The War of Resistance

Chapter 931 Chapter 924 The Simplest Ambush (2)

Words cannot describe it. The moment Shang Zhen slowly raised the grenade, the soldiers who were lying in a row with him and staring at him seemed to shudder collectively, and then the grenades in their hands were also smashed. He fell down, but the arm holding the grenade raised and threw it to the other side of the ridge!

But on the contrary, Shang Zhen, who was the first to drop the grenade, was the last to throw it out. The reason was just because he paused the grenade in the air for a few moments.

However, no one paid attention to Shang Zhen's actions at this time. The soldiers on their side were already touching for the second grenade or grenade.

At the same time, the Japanese troops passing by on the road had already screamed.

What made them scream was not just the explosives thrown out by Shang Zhen and the others, but more grenades or grenades flew out from the other side.

Shang Zhen had already agreed beforehand that he would not shout "fight", but would only wait for any movement. When their hand went out, the observation post on the other side saw it and gave the order.

Although the explosives were not thrown out at the same time, how many seconds could they be apart?

Compared with the Japanese army, Shang Zhen's group was really small, with only more than eighty people in total.

But has anyone ever thought about what it would be like when more than 80 black explosives fell from the sky? It was a large area of ​​black flying past a group of more than 80 sparrows. !

The exclamations of the Japanese army were immediately covered up by the explosion, and looking from the distance, strips of gunpowder smoke exploded between the mountains on both sides.

But it wasn't over yet. Immediately afterwards, the second round of explosives got into the rising smoke like a swarm of sparrows.

But at the moment when Shang Zhen's grenade was released, he shouted loudly this time. What he shouted was very simple, just three words: "Run!"

This may be the shortest ambush battle in the Sino-Japanese War. Only two rounds of grenades were thrown. The commander of this ambush battle was a guy who was called "Northeast Guy" by the northwest people. Hu retreated.

Only the Japanese soldiers who were killed by this sudden rain of bullets and grenades were killed, but the surviving Japanese soldiers were also affected.

When the first grenade exploded, the Japanese officers and soldiers also fell down. Those who were killed were considered unlucky. Those who were not killed were not thinking about shooting back, but instinctively lowering their heads.

But this all refers to the Japanese troops within the killing range of the grenade.

Shang Zhen and the others only bombed the Japanese troops in the middle section. Although the Japanese troops in front and behind were frightened, no grenades flew to their heads.

So when they lay down, their first reaction was to pull the gun bolt and start shooting at the high ground on both sides. In the process, they happened to see the second wave of explosives coming.

Why were they shooting? They instinctively bent down and lowered their heads. In the explosion, although a few grenades flew further and exploded to places where they had never landed before, more of them still landed. Back to the old place.

A Japanese officer had already drawn a knife in his hand and shouted to fight back, and the Japanese gunshots rang out.

Smoke was still spreading into the sky, and the explosion of grenades had stopped. But at this time, the surviving Japanese soldiers were surprised to find that the opponent's attack had stopped inexplicably!

This ambush came so suddenly, but stopped so abruptly. It happened when it shouldn't have happened, and it stopped when it shouldn't have stopped. What the hell was going on?

The Japanese officer shouted again, and those Japanese soldiers who were still capable of fighting rushed up the slopes on both sides under the cover of machine guns.

Since they were ambushed by the Chinese army using the terrain, they naturally had to seize the commanding heights first. Those Japanese soldiers were killed directly, but there were more injured than killed. If it cannot be used Defeat the Chinese army as quickly as possible, but what about the wounded?

It was just that when the Japanese soldiers rushed towards the hillsides on both sides, they only took a few steps. Nine of the ten people who rushed up slipped and fell on the hillside.

Did the Japanese army really not expect that the hillsides on both sides would be so slippery? Although the land in other places is also wet, it is not as wet as this hillside. There are still water stains on the hillside, but it seems as if it has just rained! No matter they stepped on the soil or the dry grass, it was still slippery!

The Japanese army was shocked. If more grenades flew down at this time, wouldn't they be waiting to be bombed?

After all, the Japanese troops were well-trained. The Japanese troops rushing uphill climbed up when they slipped. Naturally, there was fire cover below, and the light machine guns and 38-type rifles were already firing non-stop.

Even, in order to prevent grenades from flying out from behind the ridge of the high ground, Japanese soldiers controlled grenades and fired grenades behind the ridge.

Finally, under the cover of full firepower, the Japanese soldiers rushed to the high ground on both sides.

In fact, it's not that strenuous to get to that high ground. As long as you don't rush too hard and keep your feet steady, you can still climb up without falling.

The land is slippery with dry grass. If the force exerted by the human body is smaller and the center of gravity is stabilized, it will naturally rise.

But when the Japanese army thought that grenades would fly down from behind the highland ridge at any time, how could they dare to be slow?

The Japanese army finally reached the highlands on both sides. They were ready to shoot, and some soldiers even loaded their bayonets and prepared for hand-to-hand combat. However, they found that there was no one behind the highlands on both sides, but at the lower end of the highlands. There are some wooden barrels.

The sky will neither drop pies nor grenades on its own, so the Japanese army looked far away.

The Japanese soldiers on one side saw the woods a hundred meters away. The woods did not look dense, which meant that people looked close at the woods, but all they could see in the distance were the dense tree trunks and branches.

That could only be the only hiding place for the Chinese troops on this side, so the Japanese gunshots rang out, and some branches must have been knocked off, but if they were to hit people, they had to be seen first.

Gunfire from the Japanese army on the other side also rang out. Although the area of ​​high ground and open ground on that side was larger, the opponent dropped so many grenades that they were really blinded, and their reaction was still slow.

It took them one minute to shoot at the high ground on both sides, and another minute to rush to the high ground. In two minutes, even the Chinese soldiers wearing those bloated cotton clothes and trousers were far away!

The Japanese squadron leader was lucky enough to survive. He also climbed up to the high ground. But what was the difference between what he saw when he looked up and the soldiers?

He didn't know that at this time, there were Chinese soldiers hiding in the woods in the distance talking quietly.

"Man from the Northeast, have you seen that reflective place? That's a Japanese officer, that's an Japanese sword!" said a soldier lying on the ground holding a telescope.

"Really? When I go to your place, I can't see any reflection from my side!" a voice replied.

The sound of someone crawling on the ground was heard, and just a moment later, a gunshot was suddenly heard in the woods. Looking at the Japanese squadron leader who was squatting on the high ground, he threw his knife and fell down.

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