fire was behind him, and he was the last person in the upward attack queue.

Of course, he was in the middle at the beginning.

But the people in front were knocked down by the Northeast Army, fortunately they were all Japanese pretending.

As soon as his subordinate appeared on the top of the mountain, the Japanese army, who had figured out the plan, launched a desperate charge, and the people behind him also ran up and no one cared about him, which was also the usual style of the Japanese army's charge.

The puppet army commander realized that he was on the battlefield and looked ahead again. The Japanese army had been beaten up, and as for the hills that he couldn't see, there were still gunshots and shouts.

That was because the Japanese army rushed so fiercely, and some people rushed up and probably engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Northeast Army.

Oh no, I can't stay here.

Once the Japanese army behind them determined that their attackers were killed, they would definitely shoot here.

At this time, a shout of "Captain, Captain, come up quickly" sounded on the hill. The puppet army commander could no longer care about anything else, so he stood up, bent over, and ran up the mountain with his gun.

While he ran up the mountain, he didn't forget to glance at the Northeast Army soldier who had just shot in the right front.

Unexpectedly, the Northeast Army soldier had disappeared.

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