The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 21 Prisoner 4001

Night, warden's office.

"I see..." After listening to Aiden's narration, Veronica lowered her eyes, "So, the possibility of overturning the verdict should be very low."

Once again, she was taken to the warden's office to interview Aiden, and she listened to Aiden explain the current situation.

"At least, I can't think of any way to break this deadlock for the time being." Aiden also sighed.

Veronica was silent for a while, then suddenly let out a breath as if relieved, and then tried her best to smile: "Forget it, it's okay, Warden, you have done your best. I have also looked away, I am I am an orphan with no family or friends. I have nothing to worry about. Finally meeting a good person like you, the warden, is a good thing before I die. "

Aiden frowned and stared at Veronica for a while, then suddenly said: "Did you stay here for a few days and be imprisoned stupidly?"

"Eh?" Veronica was confused.

"No, being wrongly accused and being blamed for going to the gallows, how can you take this kind of thing lightly? You must die in peace, even if you are a ghost, you can't let those people go!" Aiden glared at her, "At least Can you have some backbone? I’ve been struggling for you for so long and I haven’t given up yet. Why should you give up? Even if the death penalty is to be carried out tomorrow, you must be prepared to apply for a retrial!”

After being completely convinced of Veronica's innocence, he made up his mind to help her overturn the case.

He has been a prison guard for two lifetimes and still has some feelings for his profession. The duty of a prison guard is to manage and reform criminals, and to execute punishments on innocent people is as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

What's more, today this villain actually dared to ride on his face and taunt him, which anyone with a temper would never tolerate.

"But..." Veronica was so stunned by this surprised guy that she couldn't even care about her depression for a moment, "Didn't you say that there was nothing you could do? Even if you don’t give up, what can you do?”

"Just because I can't think of it doesn't mean that others can't think of it." Aiden crossed his hands, "I know there is a 'person' who might know what to do... Since you have no other choice, I can only try to ask her."

"Who?" Veronica blinked.

Aiden glanced at her: "Secret."

"You...couldn't you be telling me that on purpose because you were afraid that I would commit suicide in prison?" Veronica looked at Aiden doubtfully, "I'm begging you, don't give me hope in vain." It makes me despair. Not many people can bear this kind of thing.”

"I'm just telling the truth. Let me tell you first. I have no obligation to take care of your feelings. I have done my best to help you in this way. This is your battle. No matter what the outcome is, I will fight until the end. It's your own obligation." Aiden said, standing up and putting on his hat, "Go back to your room, I'm going to see that person now, we don't have much time to waste."

After assigning his prison guards to send Veronica away, Aiden made sure that there was no one in the corridor, then returned to the office and took down a painting on the wall, revealing a safe embedded in the wall.

This safe is used to store some relatively confidential documents in this prison. Only the warden has the authority to open it, and Aiden only uses it occasionally.

But this time, Aiden wasn't planning on opening the safe.

He took out three different keys, inserted them into the keyholes in a row, twisted them, and then started to operate the turntable combination lock on the safe, but he entered a completely different code than usual.

Of course, the door of the safe was not opened, but a floor tile in front of Aiden's desk made an unlocking sound, and then slid to one side silently, revealing a secret passage underneath. In the secret passage was a The downward spiral staircase leads to the dark underground.

Aiden took back the key, scrambled the combination lock, and replaced the hanging painting. Then he took a lantern on the shelf, lit it, and walked into the secret passage.

After entering the secret passage, he casually pulled a switch on the wall of the stairs, and the floor tiles slid again, sealing the entrance.

Aiden held the lantern all the way down. The underground space ruled by darkness was silent. Only his footsteps echoed here, as if there was another transparent person walking behind him.

Finally, he came to the bottom floor, a huge darkroom, which was empty except for a door.

A huge cell door made of mithril occupying an entire wall.

Turntable password lock, automatic attack magic trap, six-pointed star alchemy sealing circle, surveillance spirit... There are many warning measures on the door in the core area. This prison door also has many. Not only that, there are also several types of heretics depicted on the door. The special runes listed as forbidden spells by the Inquisition Bureau are densely arranged in a spiral geometric layout, which is shocking to look at.

These are all attack runes. They are not used to strengthen the cell door, but to sense the moment the prisoner inside breaks through the containment. They are used to completely destroy the prisoner and this underground space, and separate her and this place. Completely buried together in the dungeon.

This dungeon is directly below the warden's office, and to be honest, Aiden is very doubtful about the rationality of this design.

Although the senior officials of the Inquisition who handed the matter over to him emphasized to him that the foundation of this place was specially reinforced like this dungeon, and even if the dungeon exploded, the prison above ground would be fine. But Aiden was still very worried that one day he would be sitting in the office writing documents, and suddenly there would be a loud bang underground, and he would die heroically in a volcanic fire.

What's more, he felt that these so-called forbidden techniques would probably not be able to kill the woman.

The existence of the prisoners imprisoned inside was a taboo in itself.

He untied the blockades on the cell door one by one, and finally bit a finger and smeared the blood on a groove on the door - this door, in this prison, only he had the authority to open.

With the sound of gears biting, the mithril-cast doors opened layer by layer, and the strongest cell of this Rose Iron Prison finally appeared in front of Aiden.

The entire cell and the cell door were made of mithril. A woman with long hair that reached the ground was tied to the execution rack at the end of the cell. Her palms, insteps, and joints were all pierced with long nails of strange shapes. She tilted her head and closed her eyes, looking as peaceful as a corpse.

The moment Aiden stepped into the cell, the sleeping woman slowly opened her eyes.

"Good evening, prisoner 4001." Aiden greeted her expressionlessly.

"You finally came to see me again, my dear warden."

Prisoner 4001 smiled at him, and his silver-gray eyes reflected Aiden's figure holding a lantern.

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