The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 634: The Prison of the Great Witches

"Mr. Bloody Clothes has disappeared, and his movements are unpredictable. But no matter what, he has two goals. One is to get rid of me and seize the "Wordless Codex", and the other is to seize the Hand of Annihilation, and he may not necessarily Knowing where the Hand of Annihilation really is now," Aiden began to analyze the big witches, "He will give priority to dealing with me, so I am going to stay in the prison for the time being. This is my home court after all."

If the goal is to defend the prison, then the more fighting power in the prison, the better.

"If he uses his 'Betrayal' power to attack the entire prison indiscriminately, all the prisoners in the prison will go crazy." Abigail reminded, "Even if you have people all over the prison, you can't use them to deal with that guy. ”

"I will use my power and the "Wordless Code" to deal with it. The target of other people is not Mr. Bloody Clothes, but his followers." Aiden responded, "I usually work in the city, no matter where I go to war with him , may hurt innocent people, it is better to confine the battlefield to the prison. "

"I see, so Warden, you are seriously considering letting us garrison your prison to prevent us from being unable to rescue you when something goes wrong, right?" Qikimora asked.

"That's right." Aiden nodded.

"Are you going to use your privileges to get us a job in prison?" Lamia spit out the letter.

"How is it possible? All of you are witches who have violated the Convention. Lamia is also a wanted criminal. If you want to serve in the prison, you need a very formal status." Aiden said seriously.

"What do you mean by the warden?" Abigail said.

"You just pretend to be prisoners. If you make a fake identity, illegally sell potions on the black market and get reported once, you will be released in less than two months," Aiden said seriously.

Since so many organizations and people can use this method to enter Aiden's prison, Aiden can also use the same method to lurk his own men into the prison to guard a wave of Mr. Bloody Clothes.

Aiden has heard of some cases where the police developed misdemeanor criminals into their own informants, arranging them to enter prisons to approach gang bosses or drug lords who were serving sentences to gain their trust and obtain information on key criminal evidence.

Faced with an extremely dangerous and ruthless character like Mr. Bloody Clothes, it would not be a bad idea to develop the great witches from the witch assembly into such "informants" and ambush them in prison.

In the past, it was impossible for him to agree to let these criminals who could use the Word of God enter his prison. After all, the facilities in the prison had no resistance to the Word of God. But now he can use his power to formulate an "unbreakable contract" to restrict the other party. .


The three great witches fell into silence at the same time.

"Why don't you talk?" Aiden was a little confused.

"Are you serious, Warden?" Kikimora sighed.

"This sounds... very much like a trap. Could it be that if I go in, you will lock me in and then collect my bounty?" Lamia asked.

"My duty now is to guard criminals, not to arrest them." Aiden replied calmly, "And I'm not short of money, so why do I want your bounty?"

"You have clearly been a heresy judge but haven't you understood? Lamia's bounty in the empire is a full fifty thousand pounds. This is the price of the corpse. If captured alive, it seems that it can be doubled." Chichimora said.

Aiden was stunned for a moment. The bounty was too high. The combined bounty of all S-class wanted criminals in the past ten years might not be half of Lamia's.

"After all, she is the queen of potions who has lived for hundreds of years. It is said that she holds the secret of the elixir." Kikimora explained.

"There is no medicine that will make you immortal at all. I can still make something close to that effect." Lamia spat out the message, "I mean, kid, are you really starting to lose your mind?"

"It's just... I'm a little surprised." Aiden coughed dryly, "These are extraordinary times. The enemy is threatening us. How could I backstab my ally?"

"But being in prison always makes people feel a little bit uncomfortable," Chichimola said.

"And that's your prison after all. Don't you think it's weird that you persuaded us to go in?" Lamia shrugged, "Who knows if you will have a secret dungeon there where you can have sex with women alone?" The prisoner's "tryst"?

"...What are you thinking about?" Aiden denied.

"Just now, there seemed to be a pause." Abigail interjected.

"I said, my credibility with you so far should be pretty good. I haven't even doubted whether you would cause trouble in my prison." Aiden raised his hands, "My only consideration is to deal with Mr. Xueyi, it’s your business to help or not, but if I fail, I don’t need to remind you who he will target next.”

Chichimora and Lamia looked at each other and fell silent.

They were not the kind of people who would swallow their anger. None of them would want to see Mr. Xueyi get his wish after forming a feud in Luohui City. What's more, Mr. Bloody Clothes will eventually target the Hand of Annihilation in Kikimora's hands.

If Aiden loses, the "Wordless Codex" will also fall into the hands of Mr. Blood-coated. Coupled with the support of the God of Death, Mr. Blood-coated will become a monster that no one can deal with except the Dominator.

"Of course, if I win by chance, I also hope that a few of you can understand the truth." Aiden persuaded while the iron was hot, "He who doesn't work won't eat."

Kikimora and Lamia were further shaken. They were very interested in Mr. Bloody's divine words, divinity and sole authority. If you didn't participate in the final battle, you wouldn't have the chance to gain anything.

"I will not stay in prison. Sabbat Forest is not far from Silver City. If necessary, I can get there within an hour." Abigail took the lead in stating her position.

Aiden glanced at her, and Abigail's response was as expected. Abigail was not only more homely than the other great witches, but also more cautious.

But Aiden was more curious about how she could get here from the Sabbat Forest within an hour.

Aiden turned his attention to the other two great witches, who were obviously considering it seriously.

"How is the food in prison?" Lamia suddenly asked.

"It's not bad. We can eat some special dishes in the cafeteria that are not available in the outside world." Aiden replied, adding a few words, "But we are not allowed to eat other prisoners."

"Can I smoke?" Chichimora asked.

"You can smoke, but you have to do it in the prescribed place and at the prescribed time." Aiden replied.

"Can I do research?" Lamia asked.

"You can apply for some mild projects. If you research drugs that can cure diseases, I would very much welcome you here." Aiden spread his hands.

Kikimora and Abigail looked at each other again, and Aiden realized that they were beginning to seriously consider his proposal.

"If you need confirmation, you can ask Kiki Mora to come over to visit Dai Li and the others and confirm with them." Aiden smiled, "Looking forward to seeing you in prison."

"..." Abigail stared at Aiden without speaking.

If those two people agree, it seems that more than half of the great witches recognized by her will enter this man's prison.

Why do you suddenly feel like the party you organized... is about to be hollowed out?

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