The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 540 Hidden Elements

During the lunch break, in the dark secret room, Aiden was playing chess with Melifilia.

"You are so happy to be able to escape from the influence of the power of 'hatred'." Melifilia said with a smile.

"I was almost killed by him. When I was dying, I saw the revolving lantern of life." Aiden said calmly, reaching out to move the chess piece.

"Oh?" Melifilia looked away from the chessboard and looked up at Aiden.

"I saw memories that don't belong to me. You did it." Aiden went straight to the point.

He hasn't come to see Melifilia for quite a long time. This time, he came mainly to find out the truth about the memory that was blocked in his mind.

"Of course, who else can it be besides me?" Melifilia replied unusually frankly.


"Think about it yourself." Melifilia answered without hesitation, "This element is a surprise I carefully prepared for you. If the hidden elements of the game have answers as soon as you ask, what fun is there?"

"Then at least give some hints. Hidden elements without hints are too unfriendly to players." Aiden bargained with the other party.

There is a huge difference between the power of mortals and rulers. If he wants to get rid of the control of the goddess of conspiracy, the only chance of winning is the other party's almost habitual arrogance against mortals. Since Melifilia regards his second life in this world as a game hosted by herself, what Aiden can do now is to strive for favorable game conditions for himself as much as possible. If the goddess of conspiracy really seals her own calculation ability in pursuit of the randomness of the game, then she is likely to relax the test standards set.

"You've become more cunning than before." Melifilia smiled, "Okay, I'll give you two hints. First, I did this with your consent."

"Which me?" Aiden frowned immediately, "The previous owner of this body, or myself who was summoned by you?"

"It's you, no one else." Melifilia said seriously.

"I agreed to it myself?" Aiden was confused, "Are those memories my original memories blocked by you, or did you implant a memory that doesn't belong to me and hide it?"

Those memories obviously don't belong to "Aiden Jarod".

"I only said hints, don't push it, my lovely chess piece." Melifilia narrowed her eyes, "If you ask again, I won't say anything."

Aiden had to raise his hand: "Okay, I abide by the rules of the game, please finish the hint."

"To unlock those memories, there are two sufficient and unnecessary conditions." Melifilia continued, "One is death, and the other is to completely control an authority, that's all."

"Sufficient and unnecessary, that is to say, any one of them will do."

"Of course. In fact, the only condition I set is death. But if you control an authority and become a ruler, the influence of another authority on you will naturally weaken, and those memories will be unlocked as long as you hope." Melifilia explained a little.

It's a bit of a gain to get these hints. Aiden thought.

"Your game seems to encourage participants to gain authority?" Aiden asked.

"Of course, didn't I tell you the conditions for winning? If you can become a ruler, you are qualified to become my eternal partner." The goddess of conspiracy smiled evilly.

"Can I not have this winning condition?" Aiden sighed.

"If you want to get rid of my chessboard, you must also have the qualifications to become a chess player. The power of authority is necessary." Melifilia said casually, "What you have to do is still the same."

"You have the ability to lay out an authority for me, so it should be easy for you to obtain this authority yourself. Why didn't you just take all the authority you can get?" Aiden asked.

"Because it's more interesting." Melifilia said meaningfully.

"Just interesting should not be enough to fully explain your motivation." Aiden said, "The more authority you have, the more things you can do, and the more fun you can get."

"Indeed. Sometimes I really envy some rulers. They can do things that I can't do." Melifilia said nostalgically.

"Do you know other rulers?"

"Of course, it's normal for them to know each other as they are all outstanding people who have authority."

"In addition to the God of Death and the Goddess of Vengeance, have you offended other rulers?" Aiden became a little interested in this topic.

If the Conspiracy Goddess had offended other rulers, these rulers might be a great help for him to get rid of the Conspiracy Goddess's control.

"Don't think that I will only stir up trouble everywhere. Some rulers have a good relationship with me, and can even be called friends. I have a good chat with him." The Conspiracy Goddess corrected seriously.

"Really? There are gods who share the same taste as you?" Aiden's eyes widened.

"Don't say that. By your standards, that guy is a very decent person. He has been wandering around in this world as a passerby for hundreds of years. I don't know where he is still wandering now." The Conspiracy Goddess said in a somewhat nostalgic tone.

Aiden looked at her and sighed in his heart that such a monster would actually have friends.

"Whose authority is he?" Aiden asked.

"If you also become a Dominator, I can introduce it to you." Melifilia smiled.

"Then forget it. So since the power of authority is so easy to use, why don't you get it yourself?" Aiden repeated the question just now.

"Because it's more interesting this way. As long as you become my partner, the power of authority will also become mine." Melifilia said with a joking smile.

"Why are you so obsessed with me as a chess piece?" Aiden frowned.

"Correction, I am not particularly obsessed with you, it's just that you are more interesting and gave me an unexpected surprise, so I gave you a little more chance." Melifilia narrowed her eyes, "If you lose If you kill that guy, you will be erased from this world, and then you will be nothing. I am just pursuing fun, make no mistake."

"I can't count how many times I've heard the word 'fun' from your mouth. In fact, I can't understand you at all." Aiden stared at Melifilia and said, "You obviously have the ability to calculate the future. Ability, but made a choice that is not perfect at all, and even somewhat unwise. The randomness of chaos, is this the fun you pursue? "

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