The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 539: How the Ruler Passes His Time

Half an hour later, the meeting room.

Aiden sat at the end of the table, opposite the goddess of revenge who had returned to Hero's body.

"I'm finally back in a body that I can control freely." The goddess of revenge stretched her body.

"You said before that you wanted to continue sharing a body with me." Aiden said.

"Each has its own advantages. When I share a body with you, it's like traveling in a carriage driven by someone else, and it's like watching other people's lives. You don't need to worry about controlling the body, you can just share it when you want to watch it. The senses go to sleep when you don't want to watch." The goddess of revenge said calmly, "You play detective and fight with witches, which never makes me bored. Speaking of which, I have done similar things before."

"Have you ever shared your body with anyone else?" Aiden asked.

"Why do I need to share a body with others when I am a ruler?" The goddess of revenge shook her head, "Of course I eat other people's memories directly. When I use 'sacrifice' to occupy the believer's body and resurrect, the believer's memory and ability will be swallowed up by me.”

"It's very similar to the power of 'wisdom' authority..." Aiden commented.

This is pretty much how he inherited the memories, abilities and identity of his predecessor Aiden.

"By browsing the memories you have eaten, you can experience the lives of others. Moreover, the inherited memories can be used as material to create new dream memories for yourself. This is the power of the spiritual throne - it is very suitable for passing time." The Goddess of Vengeance. explain.

"In addition to pursuing power, do you rulers only care about entertainment?" Aiden asked.

When he heard the words "passing time", he immediately thought of Melifilia who was imprisoned below. Apart from playing chess with others, the goddess basically spends the rest of her time sleeping.

With the power to inherit the memories of others, she must have eaten the memories of many people herself. I remember she said that she personally sneaked into the underworld of the God of Death in order to recover Melindall's memory.

While she was sleeping, was she browsing the lives of those people, or was she using those memories to create a special dream for herself?

"Otherwise?" Goddess of Vengeance replied, "After mastering a piece of authority, mortal ideals become insignificant. As time goes by, apart from the driving force for power and the pursuit of entertainment, what else is left?"

"Then what does revenge mean to you?"

"It can be considered a kind of entertainment. There is no pleasure comparable to the pleasure of getting revenge." The goddess of revenge grinned.

"That's it." Aiden nodded.

Despite their hostile stances and opposite temperaments, the Furies and the Goddess of Intrigue are essentially the same.

"Speaking of which, what did you think about the woman who took the initiative to approach you and was obviously related to authority?" The goddess of revenge suddenly mentioned this.

"The 'Flower Lady' they are talking about? I think it has something to do with the arrangement of the goddess of conspiracy." Aiden replied lightly.

"The last piece of the puzzle of the authority of 'Order'?"

"Most likely." Aiden was very convinced. "The goddess of conspiracy came here specially to make a notice."

"What special relationship do you have with that bitch?" The goddess of revenge put her fingers on the side of her face with interest, "If she is simply interested in the power of 'order' and has the ability to arrange for you to take advantage of this, I It would be more efficient to steal it directly. Giving you the opportunity to become the ruler of 'Order' will only increase the risk of your chess piece being out of control."

"Well, I've always suspected her purpose, but I can't figure it out."

"I think it has something to do with your blocked memories. There is no doubt that those memories are manipulated by the goddess of conspiracy." The goddess of revenge smiled and raised a finger, "So boy, why don't we be honest and let I'll look into your spirit inside and out to see what kind of things that bitch has done to you."

"You have written the word "bad intentions" on your face, how can I trust you? And with your current strength, it is impossible to do anything to the conspiracy goddess's hands and feet, right?" Aiden waved his hand, " Besides, it’s not certain whether this is a trap deliberately set by the goddess of conspiracy.”

"A clue hidden so deeply could be a trap?"

"You can't say for sure, that guy can do this kind of thing." Aiden answered seriously.

"Then how do you plan to find out?"

"Ask her in person first," Aiden replied. "Whether she tells the truth, lies or refuses to answer, you can always tell her attitude towards the matter."

"In person?" the goddess of revenge seemed a little surprised, "You really have no respect for the ruler."

"Because it's useless to be in awe."

"That's why you threw me back into this body." The goddess of revenge narrowed her eyes.

"You don't want to be discovered by the goddess of conspiracy and eliminated on the spot, right?" Aiden shrugged.

He was lying here. Melissa may have the ability to destroy the current Furies, but the person he wanted to see was actually Melifilia. He still can't let the goddess of revenge realize that the real goddess of conspiracy is actually under his feet.

"It's so considerate and considerate, it makes me want to commit myself to you." The goddess of revenge showed a twisted smile.

"Stop talking, I'm going to vomit." Aiden replied expressionlessly.

After these days of sharing a body, Aiden felt that they had formed a tacit understanding. They had found the balance point where they could get along peacefully.

"You handle your own affairs. I don't want to interfere. Don't worry, I will stay in prison these days. Prepare a few books for me to read, send three meals a day, serve me well, don't make me irritable, I can not cause trouble for you." The goddess of vengeance leaned back in the chair.

"If you cause trouble, I will find a way to teach you a lesson." Aiden replied seriously, "Mr. Bloody Clothes still has no action?"

"No, it seems that before preparing a new plan, he is not going to act rashly to let you notice." The goddess of vengeance replied.

"I will leave the surveillance to you." Aiden stood up and prepared to send the goddess of vengeance back to the cell.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, you said that you enjoy reading the memories you have gained, so why do you want to 'sacrifice' your own memories?"

"Who knows? I have completely forgotten the reason for 'sacrificing' my memories." The goddess of vengeance nodded her head indifferently, "But judging from this result, I should have a reason to completely give up that memory, so I don't plan to retrieve the past memories, it will definitely be a futile effort."

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