The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 208 The Corpse-Eating Vampires

Aiden expected that after he took away almost all the benefits, the Witch Assembly would never give up.

They didn't kill him halfway on the way back, so they would most likely come to the prison to block him. When he went to the Inquisition to deal with the aftermath, Aiden guessed that Kikimora might have sneaked into the prison to wait for him.

"Then the warden should know why I'm here, right?" Kikimora narrowed her eyes.

"Are you here to have dinner with me? Sorry, you just heard it, I have a date tonight." Aiden leaned back in his chair with ease.

Unlike the surprise when he first met Kikimora, after observing her battle with Sister Naiwei, Aiden has more or less seen the effect of Kikimora's divine words.

In addition to eliminating the sense of existence, she seems to be able to eliminate the interference and influence of specific objects on herself or them. I think she can pass through the prison unimpeded by using this power.

Aiden could see that this power had limitations. First, the targets that this power could select were limited, most likely less than three. Second, this nullification was probably two-way, otherwise they could have killed Maiden Naiwei on the spot.

After all, this prison was still his home ground, and he had no intention of immediately clashing with the Witch Gathering.

"Please don't make a fool of yourself." Qiqimora looked serious.

"Don't worry, I plan to have a good talk with you about this matter, but at least not now." Aiden replied leisurely.

"What do you mean?"

"We haven't had a good rest for two days since the battle with the Mother Goddess of Plenty. At least wait for me to have a good sleep before talking about this matter." Aiden even put his feet on the table, "Afternoon. I will take the initiative to contact Abigail in the afternoon. Just wait patiently. I won't run away with wings."

He had the need and the right to remain calm as much as possible. The divinity and the remains of Maiden Naiwei, the things they wanted to negotiate were in his hands, and he controlled the dominant power of the negotiations.

Chichimora stared at him for a long time, and finally sighed: "Okay, since you said so, we can only give you a face. I will tell Abigail this. I hope the warden is not making fun of us."

"Of course, I won't see you off." Aiden spread his hands towards the door.

Chichimora stood up, smiled politely, saluted Aiden, and then disappeared without a trace the next second.


In the morning, in Beifeng Town, the Inquisition arrived at the abandoned mine and began to conduct a post-investigation, and handled and recovered the bodies.

As expected of a senior, he handled it cleanly at once.

Rebecca, the senior judge in charge of the investigation, looked at the corpses scattered all over the abandoned mine and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Although according to Aiden, the people here were basically killed by the Witch Assembly. But in the end, it was Aiden himself who proposed to use the Witch Assembly-this is a method that the Inquisition will never take.

Of course, if it were the old Aiden, he would not have done anything to join forces with the witch group. It is unknown what kind of mental changes he has experienced after working in prison for so many years.

"Captain..." A team member who was searching below came forward to report.

"Have you found the target body?" Rebecca asked.

"Found it. There are only two bodies that have not been completely decomposed at the scene." The team member raised his hand and pointed to the distance, "One headless body, and another body with a severely damaged head. The fragments of clothes on the body can be pieced together into a black nun's uniform."

"Well, that should be it." Rebecca nodded.

Nevi Barres was identified by the Inquisition as an accomplice who assisted Father Barres in establishing a cult in the "Frugal Mother Goddess Cult Case". Although she is dead, the Inquisition also needs to recover her body for confirmation.

The team members' description was basically consistent with what Aiden had told them before. Aiden claimed that the prisoners around him saw the battle between Sister Naiwei and the witches. During the battle, Sister Naiwei used "strange life alchemy" to create a headless substitute to take the damage on her behalf, but was then ambushed and killed by the witch Lamia.

The other corpses at the scene were basically artificial people made by the cult. The so-called corpses everywhere were actually basically the remains of artificial people that had not been completely decomposed. Only the body left by Sister Naiwei was relatively intact.

"But Captain... that body seems to have some problems." The team member who came to report suddenly added a sentence.


"You will know if you come and see it."

The team members led Rebecca to the place where Sister Naiwei's body was. At this time, the collection work on the scene had been roughly completed, and the body was moved to the side of the special recycling bag and prepared to be taken away.

Since there was no clothing on the body, the investigators temporarily covered her with a white cloth.

The team members stepped forward and lifted the white cloth little by little, exposing the dead body from the head to the shoulders, and then pointed to a certain place on the neck of the corpse: "Look, Captain, it's here."

Rebecca took a closer look and was stunned: "Blood marks?"

There were two puncture wounds on the neck of Sister Naiwei's body, which looked like needles. This wound was not unfamiliar to the investigators of the Inquisition - this was the "blood marks" left by the blood clan when they bit with their fangs when sucking blood.

It seemed that Sister Naiwei had been sucked by the blood clan recently - this so-called "recently" basically did not exceed two days, and the wounds bitten by vampires basically healed quickly, unless the person sucked blood died of blood loss.

Vampires... Aiden did not mention the participation of vampires when he confessed, and there was no information showing that there were vampires among the great witches participating in the war.

"Did you find out when the wound was bitten?" Rebecca asked smoothly.

"This..." the team member hesitated, "From the current investigation, it seems that this blood mark... was bitten after death."

"What?" Rebecca frowned.

It is extremely rare, though not unheard of, for vampires to suck blood from corpses. Most vampires will only drink fresh blood collected from living people unless absolutely necessary.

They regard the blood of the dead no differently than ordinary people regard moldy and hairy bread.

"There are traces of blood magic being used on the corpse. After such a long time, the blood in the corpse should have solidified long ago, but when we found the corpse, the blood in her body was still fluid. You see, the black blood flowing out of her wound Blood, although viscous, is still liquid," the team member explained to her, "Also, the blood marks on her neck showed no signs of healing at all, indicating that she was either sucked to death from blood loss before she died. He was bitten after death, and preliminary examination of the body showed that the fatal injury was a mechanical blow to the head... so it is more likely that the blood marks were left after death."

Rebecca was stunned. After the fighting here, until they arrived at the abandoned mine this morning, a vampire appeared here and bit the corpse to suck blood.

Is it just a hungry wandering Vampire who happened to pass by, or is it... that there was actually a Vampire who had been paying attention to the Feng Rang Mother Goddess Cult until the Cult was destroyed in the encirclement and suppression?

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