The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 256 Must be used for

Chapter 256 Must be used for...

Under the effect of the "return" divine word, the blood magic and transformation ability of the blood race were sealed. Even a prince-level blood race could not have the arm strength to pierce through the ribs and dig out the heart with bare hands.

However, Aiden immediately understood how the other party did it - I'm afraid that this madman who enjoys killing people used the power of "taking life" on him and forcibly dug out his vitals, and then because of the existence of the "immortality" power, he would not die because of the "taking life" power.

But Aiden couldn't figure out what the other party was going to do by making such a meaningless suicide at such a critical moment.

Is it because his foot was disabled and he couldn't move, so he had to throw the heart as a throwing weapon at all costs?

Even if that was the case, it would be useless. Not to mention that the "return" divine word can suppress the effect of the "taking life" power. In the area where the divine word is effective, once it is judged as an attack by him, as long as it does not reach the level of the divine power, it will be forced to return.

Shoot a few more bullets into the heart - although this guy can't die, he can't repair his injuries without blood. As long as he is weakened to the point where he can only surrender, he will win.

Having made up his mind, Aiden immediately reloaded his pistol with bullets. He had already emptied the magazine in the previous round of fighting.

At this time, the black-clothed woman lying on the ground suddenly jumped up from the ground and pounced on him. After the agent came out of the underworld, he could directly use the "psychic" power to control the dead, and this power would not be completely sealed by the return of the divine words.

But under the influence of the "return" divine words and the previous magic-devouring bullet, the dead's movements became extremely slow, like a drunk with uncoordinated hands and feet. Not to mention Aiden, this is not a decent sneak attack for ordinary people. Aiden calmly replaced the bullets, then raised his foot and kicked the dead who rushed in front of him.

The dead summoned by the agent were just ordinary people before they died. Even if they were manipulated by the power of "psychic communication", they were just ordinary zombies at best. The extra treatment the agent did to her was just to make her look more like a living person.

After kicking the zombie down, Aiden saw that the door to the underworld had opened behind the agent, and countless pale hands were grabbing his body and dragging him inside.

Aiden's first thought was that the other party wanted to hide in the underworld to delay time, but this was not a useful method.

The door to the underworld must be opened with the body of the power user, or the dead summoned by him on this side as a support. After dragging the body in, the door to the underworld can only rely on the body of the woman in black.

But now the agent cannot control the dead through the door to the underworld. This corpse has been hit by a magic-eating bullet specially designed for the undead, which is tantamount to fish on the chopping board. Just use another magic to dispel the dead, and its characteristics as an undead will be completely dispelled. Without support, the agent as the main body will still be spit out by the underworld he created.

Even if he can delay for more than ten seconds, he will always be within the range of the "return" divine word.

The power of the ruler is greatly limited in the hands of mortals, and Aiden estimated that the agent could not open the door to the underworld an unlimited number of times.

But the next moment, he found that the other party's right hand was empty, and the heart he dug out was gone.

The door to the underworld closed quickly, and the agent who entered the underworld made a provocative gesture to Aiden with a ferocious expression.

Then, almost at the same time, at a distance of nearly fifty meters, a new door to the underworld suddenly opened.

Aiden subconsciously moved his eyes there, and was shocked. For a moment, he didn't understand how the other party opened the "door" at such a long distance.

Then he noticed that above the black crack, something was falling down in a parabola.

It was... the missing heart!!

In the few seconds when Aiden was reloading bullets and was delayed by the body of the woman in black, the agent threw the heart out - not aiming at Aiden, but throwing it away from Aiden!

At this moment, Aiden understood the real purpose of the other party, reset the magazine and raised the gun to shoot, but such a distance was basically beyond the range of the pistol's accurate attack, not to mention that it was too difficult to focus on a target the size of an apple that fell across a parabola, even if he inherited the shooting skills of his predecessor Aiden, who was a sharpshooter.

The pale hand stretched out from the crack and caught it steadily. The agent left the underworld again and showed a mocking smile to Aiden.

This was the purpose of the agent. He obviously had a certain understanding of the power of the word of God and deduced the range of Aiden's word of God.

In the range where the "return" word of God was effective, he had no chance of winning against the warden in front of him.

So when Aiden sealed his transformation ability and crippled his knees, he thought of using the power of "psychic communication" to open the gate of the underworld and move his body out of the influence of the divine words.

He dug out his heart, opened the gate of the underworld to recover his body, used the corpse of the woman in black to launch a useless attack to gain a gap for himself, and then threw his heart dozens of meters away.

At this time, the underworld he created relied on the heart that was his body. When the gate of the underworld was reopened, the "gate" would appear at the location of the heart.

Aiden realized that he had underestimated his opponent. With the power of "immortality" as a backup, he used the power of "death" on himself without hesitation, and finally used the power of "psychic" to open the underworld twice to escape the influence of the "return" divine word - this is the escape route of this vampire!

He used the power of "death" to move quickly after being severely injured. In terms of combat experience, the opponent was obviously one level higher than him.

But... the exorcism bullet was still in the opponent's body.

As soon as Aiden had this thought, he saw the opponent with a hideous face, reaching into the heart and forcibly deducting a bullet.

Aiden couldn't help but gasp.

Vampires also have a sense of pain. When they are sunburned, they will howl like ghosts and wolves. It is too cruel to dig out bullets like this, even if they are immortal.

Although this guy is a perverted killer, Aiden must admit that he is indeed a ruthless person.

Aiden rushed over quickly. The effect of the "return" divine word was still there. He had to shoot the opponent a few more times before the opponent dug out another bullet.

"Come out, my beautiful and pathetic collection, help me delay for a while!" The agent shouted.

Aiden noticed that the gate to the underworld behind the opponent was not closed, and realized that the agent was going to summon the remaining dead.

But those dead...what kind of fighting power can they have?

Then, countless bats flew out of the gate to the underworld.

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