The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 573: In the newspaper again

The next day, the reception hall of the Inquisition.

"Senior, the director said, if you want to get the investigation report, go and get it yourself." Rebecca, the superior judge, said to the visiting Aiden.

"The old man is really free. Does he want to ask me the reason for transferring the case file?" Aiden said.

"He also said that he didn't go in and sit down even though he's already here. It's really unreasonable." Rebecca shrugged, "I think so too. Recently, senior, you rarely come here except for regular registration. Why don't you say hello to everyone? Everyone I miss you so much.”

"Okay." Aiden smiled helplessly.

This time he came to the Heresy Tribunal mainly to retrieve the specific case files of the doppelgänger murder case that occurred in the autonomous prefecture.

These days, he has been collecting relevant intelligence, but the intelligence network he built before is not of much use in this matter.

The doppelgänger murderer came from the Northern Continent and had only been in the Southern Continent for three months. He only had three lives in his hands here. Although the method of committing the crime was strange, the overall impact was not that big.

The Gistas Royal Secret Police have no interest in ordinary murderers operating in the empire; Sophie had been sent to the Rose Iron Prison two months ago and could not provide Smiling Scale with the most recent first-hand information; as for the Witches' Coven, it has nothing to do with this. There is even less intersection between things.

In the end, Aiden could only use his own connections to get some information back from the Inquisition, where he still retained the authority to retrieve information.

I thought it would be a simple matter to transfer an ordinary case file, but unexpectedly I was entangled by my former boss Harold.

He didn't want to go in, especially not to face Harold.

As he told Tony before, the power of divine words exists in gray in the legal system of the Convention. For more than half a year, he has been using the power of divine words to solve incidents, and there is news about some incidents from the Heresy Tribunal.

Harold had long been aware of Aiden's involvement in various incidents for private purposes, but he only asked Rebecca to say a word.

But this time, the old man actually invited him in to "drink tea".

You're not here to challenge us, are you?

Aiden just took a long vacation not long ago, and then smuggled to the Kingdom of Gistas to destroy an official military research base during the vacation... Although he felt that Harold was unlikely to know about this, he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

But this time, the investigation into the doppelgänger serial murder case will most likely require the help of the Inquisition.

After Deborah's divination results came out on a full moon night, the most efficient way to find the murderer's target in the city within a day was to rely on the Inquisition Bureau and the police to patrol the city together.

After greeting the former colleagues he met along the way, Aiden arrived at the door of the director's office.

Opening the door, Aiden saw Harold's old, angular face.

"Here you go, sit down." Harold motioned for Aiden to sit down on the sofa. "If you want to drink tea, just pour it yourself."

"We haven't seen each other for a while, Director." Aiden walked into the office alone and said hello pretending to be relaxed, "Are you busy lately?"

"I'm not busy, but I see you are quite busy." Harold picked up the cigar box, "I heard you were on vacation. How do you feel?"

"It's not bad. I arrived at that time-"

Just as Aiden was about to tell the lie he had prepared before, Harold said again: "Have you caught the remnants of the Blood Moon Order?"

"Director?" Aiden was stunned for a moment.

"Humph, judging from your reaction, it seems that I guessed it right." Harold took out the cigar.

"Just a test? It seems I still don't have enough time." Aiden realized it and smiled helplessly.

It seemed that Director Harold didn't know what he did during the long vacation, and just used his own guesses to test his reaction.

"Five years ago, you suddenly asked for a transfer. I thought you were scared out of your mind." Harold said slowly.

Actually, I was just scared out of my mind... Aiden said in his heart.

"I didn't expect that five years later, you would suddenly start to be active on the front line again." Harold continued, "I couldn't figure out your purpose at first, but after thinking about it, I think the only thing you couldn't let go of was , the only one who slipped through the trap was the vampire from the Blood Moon Cult, didn’t you?”

"Director, you know everything." Aiden replied happily, which was not a complete lie.

It's just that it's not that he can't let go of this matter, it's that this matter has not let him go.

"Why don't you stay in the Bureau if you want to continue to work on this matter?" Harold asked.

"I have my own ideas. I just hope you can believe me, Director." Aiden replied.

"So, this investigation of the 'doppelgänger' is also related to this matter?" Harold continued to ask.

"It's not directly related, but it's not completely unrelated." Aiden gave a vague response again.

Fortunately, Harold had a tacit understanding and did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he took out the prepared file bag and threw it to Aiden like a dart.

Aiden opened it and took a look, a little surprised: "Three investigation reports?"

"I've also asked someone to sort out the information on the two cases in the empire for you. Most of them will come in handy so you'll be prepared." Harold said.

"That's so thoughtful." Aiden smiled heartily.

"Just investigate according to your own ideas. If you need help, please let us know. After all, this is an incident that happened in the autonomous state." Harold lit a match and started to smoke a cigar. "And judging from the places where the previous three incidents occurred, the next place where someone died might be here. We have been quite nervous. As a result, you suddenly proposed to participate in the investigation, which is also a good thing for us."

"I am very grateful for your support, Director. Really." Aiden said and shook the file bag in his hand.

"It is good to have such action, but, one thing is one thing. You are a former heretic inquisitor. I still hope that you... can keep a low profile in your private life." Harold suddenly changed the subject.

"What?" Aiden didn't understand.

"Huh?" Harold raised his face and looked a little surprised. "You don't know it yourself?"


"Didn't read today's newspaper?"

After speaking, he found a newspaper on the table and handed it to Aiden.

Aiden spread it out and quickly found the reason why Harold said this.

A report related to him appeared on the front page: "The Empire's Millennium Beauty Deborah Irving Goes on Holiday in the Autonomous Prefecture, Is the Secret Boyfriend Revealed?"

In the accompanying picture of this gossipy news, Aiden saw his profile shot through the window, drinking coffee with Deborah.

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