The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 223 Reasons for insisting on meeting

"No, no, you remember correctly. After becoming a vampire, I am basically in sage mode every day." Kyle grinned, "I collected these photos just because of the beauty of these pictures, just for appreciation. Art that can be unearthed from the human body. Many vampires are interested in the lines of human necks because of their blood-sucking impulses, but I personally feel that this behavior is no different from ordinary people looking at human body art works with sexual fetishes, and I purely pursue the beauty of art. , I don’t have any preference for parts, I like all beautiful girls’ bodies equally.”

Aiden thought that it sounded like he was just lustful, or maybe he was a cannibal who wasn't picky about his food.

"Uh, I don't know..." Kyle turned to the topic carefully, "How's the matter I asked you in the letter going?"

"Well, I understand how you want to see your family, but this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed according to the regulations." Aiden replied categorically, "Prison is a place where punishments are carried out according to laws and regulations. There is no place without rules. Yours My sister, she has escaped from prison twice recently. One of them participated in a riot and took the initiative to attack the prison guards. There is still about a month left in the observation period. During this month, she is not entitled to interviews. In addition, she is meeting other prisoners today. There was a fight, and he is still in the solitary room.”

Kyle was stunned for a while after hearing Ophelia's bad deeds, and finally covered his face: "This stupid little sister..."

After a while, he raised his face again: "Is it really... that there is no room for negotiation at all?"

"Unfortunately, the nature of her behavior is really bad. If I just give her this kind of privilege without any reason, it would be malfeasance. Once the prosecutor's office finds out, even I will have to accept the punishment." Aiden Cross your hands.

"That's it." Kyle sighed helplessly. He could tell that this matter seemed to be impossible, but then he remembered something, "Wait a minute..."

He frowned and looked at Aiden: "So, where are those photos..."

"Ah, I have kept those photos you 'sent' me well." Aiden added an accent to the word "send" without changing his expression.

"..." Kyle stared at Aiden without speaking.

"..." Aiden met his gaze with no intention of dodging.

After a while, Kyle broke the silence: "Don't you feel guilty at all if I tell you...?"

"No, look, what you gave me doesn't constitute a bribe. Even if I accept it, I won't bring you injustice. But if I do things for you, I will be derelict in my duty. Like now, I took it Things, and I won’t do anything for you. It’s what you want, and at the same time, neither of us is at risk of committing a crime. It’s the best of both worlds, isn’t it?” Aiden shrugged.

Kyle was speechless for a moment, thinking to himself, I lost a bunch of collections. How can this be the best of both worlds?

"Okay, it's just a joke." Aiden smiled, "I don't intend to take away people's love casually. It's just right for you to meet me here. Just wait here while I go get those photos back. for you."

"No, no, no." Kyle changed his mind upon seeing this and waved his hands repeatedly, "I have a lot of them in my collection. It's rare that you, the warden, appreciate them, so I'll give them to you, the warden."

"Thank you very much." Aiden was not too polite.

"But it would be difficult if we couldn't meet..." Kyle scratched his head in distress.

"You can wait a month for Ophelia's observation period to pass before you come to visit her. During that period, you can send her letters, but the letters need to be reviewed." As a prison guard, Aiden made a reasonable request to the prisoner's family. suggestion.

"I plan to send the letter, but I still want to see her as soon as possible." Kyle replied.

"Is there any reason why we need to meet?" Aiden felt a little vigilant in his heart.

Prison inmates occasionally communicate with associates through meetings and continue to engage in criminal behavior while in prison. Although Kyle and Ophelia are brother and sister, they are both high-ranking vampires. Aiden felt that it was necessary to understand the reason why Kyle insisted on communicating in person.

"To tell you the truth, I am now... involved in a life-threatening matter, and I may die at some point." Kyle crossed his hands, "It's rare to know that Ophelia happens to be in the Autonomous Prefecture, I feel It is necessary to meet the only family member to avoid leaving any regrets.”

"From what you're saying, this 'big thing' seems to have happened in the Autonomous Prefecture?" Aiden keenly captured the word "just in time" in Kyle's words.

It sounded like another case was going to happen here. Even if this case was not within the scope of his current responsibility, he felt that he needed to find out about it and notify the corresponding law enforcement agency. Prison guards were also police, so he still had a sense of responsibility.

Moreover, for a vampire prince, a life-threatening matter would probably not be a trivial matter, and would most likely be an incident requiring the intervention of the Heretic Tribunal.

"How should I put this..." Kyle was still hesitant to reveal this matter. Then he suddenly remembered something, "Hey, you said earlier that you served as an inquisitor in the Inquisition?"

"Yeah." Aiden felt that his thoughts were beginning to be confirmed.

"Then I just want to ask, have you heard of the name 'Blood Red Full Moon'?" Kyle raised a finger.

Aiden was shocked and immediately held his breath. Fortunately, he controlled the changes in his facial expression in time.

"The Order of the Blood Moon?" Aiden asked back calmly, "What happened to this order?"

"As expected, I've heard of it." Kyle nodded as expected. "I heard that they suddenly started to resume activities in the autonomous prefecture a few years ago, and then disappeared again. Could it be that they were caught by the heresy trial agency here? Let’s deal with it.”

"First tell me what happened to this cult."

Aiden asked. Kyle's sudden mention of this name made him very concerned. He was not sure whether Kyle really just mentioned it to him casually, or whether he knew about his predecessor Aiden's relationship with the Blood Moon Order and came over to mention it deliberately. This is a test for him, so he doesn't want to leak the information here easily for the time being.

"This cult has started its activities again, and I am here just to stop them." Kyle answered.

"The cult has resumed its activities, here?" Aiden was shocked.

Basically all the members of the Blood Moon Order were killed by the Inquisition, with only the founder, the "Mr. Bloody Clothes", still at large.

The Blood Moon Order has resumed its activities. Could it be that... that guy is back?

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