The War of Resistance

Chapter 932 The confirmed commander

"Okay, Northeast guy, this gun is amazing!" Lu Yichun, holding a telescope in his hand, praised sincerely.

"That's the marksmanship of our Northeastern guys, tsk-" Ma Erpao followed suit and praised.

He was the first soldier in this company to experience Shang Zhen's marksmanship. He could kill an enemy with one shot from 200 meters away. This was not something ordinary soldiers could do.

However, Ma Erpao only let out a "tsk" sound and hurriedly retreated. The reason was that Shang Zhen was crawling backwards.

The gunshots from the Japanese army on the opposite side also rang out, and a light machine gun called a crooked handle also fired a long shot. Not far away, Shang Zhen and the others heard the "chirp" sound of the bullet entering the ground and the sound of hitting. A "pop" sound enters the wood.

The top commander of this Japanese army was killed by Shang Zhen, so how could the Japanese army be finished?

However, Shang Zhen and the others were lying down in the woods now, and the Japanese army only knew that the shooting came from this direction. The Japanese army did not know exactly where Shang Zhen, the sharpshooter, was lying down.

"Man from the Northeast, if you can silence the Japs' machine guns again, I will recognize you as my commander from now on!" Just as Shang Zhen and the others were crawling back, someone spoke again, and it was Lao Qiuzi.

On that side of the road, Shang Zhen led a small number of people, only more than 20 people. The reason was that this open area covered a large area. Considering that he had to retreat in time, Shang Zhen naturally had to choose soldiers with fast legs and feet. Why didn't Zhen Xin let these veterans see what a true veteran was?

"It seems like this guy from Northeastern China is willing to be your commander." Ma Erpao finished his attack in time. He looked down on the old guy a little. Shang Zhen was obviously very capable. Why not just admit it? Is it necessary for him to pretend to be a calf? ?

But Ma Erpao didn't know that what he said was Shang Zhen's true thoughts.

But at this time, Shang Zhen understood better that he, the elected leader, really couldn't let go in a short time.

So he stopped and looked for the shooting position of the Japanese light machine gun in the gap between the trees. After only a moment, he put the rifle up again.

A standing target is easier to hit than a crouching target, and a crouching target is easier to hit than a prone one. However, as a veteran, Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese machine gunners were actually easier to hit than the riflemen.

The reason is that the bracket of the Japanese light machine gun is a bit high compared to the bracket of the light machine gun used by the Chinese army. Especially when the Japanese light machine gun shoots downward, due to the flaws in the gun's design, the machine gunner has to turn his body upward to aim. Pull it up higher, otherwise there will be no so-called "three points and one line".

After a while, the rifle in Shang Zhen's hand rang again, and with his shot, the Japanese light machine gun that was shouting happily stopped abruptly!

"Fuck you!" The veterans lying near Shang Zhen's marksmanship all lost their voices.

If he kills the enemy chief with one shot from 200 meters away, it is false, but if the second shot hits the target again, it is not false. It only proves that Shang Zhen's marksmanship is really good!

People often do something deliberately and do not perform well because they place high demands on themselves. It is better to do it smoothly when there is no pressure.

"Let's go, retreat!" Shang Zhen put away his gun and started crawling back.

"Sir, let's fire two more shots." It was a recruit who said this.

Because of the large open area at this end, Shang Zhen asked the recruits who could run faster. This recruit volunteered to come.

"Stop it when you see it. The kid's shooting skills are no worse than mine." Shang Zhen said.

He didn't want to shoot at the Japanese troops here. Although it rained two days ago, it was still early to get close to the lush vegetation!

It's not like we have to meet the little devil here, so we should retreat first.

Since Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers followed suit and retreated. This time no one said anything. At least they were convinced by Shang Zhen.

An hour later, Shang Zhen and his small group met up with most of the other group at the agreed place.


"You guys from the Northeast fought well!" When he saw Shang Zhen, Ma Chuncai praised Shang Zhen loudly.

But the moment Ma Chuncai said these words, several veterans on Shang Zhen's side said almost at the same time: "Call sir!"

Ma Chuncai was stunned, but at this time, the old man standing behind Shang Zhen had already said: "I tell you, no one can call Ma Chuncai a Northeastern guy. From now on, everyone will have to control him, that's right." , what’s your name?”

Lao Qiuzi originally meant it very formally, but he really didn't remember Shang Zhen's name. In fact, it turned out that he called Shang Zhen the same as Ma Chuncai. They were both called "Northeast" by Shang Zhen. "Guy".

"The officer's name is 'Shang Zhen'." At this time, Lu Yifei, who was standing by, had already guessed what the old man was going to say.

"Oh." Old Qiuzi glanced at Lu Yifei gratefully, then glanced at everyone and said loudly: "From now on, Shang Zhen will be our commander. If anyone dares to use his nickname again, I will tear him off." Mouth!"

"Yes! From now on, Shang Zhen will be our commander. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to the commander again, I, Ma Erpao, will be the first to refuse!" Upon hearing what Lao Qiuzi said, Ma Erpao also expressed his stance.

At this time, the veterans who were originally with Shang Zhen also agreed.

Facts speak louder than words, and now they are convinced of Shang Zhen!

During this battle, they followed Shang Zhen's order and after throwing two grenades or grenades, they all withdrew, or to be precise, they ran back desperately.

None of them went to see how many Japanese soldiers the grenade had killed.

However, according to common sense, even though they only threw two explosives each, they could not hold back more than 80 people. These 80 people also threw out more than 160 explosives.

And how far were they from the Japanese army at that time? That's about sixty or seventy meters.

Although it is impossible for most of them to throw explosives that far, the high ground has slopes. Grenades can be thrown farther than grenades, and grenades are round, so as long as they don't explode, they will follow the slope. Scroll down.

Let alone one explosive that killed one Japanese soldier, even if two explosives killed one Japanese soldier, they could kill and injure more than 80 Japanese soldiers.

And there were only a few of them, that is, more than 80 people. They directly killed more than 80 Japanese devils in one battle, but they did not suffer any casualties. What kind of battle is this? This is called a battle of gods!

The veterans knew that if Blind Hao was still alive, even Blind Hao would never be able to fight such a magical battle!

The veterans expressed their stance, and the recruits naturally had nothing to say. They originally admired and liked Shang Zhen even more than the veterans.

Only Ma Chuncai and Cai Chengwan had uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

Ma Chuncai dared to disrespect Shang Zhen because Shang Zhen had to be on the same level as him, but Ma Chuncai would never dare to stand on the opposite side of all the veterans.

As for why Cai Chengwan felt uncomfortable, only he and Shang Zhen knew it.

Originally, when Caicheng Wan saw that Shang Zhen was a veteran, he wanted to compare with Shang Zhen or plot against Shang Zhen. But who would have thought that Shang Zhen was not an ordinary veteran. In just a few days, he turned into Chief of them all!

This Northeastern guy who pretends to be deaf and acts stupid has become a commander. He won't expose his affairs, right?

Even if this Northeastern guy doesn't bother to expose his affairs, he won't put on his own shoes and let himself be cannon fodder, right?

In fact, I can't blame him for thinking this way.

As the saying goes, villains see everyone as villains, gentlemen see everyone as gentlemen, flower pickers see other men as lechers, and drunkards see hard food, and naturally wonder why people who don’t like drinking Just grab a few cups!

The expressions of Ma Chuncai and Cai Chengwan naturally caught Shang Zhen's eyes.

Although he would not have trouble with these two people, he would never let these two people get along with him, so he did not ask for these two when selecting people.

One is indeed a bit stupid, and the other is too calculating, neither of which he can trust!

Shang Zhen's half-smiling eyes swept across the faces of the two people and then looked away. But then he suddenly remembered something and suddenly said: "Where are the barrels you guys used? Why are there only these few left?" ?”

In order to prevent the Japanese army from rushing to the high ground too fast, Shang Zhen asked the soldiers to get some wooden barrels and basins from ordinary people's homes. They used these things to fill the water and poured it down from the high ground, so the hillside became even wetter. Slippery.

Before the war, Shang Zhen ordered the soldiers to bring the barrels back after they retreated.

But he saw that there were obviously not enough barrels and basins around the group of soldiers!

"Sir, I was too hasty during the retreat, and as a result I didn't bring back some of them." A veteran reported hurriedly.

Now that everyone has obeyed Shang Zhen and regarded Shang Zhen as a senior officer, they must respect their superiors, especially in today's old-style army. Which official would be consistent with the soldiers? It’s normal to scold soldiers and beat them to get some free pay!

Upon hearing what the veteran said, Shang Zhen couldn't help but frown, and then he said: "No! Everyone gather!"

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