The War of Resistance

Chapter 935 The role of role models (2)

"You can't go there, you're running into the Japanese!" a soldier said in an urgent but low voice behind Shang Zhen.

It’s completely conceivable what the situation would be like at this time.

They were chased out by the Japanese army. Although it cannot be said that the Japanese army was chasing them from behind, it can be imagined that the Japanese army was not far away from them now.

They were worried that the Japanese would hear them if they shouted loudly.

And Shang Zhen rushed forward again, and the soldiers realized the danger of Shang Zhen.

Then they have to say it out loud with expressions, tones, and tones. This is really so urgent, so urgent, so frustrating, so frustrating.

The soldiers in the back were saying that Shang Zhen was just as good as the others in the front.

Shang Zhen didn't know what the terrain was like in this village. If he didn't hit the muzzle of the Japanese gun as soon as he showed up, wouldn't that be a rescue?

Under the guidance of the people behind him, Shang Zhen avoided the position where the soldiers had just left the village. He walked around two houses and then poked his head into the corner of the third house before retracting.

Although it was only a glance, he also saw the Japanese army.

The Japanese army did not rush forward blindly. There were several Japanese soldiers in the diagonally opposite alley who were bending down and carrying guns towards the outside of the village.

When Shang Zhen turned around, he saw more than ten soldiers squatting behind him at the base of his feet.

Only then did he realize that the soldiers who had escaped had followed them back.

At this time, Shang Zhen had no time to distinguish who was the new recruit and who was the veteran? He already had a warm feeling in his heart, these are all brothers!

How can men express love as delicately as women can? Shang Zhen immediately stretched out his hand and made a grenade-throwing motion.

But after he did this action, his heart was no longer warm, but his heart was cold.

Just because the soldiers behind him shook their heads or waved their hands, none of them said they had grenades!

Think about it, they ambushed the Japanese army first, so they still managed to get two grenades or grenades per person!

They must have killed a lot of Japanese troops at that time, but at the same time, there were also many Japanese troops coming! The grenades they threw only caused partial damage to the Japanese army. Shang Zhen didn't want his own people to be injured or injured, so he naturally wouldn't kill any remaining enemies.

In terms of the fighting power of the Japanese army, they were said to be a remnant enemy, but Shang Zhen can guarantee that if they had dared to show up behind that high ground and shoot, they would have won miserably even if they had won! In that ambush battle, he just took a risk and took a chance!

If we fail to support war with war, then we are now in a dilemma.

Now that they have entered the village, they don't even have a grenade. How can they fight this battle?

But wouldn’t this battle be fought without grenades? No way! Those three people didn't see anyone now!

In his hurry, Shang Zhen saw a soldier holding a box cannon in his hand, so he stretched out his hand and pointed.

Hao Xiazizi's company also had box cannons, but only three or four. After the company platoon leaders were killed, the box cannons were used by the veterans.

Shang Zhen considered that he was a foreigner after all, and he didn't have the nerve to ask for it from the veterans. Otherwise, people would say that he was showing off his authority when he first became an officer.

But now it doesn't work. It's a street fight without even grenades. What you can do with just a rifle in your hand is really limited.

When the veteran saw Shang Zhen making gestures towards him, he felt like he was on a mirror.

He was so happy that he directly threw the box cannon towards Shang Zhen, and then went to untie a small bag on his waist. No need to ask, that small bag must contain the box cannon bullets.

But at this time, Shang Zhen could no longer wait for the bullets. He knew that the Japanese soldiers had already arrived.

So Shang Zhen took a look at the box cannon he took over. Seeing that the bolt head of the box cannon had been opened and the safety was turned off, he put the rifle in his hand on the ground, ducked and poked himself out from behind the corner. go out!

Shang Zhen has decided to fight faster, although he knows that the box gun in his hand is only a semi-automatic weapon that cannot fire continuous rounds.

But just as he poked his head out and saw the Japanese soldiers leaving the alley, he suddenly heard a shout from the Japanese soldiers not far away. Those Japanese soldiers were about to leave the village. After hearing the sound, the gun was still pointed at Shang Zhen and the others, but his head was turned away!

Who knew what the Japanese soldier yelling not far away was about? Shang Zhen only knew that the opportunity was too late to come back, so he immediately pulled the trigger!

Amidst the gunfire "pop" and "pop", two Japanese soldiers were shot and fell to the ground. The shouts not far away had already become louder. It was no longer one or two Japanese soldiers shouting.

But no matter how loud the Japanese army screamed, it couldn't be as loud as Shang Zhen's gunfire!

The other two Japanese soldiers turned their heads when they heard the sound. When one Japanese soldier saw Shang Zhen, he was shot again. In the end, the Japanese soldier also fired, but Shang Zhen's gun was a little faster than him after all, and the Japanese soldier fired the bullet. When he reached the wall next to Shang Zhen, there was a "dang" sound, and he was shot and fell down.

Shang Zhen rushed out with the box cannon in both hands, and behind him, the dozen or so soldiers rushed out, but what they saw was still Shang Zhen's back and the alley entrance in front. Four Japanese soldiers fell to the ground.

Shang Zhen rushed forward again, without hesitation, because this time he heard a "ha" sound in the Japanese army's shouts. Shang Zhen had heard the "ha" sound before, and it was The sound that Big Boss makes when he is practicing.

Of course Shang Zhen had seen Big Lao Ben practice.

At that time, he was showing off to the big boss, saying that I had practiced martial arts, so he squatted on a horse to show the big boss.

The old idiot smiled naively, and then he also squatted on the horse stance. However, after squatting for a while, he hit a cannon punch and interrupted the three of Qingfeng Li who were leaning together in front of him. A vertical brick!

It was at that time that Shang Zhen realized how different he was from the real Lian Jiazi.

If you touch the sentry yourself, you have to use a bayonet to stab the Japanese sentry to death, but the old idiot only needs a fist or a pair of hands.

With just one fist, someone can beat a living person until he can't breathe, or he can cause internal injuries and draw a mouthful of blood!

With one pair of hands, just hold the enemy's head and twist it. With a "Crack" sound, the enemy's neck will be broken!

And this also explains how when Shang Zhen first met Big Lao Ben and Li Qingfeng, those two people killed the Japanese army in the dark.

Shang Zhen had only seen such warriors in his life, and he had to save them even if he risked his own life!

Shang Zhen rushed forward, and the soldiers behind him rushed up after seeing Shang Zhen's decisive back. When passing by the four Japanese soldiers who fell on the ground, they were surprised to find that four Japanese soldiers had been shot. The parts are actually the head! They were all killed with one shot!

The recruits were excited. They suddenly felt that if they followed such a commander and rushed forward to fight the Japanese, it would be worth their while to die. In other words, they did not think about death at all. They just imagined that the commander would kill the enemy with all their heart.

When those veterans saw that Shang Zhen was so accurate with his box cannon, their admiration was beyond words.

However, veterans are veterans after all. When they passed by the four Japanese soldiers, a veteran said hello, but they collected all the guns and ammunition from the four Japanese soldiers, including grenades of course.

Entering the village is a street fight, so having grenades is very important!

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