The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 222 Eternal Sage Mode

That night, after finishing work and having dinner in the cafeteria, Aiden changed out of his uniform in the changing room and left the unit through the side door of the prison.

He walked to a nearby intersection to catch a public carriage home.

A figure suddenly appeared under the streetlight at the intersection and faced him head-on: "May I ask, is this gentleman the leader here?"

"Who? What's the matter?" Aiden couldn't help but feel doubtful, stopped and asked the man.

It was dark, but the street lights hadn't turned on yet. Aiden couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but the voice sounded a little strange.

"My name is Kyle Caodo, and I am here to visit the leader of this prison. May I ask if you are the warden here?" Kyle took off his hat and put it on his chest, politely Introduce yourself.

"Ah!" Aiden suddenly realized, "You are Ophelia's -"

"It's me!" Kyle nodded hurriedly, "Then you are indeed..."

"Ah, I am the warden here, my name is Aiden Garrod." Aiden admitted.

"Oh, Warden Jarod, I've admired you for a long time!" Kyle extended his hand to Aiden enthusiastically.

"Hello, hello." Aiden stretched out his left hand calmly.

Seeing this, Kyle could only change his left hand to shake hands with the other party, and then greeted him as if nothing had happened: "Warden, you look... you feel very young. How expensive is this year?"


"You can reach this position at the age of twenty-five? You are so young and promising!" Kyle exclaimed.

"It's just good luck." Aiden replied flatly.

This is not modesty. He can sit in this position largely due to luck. In this kind of unit, no matter how outstanding the ability is, it is difficult to get promoted quickly as long as there is someone sitting in the upper position. The reason why Aiden was able to become the top leader of the Rose Iron Prison within five years was mainly because the prison's working environment was too harsh at the time, which resulted in vacancies at the top and even the warden that no one was willing to fill.

"This is my ID. I am a registered heterogeneous person in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and a legal citizen of the Netherlands." Kyle took the initiative to show his ID.

"I know, I know, my subordinates told me about you." Aiden nodded.

"It really took me a lot of effort to meet you." Kyle lamented, "To be honest, it's not easy for vampires in today's society. Once their identity is revealed, people will immediately keep their distance. Even alien personnel Relevant human rights organizations sometimes ignore the vampires. Many people think that we belong to the undead race and cannot be treated as 'special human beings' at all."

"I can understand that your social situation is indeed difficult." Aiden nodded.

"Can you understand?" Kyle's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, my prison has housed many aliens. Of course, there is also more than one vampire who has had some contact with them." Aiden nodded.

"That's great! In that case..." Kyle put an awkward yet polite smile on his face, then lowered his gaze and pointed at Aiden's right hand carefully, "Can you please put the gun back?" Go?"

When Kyle reached out and tried to shake hands, Aiden pulled out the gun on his right hand and held it in his hand as if nothing had happened, so he could only stretch out his left hand to shake Kyle's hand.

"I'm sorry, it's an occupational disease left over from the past." Aiden replied without changing his face. "I used to work in the Inquisition as a superior inquisitor. When I saw a vampire, I would feel a little unsure if I didn't have a gun in my hand."

"But I feel so unsure when you act like this!" Kyle spread his hands helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you don't behave strangely, I won't do anything to you." Aiden replied calmly.

Aiden can carry a gun with him outside the unit, not because he is the leader of the prison, but because he has special authority as a superior judge. Because he still accepts the task of guarding Melifilia from the Inquisition Bureau, he still has a lot of authority as an inquisitor.

Just because Aiden does not discriminate against aliens does not mean that he will relax his vigilance against dangerous strangers.

Just because Kyle holds legal documents does not mean that he has absolutely no intention of attacking. He wants to see Ophelia, so there is no guarantee that he will not use his vampire ability to control the minds of those inside the prison. Aiden has reason to be wary. .

Taking out the gun was just to express an attitude, and revealing the fact that he had been a superior judge to the other party was also to make the other party feel wary and not attack him easily.

Of course it doesn't matter if they actually fight. Different from the past, Aiden now has the confidence to win. The divine word of "Order" should be effective against the blood magic and special abilities of the vampires, not to mention that this place is still near a prison.

"Okay, okay." Kyle could only helplessly try to ignore the weapon in the opponent's hand and continue the topic, "I wonder if you received the letter I sent before?"


"So, what do you think of the gifts in the letter?" Kyle asked tentatively.

"Hmm...very good." Aiden nodded.

"I knew you would like it!" Kyle snapped his fingers, looking very happy, "That's a collection I'm proud of!"

The experience of repeatedly hitting a wall when visiting the Rose Iron Prison made Kyle afraid to face the warden directly. The subordinate was a pure-blood werewolf, and the guest who came to visit was an unfathomable witch. Kyle could not determine what level of big shot the other party was.

He knows that vampires are easily feared by the world, and approaching others casually with this identity can easily arouse the other person's wariness. If the other party mistakenly thought that he was preparing to attack and took action first, he felt that he would probably die inexplicably.

So he changed his strategy. After finding out that the warden here was a man, he sent the photos he had collected for many years to the warden's mailbox, hoping to open up the situation.

As the saying goes, the hands that hold others are short. Kyle is confident that these collections can win the other party's favor to some extent - at least, it should be able to eliminate the other party's hostility.

To a certain extent, his goal was indeed achieved.

Because when he confirmed the identity of the other party, the first impression that came to Aiden's mind was that this was the funny guy who bribed others with pornographic pictures.

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised." Aiden said, "Because as far as I know... vampires don't seem to have any desires. Am I remembering it wrong?"

According to Aiden's knowledge, almost all undead, including vampires, do not have the ability to reproduce through reproductive behaviors like ordinary creatures. Of course, this desire will disappear when they transform into undead. .

Becoming an undead means eternal sage mode.

It is really incredible that a vampire who is absolutely cold-blooded would collect pornographic pictures.

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