The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 255 Let me show you my heart

Veronica glanced at Aiden in surprise. This suspicious woman in black had obviously been beaten to death by Aiden, but her boss still looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

"The enemy is hiding here! Go back to the prison! Quick!" Aiden repeated the order.

"Then sir -" Veronica noticed that Aiden's order did not include him among the people to be evacuated, and it sounded like... he seemed to want to stay to "cut off the queen."

"I'm going to fight him twice and try to blow this guy's head right here." Aiden replied with a cold expression.

"Then I also-" She subconsciously wanted to express her desire to stay and help, but was stopped by Aiden's gesture.

"This kind of opponent is too unattractive for you. If you stay here, I will be distracted." Aiden urged, "Leave here, this is an order! Trusting your superiors is a virtue for your subordinates."

A dark space crack appeared out of thin air directly above the fallen woman in black, carrying a cold wind, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop suddenly.

Veronica took a breath. She knew very little about black magic. She had never seen such a strange phenomenon. With just one glance, she realized that what her boss said was true. She was not the one who could compete with an opponent of this level. To deal with.

Without any further hesitation, she rushed into the path with explosive acceleration and rushed towards the side door of the prison.

She realized that in this situation, trusting Aiden's judgment was the wisest choice. Her boss had the strength to worry about her safety, and he also had the strength to protect her!

The black crack expanded, like a beast opening its bloody mouth, and the gate to the underworld created by the agent of death opened here.

Aiden kept a suitable distance and aimed his gun at the door of the underworld.

The figure wrapped in gray mist leaned out of the crack, and Aiden shot without hesitation - he had already made up his mind to shoot him first no matter what came out of this underworld.

The gun penetrated the figure - before Aiden pulled the trigger, the agent atomized the part of the body targeted by the gun. It is very difficult to use physical means to harm a vampire above the Duke level. .

Then the next second Aiden felt that his vision became blurred and quickly turned white.

The surroundings suddenly... fogged up.

Aiden was shocked and immediately realized what was going on. After all, he knew how to use this black magic.

Shrouds the surrounding area with mist, obscuring enemies' vision while allowing the caster and allies to maintain a certain level of vision.

This "fogging" black magic is also popular within the vampires. This small method can temporarily block the damage of the sun when necessary, and vampires do not completely rely on vision.

As the undead who feed on living people, they can feel the breath of life on living people. After turning into bats, advanced vampires can locate targets by hearing like real bats!

Therefore, Aiden did not choose to use this trick on the agent, as it would only be self-defeating.

Fuzzy black shadows stirred the thick fog, and he almost immediately heard the flapping sound of a large group of bats - the agent of death split his body into a large group of bats in the thick fog.

These bats are part of the agent's body. In theory, contact with any one of them can be regarded as direct contact with the agent, and can easily kill the person.

In this fog where he couldn't see his surroundings and faced with a huge number of bats, Aiden had nowhere to hide.

Combining the "life-killing" power granted by the God of Death with the special abilities of high-level vampires, it can turn into such a terrifying killing move.

Aiden did not hesitate at all, and began to recite the divine words of "return".

The power of "death" is too dangerous, and just a moment's hesitation may lead to defeat. In a real battle, there is no turn-based opportunity to hold back the ultimate move. Facing this kind of enemy, he doesn't have many choices. If necessary, he doesn't mind showing his cards right away.

Time seemed to freeze for a moment, then quickly reversed.

The dense fog was dispersed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if there was a strong wind that only affected this fog.

The gate to the underworld has been closed. At this moment, Aiden saw the bats surrounding him, divided into several queues, ready to attack him from all directions.

Under the influence of the power of the divine words, these bats began to fly upside down, as if they were going back in time.

The queue of bats shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and concentrated back to their starting point, where they were filled into a dark red cloak and condensed into a pale-skinned man.

The moment he saw this outfit clearly, Aiden suddenly felt an inexplicable stabbing pain in his chest, and the memory of his ex Aiden being shot through the chest emerged.

Aiden recognized the dark red robe, with the totem of a bleeding full moon printed on the center of the robe, and an eye drawn in the middle of the full moon. This is exactly the same as the attire of the Blood Moon Order that was destroyed five years ago and was controlled by Mr. Bloody Clothes - rather, it was this kind of robe that Mr. Bloody Clothes wore when he killed his predecessor Aiden.

The Blood Moon Order, which worships Melifilia, and the Blood Moon Order, which worships the God of Death, have more than just the same name.

From this point of view, the speculation he made yesterday based on the countess's confession that Mr. Bloody Clothes was the one who split the original Blood Moon Order and used it for his own use should be on the right track.

The agent of the god of death who was forcibly turned back to his original form by the power of the word of God showed a surprised expression to Aiden. When he was monitoring the scene yesterday, Veronica saw his trace and quickly left the tower. He did not witness Aiden using the word of God to save the countess.

Before the other party could react, Aiden shot him in the heart.

Vampires above the duke level have the ability to transform their bodies into mist. Even if their heads are cut off, they can be transformed back. If their limbs are lost, they can grow back as long as they replenish enough blood. For them, the only part that can be called a vital point, or the body part, is the heart.

The exorcism bullet that specifically damages the undead hits the heart before it turns into mist. This shot is fatal to even the prince-level vampires, but it is probably not enough to kill the agent with the power of "immortality".

Aiden is also very clear about this. He shot through the other party's heart. The real purpose of using the exorcism bullet to seal the other party's transformation ability.

The effect of the "return" divine word is not only limited in range, but also can only last for a relatively short time. Once the time limit is over, the opponent can use black magic and activate the ability of the vampire again, but the exorcism bullet can continue to work as long as it remains in the opponent's body.

Then he shot the opponent's knee with the second shot - this is to prevent the opponent from running out of the range of the divine word.

The agent screamed loudly. Even if he couldn't die, he could still feel the pain. The pain caused by the bullet that had a special damage effect on the undead was real.

But then, he did something that stunned Aiden - he suddenly stabbed his hand into his chest, tore open his chest with a terrifying force, and dug out his heart.

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