The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 525: Big Brother is Forbidden

Two hours later, at the junction of Luohui City and neighboring cities, in a corner of deep mountains and wild forests.

"This is it." Lamia said. Under the influence of the "Wordless Code", the wound on her throat had completely healed.

Aiden looked up following the other person's line of sight and saw an extremely simple tree house.

"Your stronghold is really ugly, like a large bird's nest." Kiki Mora commented.

"I'm at the top of the food chain without magic in the wild. If it weren't for rain protection, I wouldn't even build a house like this." Lamia replied, "It would be nice to have a roof, so stop complaining."

"Make a campfire, get some water, and it's best to find some food." Aiden said, turning his head and looking at the thin figure who kept a distance from them, "Don't stay there all the time, you should come over quickly."

Tony Dodge came over hesitantly.

With the help of Kiki Mora's "invisibility", they successfully escaped from the Luohui City base that was in chaos.

In order to put enough distance between themselves and Mr. Xueyi, they rushed all the way non-stop. They did not dare to go back to the city, so they fled in a direction away from the city. Finally, they came to Lamia and set up on the road they came to this city on. One of the temporary strongholds.

Running non-stop with both feet like this, their physical strength should have been quickly exhausted, but until they reached the end, no one fell behind due to lack of physical strength. It was obviously also because of the influence of the rule in the "Wordless Code".

"The maggot seems to have given up tracking. Judging from the direction and distance, he has not left the base." The illusion of the goddess of revenge held her hands beside Aiden.

Aiden felt a little relieved. At this distance, Mr. Xueyi should no longer be able to sense him.

"Seriously, what should we do with that corpse?" Lamia turned her attention to the amalgam golem carrying the corpse.

Aiden thought for a while, then turned to look at Tony: "Do you want to bury your father in this forest?"

"This..." Tony was obviously a little reluctant to just dig a hole and bury his father.

"In this case, there is no way to transport the body over a long distance. It is best to bury it on the spot. But I advise you not to expect to find a proper cemetery for your father. Your father is already wanted by the empire. He's guilty. I'm afraid the Gistas will also secretly want him after today, not to mention there are so many people and organizations pursuing power. The fake tomb your father got for you in the empire was dug up. This is not the same. You're alarmist," Aiden suggested.

Although the person digging that grave was Heinz Hoffmann, the head of the secret police who took over Eden's commission.

Tony thought for a long time and whispered: "Okay."

"I know there is a nice looking place nearby. I can help dig a grave." Lamia took the initiative to come over and ask for help. "But let me confirm first. Did your father indeed transfer all his divinity to you? "

Tony was frightened by Lamia and took a step back. Lamia's monster form was quite terrifying.

"What are you afraid of? Little devil, you don't have a normal body." Lamia pointed at Tony and said carelessly.

"I'm sorry..." Tony apologized with his head shrinking. He obviously rarely talked to others and was quite shy and introverted in front of others.

Lamia came to Aiden's side and said with a smile: "It seems that this little devil is easy to deceive. Why don't we think of a way..."

"Don't make a mistake right away. If you accidentally let him use his sole authority to destroy you, I won't sympathize with you." Aiden replied coldly.

"What's so honorable about the forces fighting for power?" Lamia didn't seem to be satisfied with this.

Aiden sighed inwardly. Although it was a cooperative relationship, his values ​​​​and those of these witches were still quite different.

"You...if you must confirm my father's body, send a representative." Tony said cautiously, then raised his hand and pointed at Aiden, "Sister, come on."

Although he had little experience in interacting with people, he didn't know if it was because of observing others with his father for many years that he had an intuition for seeing people.

Who is trustworthy and who has evil intentions? If you observe more, he can always tell some clues.

In his eyes, Aiden is obviously more trustworthy than the other two.

"Thank you for your trust." Aiden nodded, "But I have to declare something first. I am a man."

In order to deceive Mr. Bloody's sense of revenge, Aiden has maintained the appearance of the goddess of revenge.

In fact, it doesn't matter if I don't explain it here, but when Tony called him "big sister", Aiden got goosebumps for no reason.

"Eh?" Tony fell into confusion for a moment, "Then this look is, is... female..."

"It's not women's clothing, it's just a disguise. For some reasons, I have to fake my appearance. This is just a trick. Don't think too much." Aiden quickly clarified.

"Oh..." Tony blinked, obviously not reacting yet, "Then I should call you...big brother?"

"No!" Aiden waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't know why this title made him feel even more uncomfortable. "Just call me Mr. Jarrod."

"Mr. Nagarod, please confirm." Tony said.

"Do you mind?" Aiden asked.

"I don't want my father to be dug up again after he was buried." Tony took a deep breath and looked at Lamia and Kikimora.

Aiden also glanced behind him, and it was true that these two great witches were both capable of doing such a thing.

"Okay." Aiden walked a little closer and tried to cast the spell of extracting divinity.

"Indeed, there is no more." Aiden immediately gave the answer, "Your father really left everything to you."

"Dad told me several times before, if he died accidentally..." Tony stopped halfway and finally shook his head, "Forget it, please pretend I didn't say anything."

He didn't seem to want to recall the past too deeply now.

Aiden saw this and didn't ask any more questions, just said: "Then let's go."



Under the joint work of the amalgam golem and Lamia, a grave of suitable depth soon appeared under a beech tree. Tony tried hard to pick up his father's body - he insisted on being the last person to send his father away. The most difficult part was when he lifted his father from the ground. This action almost twisted his thin body. It took him some time to successfully hold his father horizontally and slowly walked down the grave. There were several times when Aiden was worried that he would fall headfirst.

Fortunately, Professor Dodge was safely carried to the bottom of the tomb in his arms.

"Dad, I'm sorry..." Finally, standing by the tomb, Tony whispered his last farewell words, "And thank you."

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