The War of Resistance

Chapter 936 Alley Battle

When Shang Zhen turned around a narrow alley, he saw that the alley was in chaos.

Although several Japanese soldiers fell to the ground, there were still Japanese soldiers surrounding the old man standing in the middle.

There was a gray figure in the gap between the Japanese troops. It was Li Qingfeng.

As for where Wang Xiaodan was, a Japanese soldier jumped up from the ground with a loud "Ouch" sound. Only then did Shang Zhen notice Wang Xiaodan squatting on the ground. It looked like what Wang Xiaodan was using. Hitting the vital part of the Japanese soldier.

Qingfeng Li, Big Boss, and the others are already engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army!

Shang Zhen had no time to think about how this situation could arise, but he understood that this situation was most beneficial to Qingfeng Li and the three of them.

There were many Japanese soldiers, and there were still Japanese soldiers running in from the other side of the alley. If Qingfeng Li and the others had not gotten involved with the Japanese soldiers and started a gun battle between the enemy and us, the three of Qingfeng Li, not to mention the three of them, even eight would not have been enough. dead!

When encountering this situation at this time, ordinary soldiers are helpless.

The alleys are narrow and congested. Even if the Japanese Army's Type 38 rifle had a bayonet attached, it could only move forward in this alley but not move horizontally. It was probably because of this that the enemy and us were mixed together.

So in order to reinforce their own gangs, the enemy and we will naturally adopt the tactic of adding fuel to the pile. One person and two people pile up. If there are more people, we will not be able to shoot and we are afraid of hurting our companions.

But if this continues, the Japanese army will be able to fight Shang Zhen but not!

In just a moment, Shang Zhen thought through the consequences of the continuation of this fighting situation.

He groaned and jumped from the ground. His left foot directly stepped on the wall on the left. The person borrowing the force jumped up. Then in mid-air, as soon as his right foot landed, he stepped on the wall again. On the wall on the right side of the alley.

The alley was only a little over one meter narrow, and the rifles couldn't be used horizontally, so Li Qingfeng and the others got together with the Japanese soldiers, so Shang Zhen could still support himself with his legs apart.

The situation was urgent. Before Shang Zhen could stabilize his body, he fired the first shot with a "pop" sound.

Regardless of whether it is a lying position or a kneeling and standing position, when shooting, you always need something to lean on, and you always need to take root.

Even though Shang Zhen knew how to shoot with a spear, the first shot hit the wall of the alley and sparked a string of sparks.

Just outside the battle group where Qingfeng Li and the Japanese soldiers were entangled, some Japanese soldiers were surprised to see an additional person suddenly appear above the alley, leaning against the walls on both sides with their legs crossed.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen's second, third, and fourth shots started ringing "pop", "pop", and "pop".

But this time, Shang Zhen had stabilized his figure, so his shot was perfect!

But when Shang Zhen fired the fifth shot, the sound of emptying the gun came from the box gun, and the gun barrel was already empty!

When Shang Zhen just took over the box gun from the veteran, he knew that the box gun was loaded with ten rounds. But now that he had fired less than ten shots, the bullets were empty. Thinking that the few bullets were already It was used by the veteran.

At this time, Shang Zhen knew something was wrong. He yelled "Yeah", his legs that were on the alley wall loosened and he lay back. At the same time, he shouted: " Throw the grenade!”

His shout was accompanied by the sharp sound of shooting from a Type 38 rifle. A bullet flew like lightning from above Shang Zhen. It was the Japanese army who also fired!

Shang Zhen jumped up and held the two walls of the alley with his feet, which were only about one meter high. He was already prepared to be thrown.

It's just that when he landed, it couldn't be said that he didn't touch but didn't hit the ground directly. It turned out that there were two soldiers following behind him. Seeing Shang Zhen fall, the two men dropped their rifles and held him up. The shock knocked the two soldiers to the ground.

At this time, a veteran behind him heard Shang Zhen's shout. Which shout? Throw a grenade!

There were no grenades, but the veterans who came after them were holding grenades that had just been seized from the Japanese army.

The veterans also saw the current situation clearly. In front of them was Shang Zhen and the two soldiers who were knocked down by Shang Zhen. In front of Shang Zhen and the others were Li Qingfeng, Big Old Fool, Wang Xiaodan, etc. who were fighting hand-to-hand with the Japanese army. The three people beyond were the Japanese soldiers who also poured into the alley.

After pulling out the pin and smashing the cap, the first grenade was thrown out by a veteran.

Although the scene was chaotic and the alleys were narrow, the Japanese army was also paying attention to the situation ahead.

When the black grenade grew from small to large and appeared above their heads, the Japanese soldiers yelled. The Chinese soldiers couldn't understand it anyway, but the Japanese soldiers were all lying on the ground. Half an alley!

However, there are also brave people among the Japanese army. The alley is so narrow at present, can people still avoid the fragments caused by the grenade explosion? So one Japanese soldier stood up instead of lying down. He stretched out his hand to catch the dropped grenade.

To say that his reaction was not slow, but when a Japanese soldier next to him threw himself on the ground, his reaction was slow. When the guy threw himself down, he bumped into him.

Therefore, when the Japanese soldier who wanted to take over the grenade with his bare hands was hit by his companion, he could only watch helplessly as the grenade slipped from his fingertips within a short distance and fell on the stone slab in the alley with the sound of " "Dang" sound.

And then he saw that the grenade happened to land under the companion who had just hit him but was now lying on the ground.

I almost caught him.

The Japanese soldier thought with regret, and then there was a "boom", and the fragments of the grenade explosion penetrated the body of the Japanese soldier who insisted on burning out the grenade under his body, and then the fragments Then it was embedded into the forehead of the Japanese soldier who was still standing there.

The explosion of the grenade and the sound of the fragments produced by the explosion were brief and intense in the alleys. The buildings were tall and the alleys were narrow, so the sound of explosions and fragments reverberated in the alleys.

For a moment, it seemed as if the protagonist in the alley had become the grenade that had broken into countless fragments but penetrated the human body!

However, this grenade was neither the beginning nor the end of this tragic alley battle.

The grenades used by the Chinese soldiers came from the Japanese army. The Japanese army was only the four who were defeated by Shang Zhen before. The grenades were limited. Didn't the Japanese army have grenades?

Some Japanese soldiers are also touching grenades. They can't blow up the enemy and we are fighting hand-to-hand. Can't they just follow the example of the gourd and throw the grenade across the point of contact and explode it at the Chinese soldier's end?

But at this time, another grenade flew from the Chinese army, finally ending the Japanese army's illusions.

The grenade was thrown high.

If the previous grenade was thrown in a gentle curve, then the trajectory of this grenade is a large parabola with crests.

Therefore, the grenade exploded before it hit the ground!

When lying down at a certain distance from the explosive, the explosive has a blind spot.

But when an explosive explodes in the air, the fragments produced by the explosion should not be called 360 degrees with no dead ends, but are instead an expanding "spherical sphere"!

Of course you will be hit by fragments if you stand in an alley, but can you avoid it by lying on the ground?

The grenade exploded on the Japanese side. Most of those hit were Japanese soldiers, but there were also Chinese soldiers who were hit by fragments and fell down.

Is this the end of this deadly grenade? Still nothing! However, another grenade was thrown high, and compared with the previous grenade, this grenade only flew slightly further.

As a result, there was another scream from the Japanese army.

"Qingfeng Li, you idiot, if you are alive, run back!" Someone shouted, and it was Shang Zhen's voice.

This time Shang Zhen's voice was hoarse and crazy. He was the one who threw the last two air-explosion grenades, and his eyes were already red at this time.

A soldier doesn't cry, so his eyes are not red from crying, but blood!

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