The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 633 Embracing Death

This space was pitch black, with no light, no sound, and almost nothing, but it made Mr. Bloody feel a kind of indescribable peace, as if this was his most suitable destination.

Sure enough, the most suitable place for the dead is the underworld. Not long ago, he completely gave up his life and plunged into the realm of death.

Is this the feeling of the dead sleeping? Not bad.

Appetite and sexual desires and other physiological desires are gone, but the spiritual desire is still alive, and the pursuit of power and revenge is still deeply rooted in his spirit, which makes him clearly aware that he has not become a walking corpse.

A burst of laughter suddenly sounded and echoed in this space. This laughter is cold and weird, like a vulture eating carrion, but it also reveals a sense of weakness and decay.

Mr. Bloody was really scared. This sound obviously did not come from outside the underworld, but from a certain existence inside. The underworld created by his own power is another world in the true sense. In this world, apart from him, he is the only one carrying another dead person.

"You embraced death without hesitation. You did a good job. I'm beginning to like you." The voice said.

Mr. Bloody turned his head and really saw another dead person he had taken in. It was a high-level vampire. He had fallen into a deep sleep, and Mr. Bloody hid him in a corner of this underworld.

This dead person should be completely under his control, but now he was possessed by something strange and spoke by himself.

This can only mean that the existence possessed by this dead person enjoys privileges in this space - the power is likely to be higher than that of Mr. Bloody, who created this underworld.

"My honorable God of Death, can you please stop scaring me like this?" Mr. Bloody realized who was talking to him.

"I gave you the ability to create the underworld, and of course your underworld is also under my control." The God of Death said slowly in a weak voice.

"It seems that my approach has been recognized by you, which is really frightening." Mr. Bloody smiled.

"Death is also a means and a tool. Not many people can understand this truth." The God of Death said.

"I've said that I will be your best agent." Mr. Bloody said, "You understand it a little late."

"Whether you are good or not depends on whether you succeed in the end. If you fail, you are still nothing." The voice of the God of Death began to become intermittent again, as if resisting the erosion of the depths of his spirit.

"It's rare that you are so interested today. Can I ask a few questions, my honorable God of Death?" Mr. Bloody said suddenly.

"Long story... short." The God of Death replied.

"Do you remember how you felt when you completely gained power?" Mr. Bloody asked.

"Calling me... just to chat with me about such boring topics?" The God of Death replied weakly, but there was no irritability in his voice.

"Please forgive my slight overstepping, I'm just curious." Mr. Bloody insisted.

"Getting the immortal power you dream of, what else can you do except be happy?" Death replied indifferently, without any joy in his voice, not even nostalgia, "You can imagine it, just like when you dreamed."

"Is that why you continue to pursue the power of 'reproduction'? As expected, as a strong man, you should pursue the peak of power." Mr. Blood Clothes is sure that his pursuit is correct.

"No, the reason I did that is just because there is nothing else to do." Death said, "The satisfaction of immortality is only fleeting, immortality means eternity, and infinite expansion of time can dilute many things, leaving only power itself."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Blood Clothes heard emptiness in the other party's voice.

"The answer to this question is something you can't understand, mortal. To truly understand, you need not only power, but also time." Death said with a faint breath.

"Can you talk more about this topic?" Mr. Blood Clothes wanted to talk more about this topic.

"..." He was responded by a dead silence.

The god of death withdrew his consciousness and fell into a long sleep. The corpse controlled by him returned to a peaceful state of death.

Mr. Bloody felt a little regretful. The god of death had always been wary of him. He could only stay awake for a very short time during his long sleep. There were not many opportunities to communicate with him on a whim like this.


The call from outside the underworld brought him back to his senses. He shifted his attention to the dead under his control who were moving in the outside world. Sharing the other party's perception of the outside world, he realized that he might have to stay in this underworld in the future so that Aiden Garrod could not find him accurately.

The one who called him was a fellow vampire believer: "We are here."

Mr. Bloody controlled the dead to look around, which made him see an extremely dilapidated stronghold. Almost everything was smashed and destroyed, and even burned.

There was a broken altar on the steps at the end of the stronghold, and there was nothing on the altar. But Mr. Bloody had an impression that the goddess who haunted him used to sit there.

This was the base that the Blood Moon Cult had set up in the wilds of Silver City in the past, and it was almost burned down to ruins by the Inquisition.

He gave instructions to all his loyal believers to gather at this new base.

"I'm back." Mr. Bloody said with a smile to the altar.


Abigail's summoning space.

"So, the Vengeance Blades were taken away?" Lamia's voice was full of undisguised disappointment.

"It's unlikely that this thing could be easily snatched." Aiden said, "Don't always have too many unrealistic imaginations. He should have reunited with the believers who entrusted the divinity and regained his power."

"The question now is, where did this guy escape to?" Qiqimora said, "Will he be out of your intelligence network, Warden?"

In fact, it's almost true... Aiden thought.

The induction of the goddess of vengeance has always been the most reliable and effective radar. Without the radar, he may be attacked at any time.

"I will find out his whereabouts again." Aiden said, "But I guess, since he has directly given up continuing to develop the cult in Sugi City, he should have moved directly to Silver City. It will probably not be long before he comes to us."

"The decisive battle is approaching? It sounds like we should stay in your prison and wait." Lamia joked.

"Hmm?" Aiden raised his eyebrows, "This is... a very interesting suggestion."

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