The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 535 You are torturing the dog

A few minutes later, Aiden simply packed up the luggage he brought back.

Tony suddenly asked: "Mr. Garrod, are you really the only one living in this apartment?"

"Yes, why do you ask so suddenly?"

"I just think it seems a bit spacious to live alone. Do you have a partner?"

"This kind of question should not be asked so directly." Aiden smiled helplessly, "I rented such a suite just because my income can afford it. A larger room is more comfortable to live in."

At this time, the door was knocked.

"There is a guest." Tony reminded.

Aiden turned to the door in surprise. Who would come to visit him so late at night? He had been away for so many days and only sent a letter of notification to the prison. Before he left, he handed over the task of handling the letter to Veronica.

Thinking of this, Aiden walked over and opened the door.

"Commander, commander, welcome back!!" Outside the door, Veronica's eyes lit up when she saw his face.

"Veronica, why are you here?" Aiden blinked.

"Well, there are some things I want to report to you as soon as possible, and then..." Veronica lowered her head a little embarrassedly, and her voice became smaller, "I personally want to see you earlier, so I'm sorry to bother you."

"Really?" Aiden maintained a smile on his face and turned his head to look at Tony in the room. Tony was staring at this side intently, but turned his head away when he met his gaze.

To be honest, it was quite embarrassing to be stared at by others in this situation.

"Well...are you busy now?" Veronica raised her face carefully.

"No, come in and sit down." Aiden welcomed Veronica into the room with normal etiquette, and then noticed that Veronica was holding something in her hand, "What is this?"

"A little souvenir, lemon liqueur produced in the north, I don't know if you like it." Veronica carefully handed it over with a bottle wrapped in exquisite cloth.

"Thanks, I quite like this kind of sweet wine with the taste of juice." Aiden took the gift with a smile, "Would you like a drink?"

Aiden actually doesn't like drinking very much. Beer and distilled liquor taste bitter and astringent to him, but he can still drink this kind of juice cocktail - in fact, strictly speaking, he just likes to drink juice and soda.

It's not suitable to drink coffee and tea at night, but it's not good to ask guests to drink boiled water.

"Okay." Veronica was also very happy.

When Aiden turned around and handed the wine to the amalgam golem, she looked around with interest, and then she sniffed in surprise.

There was a faint odor of animals in the room, which might be difficult to smell without her level of smell.

"Sir, do you have a pet?" she asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Aiden turned his head and looked around, and unexpectedly found that Tony had disappeared without a trace.

It seems that he hid before Veronica stepped into the room.

"Tony, there is no need to hide on purpose." Aiden shouted loudly.

Tony then timidly poked his head out from under the sofa.

"Sir, you have a dog!" Veronica's eyes lit up.

"For some reasons, he is staying here temporarily. I will explain it to you in detail later." Aiden watched the amalgam golem take out a cup and pour wine in the kitchen.

Tony's situation is more complicated, and it can't be explained in one or two sentences. He is ready to sit down and talk from the beginning.

"Good boy." Veronica tried to touch Tony's head, and then looked back at Aiden, "Sir, do you like dogs?"

Tony looked at Aiden, then at Veronica, and didn't dare to say a word. He felt that before Aiden explained the whole story, it would be more appropriate for him to honestly play a dog.

"I think I like it very much." Aiden gave an honest answer.

"Then I can also change..." Veronica muttered.

In addition to the half-beast and half-human form, werewolves also have a beast form that completely releases the beast syndrome. Veronica's fully beast form is a white wolf.

"What did you say?" Aiden didn't hear it clearly.

"Nothing!!" Veronica realized that she had accidentally let out her inner voice and quickly denied it.

She really wanted to knock her head again now. Her mind has been getting weirder and weirder recently.

"Woof!?" But Tony, who was being touched on the head, heard this clearly. He looked up at Veronica with surprise and even awe.

Didn't you say you don't have a partner?

The world of adults is really profound and difficult to understand.

Although he is an adult in the strict sense, Tony believes that his cognitive level is still a certain distance from his peers due to the lack of external contact for many years.

"Come on, have a drink first." Aiden handed the glass to Veronica.

Veronica sat down on the sofa, took the glass, and clinked the glass with Aiden.

After both of them took a sip of wine, Aiden suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, right. Just in time for you to come over, I have to return this to you." Aiden said as he took a meal basket that he had just packed from his luggage and put it on the coffee table.

"You actually brought it back!" Veronica was obviously very happy, "Well, what I made..."

"It's really delicious." Aiden nodded.

"That's great, I've been worried whether it will not suit your taste, and it doesn't seem appropriate to ask in a telegram, so I've been struggling for a long time..." Veronica breathed a sigh of relief.

This happened several days ago... Aiden smiled helplessly in his heart.

This girl is really getting cuter and cuter.

This kind of thing is indeed not suitable to be said in a letter. The letters they sent these days are basically relayed after the secret police communicated by telegraph.

Tony looked back and forth at the two of them, silent.

Why did I suddenly feel full for no reason?

"Is there anything worth paying attention to in the prison recently?" Aiden asked about the topic of work as a matter of course.

"Well..." Veronica lowered her head and immediately thought of the flower lady. Her eyes couldn't help but flickered, "Sir, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Huh?" Aiden couldn't help but be stunned by the jump of the topic.

Why did they suddenly mention this topic when they were talking about work?

Tony finally couldn't help it. He felt that if he continued to stay at the scene, he would only disturb the two. So he got up and walked to the door. Under the surprised gaze of the two, he jumped up and pressed the door handle to go out, and also closed the door considerately.

"This dog can open the door by itself?" Veronica said in surprise, "What is he going to do?"

"Probably... just want to take a walk by himself." Aiden smiled.

At this time, the teasing voice of the goddess of vengeance sounded in Aiden's mind: "Boy, I don't care how hot you fight, but pay attention to the impact."

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