The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 572 Pure Justice

Eden held a teacup and quietly watched Deborah flipping through the pages of the book. In order to study the content of "Houndman" with Deborah, he specially selected several serialized magazines and brought them over.

"This Daisy feels like it's really me." Deborah nodded repeatedly and smiled, "Mr. Aiden, do you think I should ask the author for a share of the royalties?"

"Is that all you think?" Aiden was stunned, "Don't you think... that the content of this book overlaps with reality a bit? We are investigating this doppelganger murder case here, and in the recent issues of the magazine, the character based on you is also investigating the same case, but the partner has changed from Houndman to me."

"But, 'Illusionist' is an old acquaintance of my mother, and he has always been in contact with my mother to collect materials. I should have been told by my mother that I was investigating the doppelganger murder case, right?" Deborah didn't care too much.

"The North Continent and the South Continent can only communicate by sea mail. Think about it, how long does it take to send a letter from the Empire to the Frontier?" Aiden reminded.

"This..." Deborah understood what Aiden meant and began to think, "It does take quite a long time."

"If he is getting the material from your mother, a letter will take at least a month and a half or even longer to go back and forth, so the news should be quite delayed. In addition, the time required for the creation itself should be added. Even if he is based on your experience, his story progress should be behind the reality. But this magazine has long ago started serializing the plot of 'you' and the protagonist investigating the murder case of the doppelganger, and now the plot has reached the middle stage." Aiden took out a magazine and showed Deborah the issue number.

"But the story can't be completely based on reality. For example, the plot of 'Daisy is the child of a witch' has nothing to do with reality." Deborah said while recalling, "Why do you care so much about the plot in the novel?"

"To be honest, I think this 'Dreamer' is related to the events we experienced." Aiden pointed to the opened pages of the book and said, "He may know something about this doppelganger murder case."

Deborah blinked twice after hearing this: "Mr. Aiden, this is a bit far-fetched. I experienced this case a long time ago, and I asked my mother for help. He should have known about the existence of this case a long time ago."

Aiden thought about it and suddenly realized that from Deborah's perspective, his idea was actually quite incredible.

He would guess that the doppelganger murder case in reality was related to the "Dreamer" mainly based on three points. First, he believed that the matter was arranged by the goddess of conspiracy behind the scenes. To him, this Deborah and the incident itself were artificially arranged. But the style of this specific arrangement is obviously not like Melissa's handwriting, but more like a scriptwriter.

Second, the Visionary just found out the true identity of the "Watcher" shortly after Deborah appeared and contacted her on his own initiative.

Third, the mysterious person Abigail mentioned who was related to the hound Dobman.

And these are all the missing puzzle pieces for Deborah. This reality is actually arranged by a certain existence behind the scenes according to the novel - without other prerequisites, ordinary thinking should not directly consider it in this direction.

"Anyway, I still care about the degree of overlap between the content of this magazine series and reality." Aiden said, "Can you contact your mother and ask for information about this "Visionary"? "

"Yes, but it's such a long distance. You just said that it takes time to send a letter from the South Continent to the Frontier... By the time the letter is sent back, we may have solved the incident." Deborah said.

"You are very confident." Aiden couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, because I am working with you this time." Deborah stared at Aiden affectionately and said.

"I'm under a lot of pressure because you have placed such high hopes on me." Aiden smiled bitterly, "But will this murderer definitely take action on the night of the full moon next year?"

"That's not necessarily the case. He doesn't kill people every month. But after coming to the southern continent, his frequency of killing has indeed increased." Deborah became serious again, "I think the possibility of him taking action is still very high."

"Then you should ask your mother first. I'm very interested in the 'Dreamer'. Just treat it as my request, okay?" Aiden said.

"Of course there's no problem with that. How could I refuse the request of my sweetheart?" Deborah said, tapping her lips with her finger.

"Don't be so serious." Aiden felt a little overwhelmed by the other party's enthusiasm, so he could only turn the topic back to the case, "I've studied the doppelganger murder case a little bit these days."

"Oh? Any new discoveries?" Deborah asked.

"There is nothing special to discover. It is similar to what you said and the published reports. This serial killer specifically targets young women on full-moon nights. It is meaningless to change into the victim's appearance beforehand and use necromancy to transform the corpse into the undead. Instead, it increases the risk of being discovered. Judging from his behavior pattern, he is an out-and-out pleasure criminal."

"Yes, the worst type. A pure evil person. It is a waste of air to let such a person live one more day." Deborah nodded vigorously, "I really want to kill him as soon as possible."

Aiden saw that Deborah was quite disgusted with this murderer.

"Have you tried divination these days?" Aiden asked.

"I do divination almost every day, but I haven't gotten any results in the past few days. My appearance hasn't changed at all after the divine words were spoken." Deborah shook her head.

"His true appearance is not known to anyone yet, so he doesn't need to use a 'stand-in' to hide his tracks." Aiden nodded, "Maybe we can only find the target before he is ready to kill. If we fail to stop him, it will be another life."

"No, evil will be punished, and justice will prevail!" Deborah raised her chest with high spirits.

"Don't you feel embarrassed at all when you say this?" Aiden was surprised that Deborah could say such childish words naturally without any care.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Deborah blinked at Aiden in confusion.

"No, you are right." Aiden smiled faintly.

Deborah's pursuit of justice is very pure, just like a child who is full of yearning for heroic stories, which is completely different from the pure evil of the double killer.

If what Deborah described about her past is true, what kind of educational methods did the Dubmans use to make her undergo such a drastic change?

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