"..." Aiden fell silent.

It feels quite awkward to sit in someone else's bathroom and talk to each other while a woman is taking a bath.

Abigail seemed calm and composed, and she opened the bottle and poured essential oil into the bathtub. This was probably the legendary "as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed" manner.

After a while, Aiden couldn't hold himself any longer and said, "It seems like it's not very convenient for you here, so I'd better come back and bother you later."

But Abigail refused: "No, I have just started soaking. It takes at least an hour to soak. I will feel sorry for making guests wait for so long. You don't have to mind, just say it here."

"All right."

Aiden took a deep breath and mentally reminded himself to be normal, just talk about things normally, and don't have any strange thoughts...

Well, considering that the witch soaking in the bathtub is at least seventy or eighty years old and her grandmother's generation, she feels like she will calm down immediately.

"You are not thinking of something rude, are you?" Abigail said suddenly.

"No!" Aiden denied reflexively. Although he didn't know whether the other party could see it through the mist, he immediately put a gentleman's smile on his face.

Why is this witch so sharp?

"Okay, so why are you here this time? Is it because the business we confirmed before is not going well?" Abigail asked.

"No, that thing went well. The reason I want to see you this time is to ask you about the Blood Moon Order composed of vampires that you mentioned before."

"What happened to that cult?"

"That cult appeared in Silver City, and... it seems that they also investigated the body of Nai Xiu before she succeeded." Aiden said slowly, "You said before that they worshiped the God of Death, right?"

"That's right." Abigail understood the situation, "I see, after the Black Goat falls, it will come to us."

The diary of the unknown witch revealed the possibility that the God of Death had intended to seize the power of "reproduction" from the royal family of the old Lesai Kingdom by manipulating the unknown witch. Only the two of them knew about this.

The God of Death wants to obtain the power of "reproduction". After the disappearance of the Mother Goddess Order, the next target should be the person who took away the only authority and the remains of Sister Nai, and the current Blood Moon Order is his minions.

"I'm coming for you," Aiden corrected.

"The remains fell into your hands for a time. You must have had something to do with it." Abigail replied.

"No matter what, if these people show up, they will be a hidden danger to you and me." Aiden pointed back and forth at Abigail and himself.

"Your Excellency, do you want me to take action?" Abigail saw Aiden's purpose.

"Everyone has already arrived at the city gate. Don't you have no sense of crisis at all?"

Aiden made a special trip to see Abigail, mainly because he wanted her to get involved in this matter to some extent.

If the Blood Moon Cult comes after the Fengyang Mother Goddess Cult, it will be a matter of time before they come to their door.

Even if Aiden can tell the other party that the remains of Sister Nai and the hatched eggs are in Abigail's hands, whether the other party believes it is another matter.

Moreover, people from the Blood Moon Cult seem to be killing people all over the city. No normal person would allow such a group of dangerous elements to roam around where they live.

"Since you have spoken, how can I not help?" Abigail changed her position in the bathtub, resting her elbows on the edge of the bathtub and supporting the side of her face with her hands. "But, what is the situation we have now?" Sample?"

Aiden recounted what he discovered here, including a "supervisor" of the Blood Moon Order who manipulated other vampires to disrupt the attention of the Heretic Bureau in the city, as well as the serial killings related to the vampires that occurred in the city. case.

"Serial killing..." Abigail pondered after hearing this, "I'm afraid this is a 'sacrifice'."


"Use the sacrificial ceremony as a medium to obtain part of the power assigned by the ruler. This is a method for many priests or agents who serve the ruler to obtain the 'favor' of the gods." Abigail explained to him, "'Death' Authority, its ritual is to offer 'death' to the ruler, so it requires killing. "

When Aiden heard this, he immediately thought of a prisoner in his prison, the madman Hero. She received a favor from the ruler and gained the special ability to feedback damage, but she could not bear the influence of the divine word and went crazy. .

"This kind of thing should cause mental pollution, right?" Aiden asked.

"As long as there is a way to adapt to the word of God, it will be no problem. A powerful enough spiritual spell or expression method will do." Abigail said, "Kill three people, then the other party may have temporarily obtained the power of 'death' Although the three powers are incomplete... and to continue to maintain the powers, rituals must be performed regularly. "

Hearing this, Aiden couldn't help but feel a chill - the enemy may be a monster empowered by the Dominators, and he continues to kill innocent people in this city...

But at the same time, a question also arose in his mind.

"This God of Death is too low-key in his actions. For a god to do something, he has to get two chess pieces to do something for him." He commented.

Two hundred years ago, in order to target the old Lesai Kingdom, the God of Death summoned a time traveler to launch an uprising against the kingdom, but now he actually asked a group of vampires to come over to do things.

"This is not surprising. Dominators will not let others catch them. Every saint who is close to authority is always thinking of pulling him from his position and replacing him. There will even be other rulers who are eyeing him. Many Dominators have already lost their original bodies and identities in the battle," Abigail said in a surprised tone, "Moreover, the God of Death who was defeated by another Dominator two hundred years ago is not here now. Do you know how he is doing?"

Aiden nodded, thinking of Melifilia - that guy now also occupies the bodies of other mortals. Could her original body be gone long ago?

It seems that in this world, being the dominant one does not mean sitting back and having nothing to worry about. Sitting on the throne not only means being superior, but also means being coveted by countless people and being involved in more intense power struggles.

If his life wasn't being targeted, given Aiden's temperament, he really wouldn't want to get involved in such trouble.

"From what you said, it seems that the 'supervisor' sent by the Blood Moon Order is probably the representative of the God of Death." Abigail turned the topic back, "What are you going to do now? Take the initiative. Go find him, or wait for him to come to your door and wait for an opportunity to deal with it? "

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