The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 526 A simple funeral

The soil was covered again, and a shallow earth bag was raised.

Tony finally sat down in front of this extremely simple grave and said nothing.

Aiden exchanged glances with the other two. Kikimora looked expressionless, but Aiden noticed that she wanted to get close to Tony's back several times, so he could only stop him with her eyes. Tony's condition was obviously not good now. What kind of transaction is appropriate to mention.

"Can you leave me here for a while?" Tony whispered.

"It's hard to feel reassured by your condition," Aiden said.

"Mr. Nagarod, please stay here. I just want to ask you something." Tony said.

Aiden looked at Kikimora and Lamia, his eyes signaling them to rest first.

Lamia left simply, but Kikimora seemed reluctant. Aiden urged her with gestures again, and then she curled her lips and left.

Aiden folded his hands and leaned against a tree and waited silently. Tony said he had questions to ask, but his back remained silent.

I don't know how long it took, but Tony finally spoke: "Mr. Garrod investigated my father?"

"Yes, it's a very detailed investigation." Aiden replied.

"Can you tell me what exactly he did?"

"How much do you already know?" Aiden asked.

"After the first operation failed, my father took me and fled to the south. Later he told me that he had destroyed the project." Tony started.

"This is consistent with my investigation. He connected the intelligence department of the Kingdom of Gistas with a terrorist organization and destroyed the empire's project. Then the information and core materials of the project fell to Gistas. , that’s why there is that base.”

"When my father took me to move here, he told me that he was looking for an old friend. Later he said that the Gistas were also advancing that project and he planned to stop them. At that time, I said that I supported him Decision..." Tony said slowly, "Later, I slowly discovered that he seemed to have lied to me, but I was not sure where he lied... It was not until today that I was sure that my father was personally involved in this project. ”

"According to the results of my investigation, your father was indeed suspected of assassinating an officer involved in the project." Aiden replied calmly, "But then there was a breakthrough in the Gistas project - I am not sure whether this progress It has something to do with him, but he should have taken the initiative to contact the responsible unit of the project at that time and participate as an external expert.”

"Does that mean it's all because of me?" Tony's voice dropped obviously.

"You can say that." Aiden did not choose to comfort the other party, because this was a bloody fact.

"Were those missing refugees kidnapped and used as experimental materials? My father was also directly involved in human experiments?"

"The possibility is very high. After all, he is also one of the project leaders in the empire." Aiden replied.

"...Is there anything else?" After a moment of silence, Tony continued to ask, "I remember that you didn't finish speaking at that time, and my father interrupted you."

Aiden thought for a while and told the truth: "When the experiment entered the final stage, in order to reduce the risk of your operation as much as possible, he personally planned the kidnapping of refugees, targeting teenagers who were about the same age as you... You still have Do you want to continue listening?"

He saw Tony holding his head in pain.

"Please go on..." Tony's voice trembled.

"I don't know the detailed data of the experiment, but I know that due to confidentiality, the materials used in the experiment will basically be executed in the end, and the mortality rate can be said to be 100%." ​​Aiden told all the cruel truth, "Your father was killed by his own hands. There should be quite a few of them.”

Tony is the person directly related to this matter, he needs to know, and Aiden has no intention of keeping Professor Dodge's secret.

Tony buried his head in his knees, and for a long time he sobbed: "...It's all because of me."

"No, your father did these things."

"But my father is doing it all for me——"

"Are you trying to excuse your father?" Aiden said coldly, "No matter what the reason is, your father brutally killed many innocent people. He had participated in that inhumane project as early as the empire. According to his moral standards, he is an out-and-out sinner, and his death here is totally unjust. Please make this clear. "

"But I have nothing to do with this. I am responsible."

"Honestly, if you were not directly involved in anything and had no knowledge, legally speaking, it would be difficult to find your direct responsibility." Aiden said slowly, "You are not guilty, as long as you don't do anything for you Excuses for the sins of the father are enough.”

"The requirements are really low..." Tony whispered.

"Very few people can achieve such a low requirement. There are many people who cover up the crimes of those related to them even though they don't need to take responsibility." Aiden replied, "Honestly, Being able to distinguish right from wrong and face up to the crimes of previous generations is extremely rare in this world. "

"But without me, things shouldn't be like this..." Tony still couldn't get over this knot, "How should I atone for my sin?"

"I can't give you much advice, try to do more good deeds?" Aiden shrugged, "In your case, the crimes your father committed cannot be made up for, and all you can do is try to make yourself feel at ease. So it’s up to you how you want to atone for your sins.”

"What do I want to do..." Tony repeated this sentence.

"You have to find the answer yourself," Aiden said.

Tony thought for a while and whispered softly: "I want to help those refugees, and I also want to avenge my father."

"First of all, you have to have that ability." Aiden replied, "At least you have to have a normal body."

"..." Tony didn't reply.

"If you plan to complete your goal alive." Aiden said calmly, "Since the Hand of Annihilation is in your hands, we will continue the deal. The choice is yours. If you insist on dying with your enemy, I will not I’ll advise you again.”

"What are you planning to do with the Hand of Annihilation?" Tony asked.

"I don't plan to do anything, as long as it doesn't fall into the hands of Mr. Bloody Clothes, it'll be fine. Kikimora, that witch wants to get this thing purely for the pursuit of power and knowledge."

"Are you good people or bad people?" Tony suddenly turned around and asked seriously.

"What kind of question is this? Few people would take the initiative to admit that they are bad people, especially if they have a conspiracy." Aiden smiled.

"Just answer me directly. I will judge for myself whether it is a lie." Tony said seriously.

"How should I put this? Strictly speaking, both of them should be considered bad women. After all, they are top witches who can ignore moral laws for the sake of power and research, but they can still be controlled for the time being." Aiden answered , "As for me, if you want to evaluate me, I can be considered a passable and good person."

Tony stared at him for a while, then turned back: "I will think about it carefully and give you an answer."

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