At midnight that day, Aiden rushed back to Silver City and handled a series of finishing tasks.

He met with Precia, who had been transferred to Father Valles' body, and asked her to exchange her body back. Then he escorted Father Valles and handed him over to the Inquisition as the main culprit of the "Mother Goddess of Plenty Case".

The fact that the actual controller of the Mother Goddess of Plenty was Sister Navey was not known to the public, and now there is no evidence. The information of the Word of God is top secret even in the Inquisition, and as for the "inheritance" power of the "reproduction" power, no one knows it, and it cannot be used as evidence in court.

Aiden asked the priest to take the initiative to resist the crime of organizing the cult - Father Valles had no choice. The only other main culprit he could confess was his biological mother, who had passed away and was the former leader of the cult. Even if he honestly confessed that Sister Navey, who was ostensibly his daughter, was the controller of the cult, the trial agency would never believe it.

Although the Mother Goddess of Plenty is a terrorist organization with political subversion purposes in the Empire and Gistas, it can only be regarded as an extreme cult in the autonomous state as a neutral zone. Illegal business for profit, black magic, violent resistance to the law... It seems quite serious, but overall it is not bad. Compared with other cults on the purge list, it is not outstanding.

Aiden designed a plot for the priest to surrender voluntarily. In addition, he himself was transformed into a synthetic beast by the former leader of the cult. It is unlikely that he will be extradited to the Empire or Gistas as a political prisoner. There are not many prisons that can accommodate a four-meter-tall synthetic beast. The Thorn Iron Prison in Silver City is the most suitable place.

Aiden expected that he would not be sentenced to death, but he would probably spend the rest of his life in the Thorn Iron Prison. Even if there is a chance to be released after a commutation of sentence, it should be a long time later.

As for Sister Naiwei's death, Aiden blamed it on the Witch Assembly. Sister Naiwei's original body and most of the combat nuns died at the entrance of the abandoned mine. The three witches of the Witch Assembly fought with them at that time.

When he and Veronica finished a series of aftermath work and returned to the Rose Iron Prison, it was already dawn.

After sending Daly and Precia back to their respective cells, Aiden and Veronica could finally sit down in the office to take a breath.

"I'm so tired. I feel more tired than the previous raids to suppress bandits." Veronica stretched her arms while sitting on the guest sofa.

"I think you are in much better condition than me." Aiden looked at her and smiled.

In order to prevent being caught by the Witch Assembly, after solving the cult, they almost rushed back non-stop, and spent nearly a night to deal with the aftermath. The sleep time for two days added up to less than five hours.

However, in contrast, Aiden felt that Veronica's complexion looked much better than the one he had just seen in the mirror. After all, Veronica was a werewolf with extraordinary physical strength, and she was also younger.

After the age of 25, people's physical strength still tends to improve, but they are indeed less and less able to stay up late. Thinking of this, Aiden couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"This mission is an outsourcing work in cooperation with the Inquisition. After completing it today, I can give you three extra paid days off. You can arrange it yourself. As for the bonus, I will give it to you when the Inquisition transfers it. You can go back and rest today. Thank you for your hard work." Aiden looked at Veronica and said.

"Great!" Veronica immediately clenched her fists, very happy.

Aiden looked at her and could only smile helplessly. After this hard trip, he wanted to give himself a paid leave immediately, but the affairs in the prison might not allow it. While it was still dark, he planned to sleep in the office to recover.

Veronica stood up, but did not leave the office immediately. Instead, she kept staring at Aiden, looking like she wanted to say something but stopped.

"What's wrong?" Aiden saw that she hadn't left yet, so he asked casually.

"Well..." Veronica was torn between her conscience and her mind for a while, took a deep breath, stared at Aiden and said, "Sir, it's rare... to complete the mission successfully. Tonight, should we go... somewhere to have a drink together?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the blood rushing to her face, making her face a little hot.

But she didn't care about whether she was blushing now, her mind was full of "I said it, I said it, I finally said it"...

Aiden was stunned at first, and replied: "Actually, I don't drink much..."

Veronica's expression froze for a moment.

But Aiden immediately continued: "It's okay to have a meal together. This mission was so smooth thanks to your advice, and I think I should treat you to a meal."

Veronica's expression immediately brightened up when she heard it: "Okay!"

Aiden and Veronica agreed on a time and place, watched her leave the office, and almost subconsciously scratched his eyebrows.

An active invitation from a female subordinate...

He had some emotional experience in his previous life. He saw Veronica's reaction just now. He could see that Veronica had some feelings for him, but he was almost past the age where he would be moved by such things.

In his opinion, Veronica's feelings were just a little bit, and it was far from the point where he needed to respond positively.

What's more, he had something life-threatening to deal with now...

Aiden glanced at the box at hand, which contained the credentials of the Great Witch they had recovered. As long as he used that, he could get in touch with Abigail immediately.

He did not take the initiative to touch the credentials on the way back to prevent Abigail from forcibly summoning him. He had to negotiate with the witch gathering when he was prepared.

Sitting alone in the office for a long time in silence, Aiden spoke and whispered: "Qiqimora, you are here, right?"

After a few seconds of silence, with an inadvertent blink, Aiden suddenly realized that there was a woman standing in the corner of the office.

It was not that she appeared suddenly, but that she had been standing there all the time, but her presence was too low, so no one else noticed it.

Qiqimora, she had sneaked into the prison a long time ago and waited in the office for a long time.

"Today's clothes look a bit plain." Aiden smiled at her.

"I rushed all the way here and didn't have time to change clothes." Qiqimora walked to the guest seat and sat down, looking straight at Aiden. Unlike the previous visits, her expression this time was much more serious, "The warden guessed that I was here."

"Ah, I took all the spoils. I guess you will definitely come here to protest to me." Aiden replied calmly.

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