The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 22 The Conspiracy Goddess

Prisoner 4001, Melifilia Hughes, codenamed "Saint" in the Inquisition file.

The maximum number of prisoners that the Rose Iron Prison can hold is 4,000, and the prisoner's file number is only up to 4,000.

Prisoner 4001 is an "extra prisoner" here, and her file is not in this prison, but sealed in the headquarters of the Inquisition not far from the Rose Iron Prison.

She was transferred to the Rose Iron Prison by the Inquisition, the unit where Aiden used to work.

This cell was built six years ago. It was secretly rebuilt by separating a part of the abandoned dungeon in the Rose Iron Prison. The funds for the reconstruction were also allocated by the Inquisition. It is almost entirely made of mithril and embedded deep underground like a huge safe. Whether it is the cell itself or the complex project of placing the cell underground, the expenses are astronomical. The Rose Iron Prison, which has been short of funds for a long time, naturally cannot come up with this money.

In other words, strictly speaking, this cell should belong to the Inquisition. Melifilia itself has nothing to do with the Rose Iron Prison. The Rose Iron Prison only provides a place to accommodate this prisoner.

Before Aiden was transferred here, the entire Rose Iron Prison had no right to open the cell door, and even the prison guards who knew the existence of this cell did not exist. The warden's office directly above the cell was also moved here after Aiden took office.

Before that, the room had been requisitioned by the Inquisition as an archive room. The Inquisition claimed to the outside world that it was borrowing the heavily guarded Rose Iron Prison to store some redundant files.

The high-level officials of the Inquisition were willing to let go of Aiden, the ace investigator, and agreed to his transfer to the Rose Iron Prison to work, largely because of Melifilia - they just needed someone who knew the existence of prisoner 4001 to regularly monitor her accommodation.

Aiden and Melifilia have some kind of origin.

"When was the last time we met?" Melifilia said slowly, looking like she hadn't fully recovered from her long sleep.

"About half a month ago." Aiden sat down at the interrogation table in front of the execution stand, took off his hat and put it on the side.

"It's rare that you're here, play a game of chess with me after a long time." Melifilia asked.

"Okay, which one?"

Aiden brought up the box next to the table and opened it, which was filled with all kinds of homemade chess pieces and chessboards.

"Flying chess." Melifilia answered without hesitation.

"You really like this game that mainly relies on luck."

As Aiden spoke, he sorted out the chess pieces and parchment with chessboards for flying chess from the messy boxes. All of these were made by himself.

As a time traveler, he did not forget the fine tradition of time travelers promoting and carrying forward the culture of their own world in the new world.

After entering the Rose Iron Prison, Aiden once tried to promote some cultural and sports activities from his past world, including some chess and card games and simple ball games. These games were very popular among the prisoners and became a killer weapon to stabilize the emotions of the prisoners.

The downside is that some games are so popular that they also become popular among the prison guards, so Aiden has to repeatedly ask his subordinates not to indulge in games and neglect their duties during working hours.

Melifilia also likes chess and card games. This is one of the few ways for her to relieve boredom besides long sleep since she is not allowed to leave the cell.

Of course, here, only Aiden will play chess with her.

"If you play a game that requires your brain, you will definitely lose. A game without any suspense is really boring. It's better to have more variables in this kind of probability game." Melifilia looked at Aiden calmly as he set up the chess game.

Aiden did not refute. What Melifilia said was the truth.

Melifilia has a computing ability that surpasses that of humans. If Aiden evaluates it himself, it is probably comparable to the artificial intelligence of the previous life. For chess and other board games that are completely determined by strategy, ordinary people will never be able to win against her.

"You go first or me?" Aiden picked up the dice after setting up the chessboard.

"I go first." Melifilia replied.

As soon as the voice fell, the dice floated from Aiden's hand and threw it onto the chessboard.

Even though most of her power was sealed by the ten holy nails, she still had the power of thought to move the dice and chess pieces.

"Hey, you rolled six points in the first throw. You didn't cheat, did you?" Aiden watched her move the first chess piece to the take-off area with a victory.

"It depends on your ability." Melifilia looked proud, obviously very satisfied with the result of this start.

Aiden also threw the first hand, but only threw one point.

"It's not a good year." Aiden sighed.

"So, what do you want to ask me this time?" Melifilia asked while rolling the dice.

"You said it as if I had an ulterior motive every time I came to you."

"I have long experienced how ruthless you are since I was left alone by you. Apart from regular inspections, I can count the number of times you took the initiative to accompany me on both hands, and every time you asked for something from me." Melifilia stared at the chessboard and said slowly, "Let's make a deal. Play chess with me until dawn today, and I can give you inspiration."

"It looks like it will be a protracted war." Aiden took out his pocket watch and took a look.

"This deal is still worthwhile." Melifilia smiled, "I won't let you sleep today."

"Okay, then I'll be frank."

Aiden picked up the dice and while playing chess with Melifilia, he talked about Veronica's case.

"...So that means that all you need to do is instigate the witness and make him admit that he committed perjury?" After listening to Aiden's account, Melifilia concluded.


"Isn't it very simple? Just let the two accomplices break up."

"How to do this?" Aiden realized that the other party had an idea.

"For example, if the murderer is afraid that the witness will suddenly have a conscience and surrender, and sends a killer to seal his mouth, but the killer accidentally fails..." Melifilia had a dark smile on her face, "Escaped The witness of the disaster realized that the killer would not let him live, and their relationship would definitely be broken. "

"However, the murderer may not necessarily do this." Aiden questioned, "For the murderer, the witness is a very manipulative character. He has no need to kill the other party yet."

"The killer doesn't have to be sent by the murderer. It's enough for the witness to think so, isn't it?" Melifilia's smile grew wider, "It just so happens that you have a lot of good things on your hands. Use chess pieces?”

Aiden's hand reaching out to the chess pieces hesitated for a moment, then he raised his face towards Melifilia: "Do that kind of thing..."

"Illegal?" Melifilia raised her eyebrows as if mocking Aiden, "For a ruler, mortal rules are meaningless. You should be very clear about the results of praying to me for wisdom. Bar?"

Aiden was silent for a while and continued to move the chess pieces: "She is indeed the goddess of conspiracy. The strategies she came up with are still so insidious."

"The so-called conspiracy is just the definition of a mortal after all." Melifilia threw the dice and then moved the last chess piece to the end. "Okay, I won, let's start the next game."

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