The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 246 The Third Power of the Authority of “Death”

"Do you have any ideas?" Aiden frowned, "Let's talk about it first."

"Vampires with Earl and above blood can split their bodies into large groups of bats. I can split my bodies into large groups of bats and spread them out to conduct a large-scale search in the city to find out that damn serial killer." Kai Er said slowly, "I can tell the vampires who have sucked blood recently through their smell. After splitting the body, each bat is equivalent to a familiar that has inherited part of my consciousness. They will help me search for what I want through their sense of smell." Found the target.”

The body of Sister Naiwei had had her blood collected, and the body of Fireworks Girl discovered last week also had traces of blood collected by the vampires. It can be seen that the representative of the God of Death is probably not someone who suppresses blood addiction like Kyle. The rules of the disease are the blood clan.

But this doesn't sound like a reliable approach.

"Wait a minute, do you know the population and area of ​​this city? If you want to do a carpet search, you may not be able to complete it even if you are given a week, and the other party will not stay in the same place all the time. "Aiden raised an objection, "You know this case, because it may involve serial murders, the Inquisition Bureau and the Mounted Police have begun to join forces. These days, they have spent a lot of police force focusing on searching for hidden people in the city. The vampire clan still has no clue.”

"We can narrow the scope." Kyle said slowly, "That damn supervisor, doesn't he have four miscellaneous fish under his command? You should already know that he has been within the scope of activities of those miscellaneous fish. He acted internally, killing people in Flower Street and Uptown, diverting the attention of the Inquisition to those miscellaneous fish, and distracting the police force to facilitate his activities in the city..."

"So you think his activity range is in the neighborhoods of Uptown and around Fireworks Alley?" Aiden frowned slightly, "This is only possible. You must know that several vampires under him have been arrested. The last person, He was the one who saw the arrest with his own eyes, and the Inquisition Bureau has been searching in this direction, but nothing has been found so far. He may not be active around here anymore. "

"Oh, how do you know if you don't try? It doesn't cost anything to try anyway." Kyle smiled and clicked the spell on his neck, "As long as you are willing to temporarily help me unlock the restriction... You used to be a superior judge. , it should be possible, right?”

The method proposed by Kyle can actually be implemented by himself.

The reason why he didn't do this was because the spell attached to his neck by the Inquisition prevented him from doing this.

This spell, in addition to prohibiting vampires from absorbing human blood, will also restrict a small number of abilities of high-level vampires - mainly including the ability to atomize the body and transform and split the body into bats.

It's not that he can't use it, just that he can't use it completely.

He can only atomize or deform a small part of his body. Even if it atomizes or deforms, the mist can only gather into a ball and flutter with no way to disperse. The same goes for splitting into bats. Bat groups can only gather together to move. .

This kind of restrictive measure is mainly used to prevent higher-level vampires from using their abilities to commit crimes. As for blood magic, since vampires must use it to eat and absorb the blood they rely on for survival, the heresy trial agency cannot restrict it too much.

And Aiden, who was once a superior judge, did know how to temporarily lift this restriction.

"Then why didn't you directly cooperate with the Inquisition?" Aiden asked, staring at Kyle.

"The question is, will the Inquisition be willing to let me, a vampire, help investigate the case?" Kyle smiled self-deprecatingly and shrugged.

"That's true." Aiden nodded. Based on the atmosphere of the Inquisition, he would not casually cooperate with a blood prince who is as dangerous as an S-class wanted criminal. "But if I introduce it, they might accept it - —I don’t think you’re stupid enough to take the opportunity to cause trouble after the ban is lifted.”

"'s better not to do it." Kyle looked embarrassed, "Cooperating with the Inquisition will probably make me so nervous that my heart can't hold it. On this matter, you and I just need to cooperate. Let's try If you catch that guy, he should have a large bounty on his head now. This time, I can give you the entire bounty."

Aiden narrowed his eyes, realizing that Kyle was bewitching him.

Kyle, obviously withholding some information.

Kyle has been avoiding too much contact with the Heretic Inquisition. The real reason is probably not just that he doesn't like the Inquisition, but that he has some information that he knows but is not comfortable revealing.

Ever since he heard that Kyle had immortality given by the ancestor of the blood race, Aiden had vaguely felt something.

That means Kyle probably knows all the power held by Death's agent.

The ancestor of the blood clan specially sent Kyle to hinder the activities of the Blood Moon Order, mainly because the immortal body can be immune to the "life-taking" power of the agent of death.

The first ancestor is a saint with the authority of "death". Of course, it is impossible not to know the three powers of the authority of "death".

Since he had Kyle prepared for the "killing" power, there was no reason not to tell him what the remaining powers were.

Even if Kyle doesn't know the truth about authority and divine words, he should at least know that the enemy possesses three special abilities similar to those of the ancestor.

But Kyle may not easily disclose this information to the Heretic Tribunal. These powers involve not only the God of Death, but also the ancestor himself. After all, the Heretic Tribunal is also strictly the enemy of the ancestor, so he will only treat the Heretic Tribunal. Not mentioned.

So, before, Kyle only tried to reveal the information about the Blood Moon Cult to the Inquisition after learning that Aiden was a senior judge.

Kyle probably didn't intend to kill the other party, but just wanted to hinder the activities of the Blood Moon Cult. So after arriving in this city, he just acted step by step.

But after the agent of the God of Death tried to reach out to Ophelia, he probably changed his mind.

He wanted to get rid of the agent, but didn't want to have too much direct contact with the Inquisition.

So, he started to persuade the retired senior judge in front of him.

Aiden realized that he had to pry out the concealed information from Kyle. He still didn't know what the third power of the "Death" authority was.

If he got involved without knowing why, he might be used as a shield by Kyle in the future.

After a simple thought, he decided to attack directly from the front.

"Mr. Caodo." He stared into Kyle's eyes with a serious face, just like he usually interrogated a criminal who had committed a crime, "Are you hiding something important from me?"

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