The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 560 Daughter of the Sea

The next day, the reading room of the Rose Iron Prison Library.

"...The mermaid princess finally returned to the sea, and her body slowly turned into many foams. In the dawn light, they exuded colorful colors.

At dawn, people never found the mermaid princess again. Only white foam danced on the waves beside the boat. "

Arsena, the librarian, stared at the story in the "Children's Dream" magazine with a blank expression, her eyes fixed on the last line.

Ivansha, who was also sitting in the reading room, raised her head from the letter she was writing on. She was keenly aware that Arsena's eyes were not moving and said, "You should finish reading. It's my turn now."

"Wait a minute, I want to review it and then watch it again." Arsenal coldly rejected Avansha's request.

"Is the new serialized story exciting?" Aifansha blinked.

"This is not a new serial. This is an old issue that was accidentally omitted last year. I applied to make it up." Arsenal corrected, "It's really lucky that it was made up in time. It's a brilliant story and a rare tragic fairy tale. , the heroine, she finally..."

"Don't spoil it for me!" Aifansha puffed up her face dissatisfied.

"Oh, sorry, I was so engrossed in reading just now that I didn't realize it." Arsenal apologized honestly, "The expression on your face is much richer than before."

"Arsenal is still the same as before." Ivansha replied.

"The stories that Watchman claims to have submitted are collected from all over the world. I now feel that this may be true." Arsena said suddenly.

"Yes." Avasha lowered her head and continued writing, responding casually.

"The stories he submitted can be divided into several major categories according to the writing style, and can also be divided into several major categories according to the background settings. The look and feel is very much like stories written by several authors with different backgrounds." Arsena continued to analyze. .

"Yeah." Avasha responded.

"But there are almost no fragments or prototypes of these stories in the Southern Continent. Many people speculate that the 'Watchers' actually come from the aboriginal people of the Northern Continent or the people who pioneered the empire..."


"Are you listening?" Arsena noticed that the other party had not raised his head.

"I am listening very carefully, and I am writing it into the letter. You just provided me with a topic."

"By the way, what have you been writing since just now?" Arsena finally couldn't help it anymore and stretched her neck to look.

"Writing a letter, Aiden asked me to learn the ability to communicate with others, and found me a pen pal who said he was a fan of "Children's Dreams"." Aifansha said without raising her head, writing extremely carefully one by one. He wrote neatly, "I'm writing a reply to him."

Arsena stared at Avansha's letter and felt something was wrong after reading the beginning: "'Long-lost greetings'? Did you write to him a long time ago?"

"No, this is my first time writing a reply." Aifansha replied.

"Let me ask first, do you know what the long-lost greeting means?" Arsena asked.

"have no idea."

"Then why are you writing this?"

Aifansha finally raised her face and replied with a matter-of-fact expression: "I often use this when reading letters in books."

"The format is also messy." Arsena shook her head. "I'd better teach you how to write a letter first."

At this time, Aiden was sitting in the office, frowning as he stared at a letter.

"The Watcher himself opens,

I am a fan of your books, and I think you should be surprised when you read this letter.

In order to find out your true identity, I spent a lot of effort. But please rest assured that I only do this out of respect. Apart from writing to you, I will not do anything else out of the ordinary, and you do not need to reply.

Anyway, I wanted to write you a letter. If my willful behavior brings you discomfort, please allow me to apologize..."

Aiden read the letter over and over, lost in thought.

When he submitted articles to "Children's Dream" under the pseudonym "Watchman", he changed his email address. How did the other party find out his true identity?

"Each of the works you submitted is good enough to become a classic and be passed down to future generations. Among them, my favorite fairy tale is "The Daughter of the Sea." I often go on long voyages on ships. Whenever I stand on the deck and look at the waves on the waves, When the bubbles come out, the lovable mermaid princess who sacrifices herself for love will appear in front of my eyes..."

Aiden read the uncontrollable enthusiasm from this "fan"'s letter. Although the person who wrote the letter didn't seem to have any hostility, the feeling of having his privacy inexplicably ripped away by the other party still made him feel uncomfortable.

This letter was written eloquently on two pages, and at the end, he left a signature that Aiden knew well—Dreamer.

"Fantasy", the signature author of "Explorer" magazine, is the author of the famous series of stories "Hound Man" based on the hound Doberman.

His identity is a mystery. It is said that he only communicated with the magazine through letters for submissions and royalties, and never met anyone in person. In the magazine's author's message, he claimed to be from the Northern Continent, had traveled around the world on adventures, and had successfully drifted to the Southern Continent on a sailing ship before the empire opened up shipping routes. Of course, most readers did not take his bragging seriously.

A signature alone is not enough to confirm that he is really the famous writer and visionary, but Aiden saw in the note at the end of the letter, "I hope you like my work as well."

Despite the lack of other evidence, Aiden still believed that the letter was written by the "visionary".

Another mysterious author, the Fantasy, who is as famous as the Watcher, is actually a fan of the Watcher...

However, after Deborah, the adopted daughter of the Hound Dobman, took the initiative to contact him, the author of the "Hound Man Series" suddenly took the initiative to write to him unilaterally. Aiden did not think it was a simple coincidence.

It is said that the character of the protagonist in the Fantasy is almost exactly the same as the real Dobman, and even some small habits are completely the same. Many people speculate that the Fantasy is actually Dobman, or a very close friend of Dobman.

"What is going on?" Aiden pointed his finger at his forehead, puzzled.

He did not feel any obvious hostility from this letter and Deborah. If someone was hiding behind and using these means to approach him, and arranged some conspiracy waiting for him, then sending this letter was completely unnecessary, which would only make him read more information.

In any case, one thing is certain, this Fantasy is definitely not simple. Being able to investigate the true identity of the "Watcher" and having such an ability to dig out intelligence, this person probably knows a lot of secrets.

In a vague way, he had an idea that this matter... might not be as simple as Melissa taking care of it all by herself, allowing him to obtain the last piece of power.

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