The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 235 The Mystery of the Birth of the Blood Clan

"I really hope you can find a way to deal with him." Aiden suggested bluntly, "After all, from the perspective of conflicting powers, you are the most suitable person to deal with this agent of death."

A blood race that may have mastered the three powers of "death". Judging from the number of powers alone, it is barely close to the saints with the power of "death" - although the power of each power should be a little different from the real word of God. cut.

But even such a "false saint" is a difficult opponent for Aiden now.

Although Aiden doesn't know much about the power of "death" authority, even if he only thinks about it from a conceptual level, he can imagine that the power of this authority must be extremely dangerous.

The authority of "life" and the authority of "death" are opposite and restrain each other. If Abigail, a true saint, can be invited to take action, this false saint will definitely be beaten to pieces.

Of course, even without considering this relationship, Aiden would not want to face such a difficult enemy in person.

"I don't mind helping you with it, after all, I still owe you a favor." Abigail agreed quite readily, "But it's not convenient for me to leave the Sabbat Forest for a long time, unless you first Help me find out where the target is so I can go and deal with him."

"Even if I want to take the initiative to find him, I can only rely on the Inquisition's search." Aiden crossed his hands, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"At most, I can only control some bats to search a little at night. Bats can distinguish between humans and vampires." Abigail said slowly, "It's just... a city as big as this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

"Can't we ask Chichimora and the others to help?"

"Have you misunderstood the relationship between me and them?" Abigail refused without hesitation.

Aiden understood what Abigail meant. The other great witches in the witch assembly were not Abigail's subordinates. If Abigail wanted to mobilize them, she would probably have to provide corresponding benefits. The last time the great witches collectively assisted Abigail, in the final analysis it was mainly because of the opportunity to obtain divinity.

Thinking of this, Aiden couldn't help but feel a little distressed. At present, in this Silver City, the only people and forces that are most likely to catch the supervisor of the Blood Moon Order are himself and the Inquisition Bureau. .

Although Abigail is not a wanted criminal, as the most powerful witch, there is no doubt that she has seriously violated the provisions of the Convention.

It was unrealistic for Abigail to cooperate with the Inquisition, even if he had some connections with both parties to coordinate in the middle. The last time the witches in prison were used to help, it was quite reluctant.

But it will be too late when the false saint comes to the door. With just one divine word of "return", it is not known whether he can win three incomplete powers - and the time when he dealt with Vera's assassination. Differently, this is not an opponent that can be solved by passive defense.

"I haven't done much research on the power of the 'death' authority. Have you understood it?" Aiden asked Abigail.

"I don't know much about it, but I can still get a rough idea." Abigail paused as she spoke, "Black magic is a degraded version of the Word of God, and necromancy is the incomplete power of 'death' "

Aiden imagined for a moment that, in addition to killing life, the power of "death" could probably do everything that necromancy can do, and do it better.

Even if... like a lich, they use a phylactery to preserve their souls. Even if their bodies are destroyed, they can "resurrect" themselves by manipulating other corpses.

For the specific situation, let’s try asking Melifilia.

It's just that this kind of "immortal" opponent is the most difficult to deal with. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Can we only hope that the Inquisition will find traces of that guy, and then he will tell Abigail to go and solve it?

At this time, Aiden's mind came to another card that he had always had in his hand - Melissa the fortune teller.

By the way, that guy might have a way to find out the "supervisor" hiding in this city...

Why not go over and visit her tomorrow and give it a try.

Even if you can't find out where the enemy is, you can still ask for clues to the divine word.

After making up his mind for the time being, Aiden looked at Abigail: "Forget it, let me find a way to find someone for now. If I find someone, I hope you can keep your promise."

"That's natural." Abigail replied calmly, "Also, please pay more attention to business matters. We here are very concerned about the progress."

Aiden couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart when he heard this. Abigail obviously didn't pay much attention to the Blood Moon Order, but she still had time to care about the business of producing sanitary napkins.

This is no wonder, after all, the Blood Moon Cult now operates in Silver City, not the Sabbat Forest. Completely opposite to the conflict with the Fengzhen Mother Goddess Cult, this time the opponent seems to be focusing on Aiden's territory first.

The way of heaven is so reincarnated...

"Okay, okay, then I..." Aiden was just about to leave when he suddenly remembered Kyle's incident and asked, "Ah, by the way, actually recently, I met a man who claimed to be here to hinder blood circulation. The blood prince who works for the ancestor of the Moon Religion, I would like to ask, is the curse of the ancestor of the blood clan really given by the God of Death? "

Aiden was going to take the opportunity to communicate with Abigail to find out whether the information provided by Kyle was credible.

"Well, you can say that. But strictly speaking, the curse of the blood race was not given directly by the current god of death, but it should be said that it was harmed by him." Abigail replied.

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked curiously.

"I once studied the blood race for a while... As far as I know, the ancestor of the blood race, Azrael, seemed to have almost become the ruler of the power of "death", but when he was promoted in the last step, something went wrong, causing him to be backfired by the power of power and become the cursed body now." Abigail replied.

"And now the power is in the hands of the "god of death"..." Aiden blinked twice and realized something, "Does that mean that the person who made the ancestor of the blood race fail to be promoted..."

"Yes, it is very likely that it is the current ruler of "death" - it is very likely that he took the only power from Azrael, which gave birth to the blood race." Abigail nodded.

Aiden fell into deep thought.

So, there is indeed some kind of blood feud between the Blood Clan Ancestor and the God of Death - the conflict between the Blood Clan Ancestor and the God of Death is real.

But the real purpose of the Blood Clan Ancestor is probably not to enjoy eternal sleep, but to obtain the authority of the God of Death and replace him.

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