The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 534 Do you want to work in prison?

In the evening, Aiden returned to the single room in his apartment after a long absence.

"You don't have to keep the appearance of a dog here. Just become your original self." Aiden said to the "stray dog" who came in with him.

"It doesn't matter. If you are seen wandering around with your original body, it may cause you trouble. I am more accustomed to this." The stray dog ​​started to speak.

The deal between the Witches' Assembly and Tony is currently stuck on the internal differences between Chichimora and Abigail. After asking Tony for his opinion, the result of the discussion became that Chichimora herself and Abigail Er continued to negotiate, while Tony temporarily followed Aiden to the autonomous prefecture.

Professor Dodge was on the secret wanted list of the Gistas Kingdom, and Aiden guessed that Tony Dodge might not be spared either. In order to avoid complications, he originally considered letting Tony parasitize him and leave Gistas first, or use the path of the witch gathering to sneak across, but Tony himself came up with the idea of ​​possessing an animal.

"I guess there will be results there soon. No matter what, as long as you are willing to use the hand of annihilation, even Abigail will agree to this condition without hesitation. She can help you transform your body and become It's closer to an ordinary person, but it should still retain some characteristics of a demon," Aiden said while boiling water, "What are your plans in the future after you have a normal body?"

"Mr. Jarod, are you planning to kill Mr. Bloody Clothes?" Tony asked in turn.

"Yeah." Aiden nodded without thinking.

In the past, he had always regarded Mr. Bloody Clothes as his imaginary enemy out of a sense of self-preservation, but now, he has actually developed a personal grudge against him and is fully aware of the danger to him.

If he wanted to survive in this world, he had no choice but to kill Mr. Bloody Clothes.

"I can help," Tony said.

"You inherited divinity and the divine word from your father?" Aiden asked.



"It's time to say goodbye to Dad," Tony replied.

It seems that when he buried his father, Tony Dodge already had a rough plan for the future.

"If so, you can indeed help in terms of ability, and our goals are the same." Aiden nodded, "But before that, you have to solve the problems in life first, right? And your identity, you are here The Empire is a dead person. Even if you have the ability to possess a demon, you can't live as a pet dog forever."

"About this...Dad actually left some ways for me." Tony said softly.


"He had an account in someone else's name, with a sum of money in it. Then he also gave me a false identity, with the same name, but the last name was changed to Cage... The nationality was still the Empire, and the place of birth became the Northern Continent. ’s pioneering land.”

"I see." Aiden heard some of the clues. This false identity was probably made with the help of the underworld in the smuggling business. His birthplace was set as the Northern Continent. In this world where information is relatively limited, it is difficult to trace. , “Where are the documents of identity?”

"It's in the vault of a bank in Luohui City and has never been used much."

"Just in case, I still have to send it here. If you can trust me, I can ask someone to pick it up." Aiden said, "If they pick it up, you don't need to go there yourself."

The Royal Secret Police probably only needed to exercise their powers slightly in the name of investigation to obtain these identity documents easily.

With these things, Tony can live independently after his health is cured. Professor Dodge may not have foreseen his own death, but he did plan for a rainy day for his son.

"Mr. Jarrod, I have one more thing to ask you." Tony said.

"A place to stay? Before you return to normal, I can let you stay here for a while. But after that, I still hope you can find a good place to live on your own."

"This is what I plan to do... What I want to say is, if I can get a normal body, can you introduce me to a job?"

"Work?" Aiden was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you say that your father left some money for you?"

"It's not the kind of huge sum of money that can be spent for a lifetime, and I don't want to sit around and live in vain for the rest of my life." Tony said calmly, "I'm already nineteen years old."

"I think you must have no work experience. How about your academic qualifications?"

"I don't have a formal academic qualification, but my father will help me with my homework when he is free. I have taken middle school level courses. I know two languages. I have also read "Introduction to Dark Magic" and "Demonology". Although I don’t know how to use black magic myself..."

"It's quite rare." Aiden was a little surprised.

If you really have this level, with a little training, it will be enough to handle the accounting and paperwork in general stores and small factories.

"Well, what does Mr. Garrod do?"

"I'm the local prison guard," Aiden answered.


"I'm the policeman in charge of the prison. Didn't you hear those two witches call me the warden?"

"I thought it was a title. So you're not a bounty hunter or a member of the army?" Tony said in surprise.

"It's really a prison guard who would go to Gistas to do these things because of personal reasons." Aiden explained.

"Really..." Tony thought thoughtfully. It was really hard for him to imagine that a prison guard would go abroad, destroy a military base of a big country, and then come back as if nothing had happened.

Aiden stared at Tony for a while, thought about it, and suddenly said: "Do you want to try to work in the prison?"

"Can I be a prison guard with my identity?" Tony's eyes widened.

"Of course not, but not all the prison guards working in the prison are police guards. There are also many contract workers and temporary employees recruited from outside." Aiden replied, "As long as you pass the assessment, you can do it."

In the Rose Iron Prison, logistics personnel such as the chefs in the cafeteria are basically contract employees open to the outside world, and even prison guards are actually only a part of the real police staff. This is similar to the public institutions Aiden has seen in his previous life.

When something happens in public institutions, they always announce "temporary workers" to the outside world, which basically refers to this kind of contract workers.

"Is that so..." Tony was a little nervous, "Will you come into contact with criminals?"

"Most positions don't need to, and even if there are, you don't have to worry. Prisoners are basically watched by prison guards when they are not locked in the cell." Aiden explained.

"In that case, I can try." Tony seemed to have made up his mind.

"Then you have to heal your body first, and then you have to pass the test." Aiden said seriously.

Tony inherited Professor Dodge's divine words, and this alone is enough to make him more dangerous than most prisoners in the Rose Iron Prison.

Although Aiden thinks that the other party is unlikely to go astray in terms of personality. But he thinks it is better to keep a closer eye on this boy.

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