The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 559 Someone is protecting me

"You played against Dubman when you were young?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"I am also very young now." Abigail frowned slightly.

"Well... there are so many old opponents of the legendary Hound Man." Aiden commented, "Like the super villains in the series of stories."

Aiden knew that Liv, the Thousand Faced Thief, was Dubman's old rival, but he didn't expect Abigail to reveal that she had fought with Dubman, but at least it seemed that Abigail and Dubman were nothing special. relationship.

"After all, he was working as a bounty hunter, so it was normal for him to provoke people everywhere." Abigail replied.

"I never heard that you were a wanted criminal in the past?" Aiden was a little surprised.

Abigail used to live in seclusion deep in the misty forest at the junction of the Empire, Gistas, and Autonomous Prefecture. Before the establishment of the Witches' Assembly, she had few visible activities, and no country in the world paid attention to this witch. After the establishment of the Witches' Assembly, in order to prevent the entire Witches' Assembly from uniting due to a common enemy, no country even considered targeting her.

"It's not me, it's Lamia," Abigail corrected.

"The person he is chasing is Lamia?" Aiden was surprised.

"Yes, her earliest alchemy workshop was located in the empire. She has always been the most wanted object of the empire. The bounty was very high. The hound Doberman set his sights on her and tracked down Lamia all the way. As a result, Lamia could only Moving bases everywhere." Abigail explained, "At that time, I was planning to bring Lamia into the witch gathering, and Lamia made an offer to me, asking me to help get rid of the hounds that were chasing him."

"Then it seems you didn't kill him," Aiden said.

After all, Dubman seems to be still vigorously making revolution in the Northern Continent.

"It was an unexpectedly difficult opponent. At that time, he had already touched the power of the divine words, and it was the most suitable 'punishment' for combat, but we finally let him give up."

"So this is all your fight?" Aiden thought to himself. This didn't seem to be particularly useful information.

"I'm not done yet. In the early days of the establishment of the Witches' Assembly, we tried to eliminate existences that might cause harm to us." Abigail said slowly, "Due to past grudges, Dubman is on this list."

"Isn't your 'list' just focused on possible threats?" Aiden suddenly felt a chill behind him.

He had heard these great witches mention that he was on their attention list, but at that time they never mentioned that the people on this list were meant to be killed.

"This time, that time. When the Witches' Assembly was first established, there were not many members, and the organization could easily be targeted and eliminated, so it was necessary to eliminate threats." Abigail said without changing her expression.

"So why is Dubman still not dead?" Aiden asked.

Apparently, the coven didn't succeed in killing Duberman.

"We gave up the assassination attempt against him very quickly after we started because we were warned." Abigail explained.

"He warned you?" Aiden frowned, "You shouldn't be so cowardly, right?"

"It wasn't him, but an unidentified mysterious man who showed us his power and warned us that if we insist on assassinating Duberman, he will become our enemy." Abigail explained.

"What kind of power does this mysterious man possess that can actually make you stop taking action?" Aiden couldn't help but become curious.

"He made copies of three members of the Witches' Assembly, including Lamia, and came to the Sabbat Forest to negotiate with us." Abigail's voice deepened.

"Replica? Is it the same thing as the work made from the egg you hatched?" Aiden raised his finger and pointed at Tony Dodge's reproductive body.

"No, it's closer to the original body than this. Those copies can even use the unique magic of those witches."

"Isn't this too ridiculous?" Aiden looked unbelieving.

"It's true. At that time, everyone's research level was not as good as it is now. No one knew how it was done, but there was no doubt that the mysterious man was very powerful, so we quickly chose to give up." Bigail said seriously.

"It sounds like you know how it works now?" Aiden asked.

"It's been so long that I can't go back and verify it, but now I have a guess. It should be the power of 'existence' authority." Abigail said seriously, "Combining the legendary 'creation' and 'substitute' If Xiang Quan can be used together, it should be able to achieve this effect, but to achieve that effect, I am afraid... you must at least be a saint. "

The authority of "existence", hearing this keyword, Aiden suddenly became aware of a person - Phantom Thief Liv.

But he immediately ruled out this hypothesis.

Phantom thief Liv once took the initiative to seek Duberman's cooperation in order to get rid of a serial murderer. If she had such power, she would be able to hang the prisoner to death herself.

"In other words, Dubman was once covered by a saint with the authority of 'existence', but no one knows who it was?" Aiden tried to summarize the information.

"So to speak."

"This is really strange." Aiden suddenly found that as he inquired like this, the mystery seemed to increase.

"Anyway, we haven't had anything to do with the hound since then," Abigail replied, adding, "And neither has that mysterious man."

"Thank you for the important information." Aiden thanked the other party.

"Let's get down to business." Abigail turned to the offspring of Tony she brought with her, "Let's try whether this body is 'fitting'."


A few minutes later, Tony successfully parasitized the offspring brought by Abigail.

He opened his eyes again, and suddenly felt that his body became much more relaxed.

"How does it feel?" Abigail asked in a calm tone.

"I have hands and feet, no pain, and no weakness. I haven't felt this way for a long time." Tony looked at his hands, his expression looked very happy, but far from being ecstatic.

Aiden glanced at Tony. What this young man wanted all his life was just something that ordinary people were born with.

Fortunately, he is very close now.

"The reproductive bodies without independent consciousness will obey you as the mother, so the time you need to adapt to this body will be shorter. I hope our transaction can be carried out as soon as possible." Abigail simply observed Tony and confirmed that everything was in line with expectations, then stood up and prepared to leave, "I should go."

"Don't you want to have a cup of tea before leaving?" Aiden politely asked.

"Sorry, I have a lot of things to do now, goodbye." Abigail refused Aiden's request and turned to walk out of the room.

Abigail's business, I'm afraid, is to investigate the news of the King of the Wilderness, Aiden thought.

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