The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 247 The Fourth Death

After listening to Aiden's question, Kyle blinked twice and then showed an awkward smile: "You... why do you think so? Except for some personal matters involving personal privacy, I have always told you everything... "

"Three items." Aiden raised three fingers without changing his expression. "I have collected some information and know that the agent of Death has more than just the special ability to kill targets through contact. He obtained it through the killing ritual. , there should be three special abilities. These three abilities... I'm afraid the ancestor also has them, so I believe that you, as the ancestor's representative, should know about them."

The smile on Kyle's face froze.

"You have never wanted to have contact with the Inquisition. I guess it's because you don't want to reveal information about the ancestor to the Inquisition." Aiden stared at Kyle's eyes. "If you insist on hiding it from me, you still want me to Working with you will be very difficult for me."

Sometimes a straightforward straight ball can catch the opponent off guard. Judging from Kyle's reaction, this move seems to be relatively successful.

After a few seconds of silence, Kyle gradually faded away from the awkward smile on his face.

"Okay, okay." Kyle raised his hands in surrender, "I didn't think it through well. It's really hard to hide this impromptu cooperation like this."

He looked at Aiden again, and the expression on his face was a little more playful: "To be honest, I have always felt that it is a bit uncomfortable to talk secretly through a curtain like this. How about we all be more honest with each other?" , what do you think?"

"How can we be honest?" Aiden frowned.

"Warden, you are actually... someone who knows the path to becoming a god, aren't you?" Kyle said in a calm voice.

At this moment, Aiden confirmed that Kyle not only knew the three powers possessed by the Agent of Death, but also knew that the essence of this power came from the motto of God with the power of "death".

"The path to becoming a god?" Aiden did not confess immediately. He was not sure whether Kyle was simply testing him.

"You don't have to hide it. I have actually suspected you from the beginning. You are from that world." Kyle pointed at Aiden and said, "Remember that Miss Alice Liddell? I used to be with you. I had contact with her, and she couldn't help but easily subdue me, and she casually told me the secret of the ancestor. At that time, I felt that she should be a person with the power of God. I wanted to be able to associate with that kind of person... You have a similar experience. The power, or at least the possibility of knowing how to become dominant, is high.”

Hearing this, Aiden couldn't help but roll his eyes at a certain witch in his mind.

Abigail what the hell are you doing?

When he was in the Inquisition Bureau before, he knew that Kyle had met Abigail after leaving prison.

But he didn't expect that Abigail would show off in front of Kyle without any scruples...for fear that others wouldn't know that she was the master of the Word of God.

But thinking about it carefully, Abigail did have the capital to be indifferent. After all, she was wearing a disguise at the time.

In other words, before Kyle came into contact with him, he had already suspected that he was the master of the Word of God - this is probably the main reason why Kyle had frequent contact with him and proposed to cooperate alone.

When Aiden threw a direct question, Kyle was completely convinced of his suspicions.

In terms of results, no one took advantage.

"Okay, let me tell you straight. I do know about authority." Seeing that both parties had revealed some details, Aiden felt that there was no need to hide too much from each other. "I know very well that under an authority, There are three powers, and I also know that the ancestor almost became the ruler of the power of 'death'."

"But you don't know the full power of the 'death' authority, right?" Kyle smiled mysteriously, "otherwise there is no need for you to stare at me here and ask."

"After all, I don't want to turn around and die unknown." Aiden replied calmly, "I know that in addition to taking lives, the agent of death probably also has an immortal body similar to yours, but the third power, I don't know yet."

"Then let me ask directly, if you know this information, will you disclose it to the Inquisition?" Kyle raised his hand and pointed at Aiden.

"I don't have to disclose it, but it won't necessarily happen if your ancestor becomes my enemy one day." Aiden replied.

The information about the Word of God is also top secret within the Inquisition Bureau. He himself is in charge of the matter of the Word of God, and because it is related to his identity as a time traveler, he has not disclosed it to the Heresy Tribunal yet.

"Then I don't have to worry. If you are willing to help us, you will be the ancestor's friend." Kyle smiled.

"We just have a common enemy at the moment." Aiden corrected, "Tell me quickly, what is the third power of the 'power of death'."

"Well, the third power of the 'death' authority is actually the power of 'psychic', that is, the ability to open the door to the underworld. The holder of the power can create a 'underworld' to accommodate the deceased, and this 'underworld' can Store corpses and undead souls. The ruler can open the door to the underworld and the present world at any time and summon the dead to this world, and the dead person will be completely controlled by the ruler. "

Aiden suddenly thought of the nameless witch summoned to this world by Death - it seemed that Death could even summon the souls of the dead from other worlds to this world.

"This sounds...a bit outrageous." Aiden commented.

"If a true ruler uses this power, it is indeed very against the will of heaven. But if the user is just a mortal, there will be restrictions, not to mention that the agent probably only has incomplete power." Kyle explained.

"What will the specific effect be?"

"The agent should only be able to summon the dead from the 'Underworld' he created, and his 'Underworld' can probably only accommodate three people at most." Kyle replied, "I guess he should be manipulating a dead person now and moving around in this city as that dead person. You should remember... last week, the police station received two missing cases."

"Are those two people the dead who were imprisoned in the 'Underworld'?" Aiden thought for a while, "Wait a minute, you said that the 'Underworld' created by the agent can accommodate three dead people including corpses and undead spirits, then why did he abandon a corpse and be discovered by the Inquisition-"

Halfway through, he realized the truth and suddenly felt a chill on his back.

"I told you that he is probably acting as one of the dead. In other words, the dead is still 'alive' in this city." Kyle said dimly, "He won't be discovered by the police."

"He killed... four people?" Aiden's expression was stiff.

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