The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 257: Is two against one too much?

Countless bats rushed towards Aiden, blocking his vision.


Aiden was a little surprised. These bats that rushed towards him were obviously transformed from vampires, but the agent was just in his sight, and there was still a bullet in his knee that had not been taken out. He should not have the ability to transform now.

Unless... there are other vampires.

Thinking of this, he understood that this vampire was probably the other dead hidden in the "underworld" by the agent.

The agent used the first embrace ritual to turn the target he killed into his own followers!

If his bloodline is above the duke, then his followers must be above the marquis, and naturally they will have the ability to split into bats.

The group of bats rushed towards Aiden with a fearless momentum, but the moment they entered the range of the "return" divine word, a powerful force pulled each bat together and forced them to merge.

The vampire's ability to transform was forcibly dispelled, and the bats "returned" in midair to become a naked, pale-skinned woman, with blank eyes and continued to pounce on Aiden, with dried blood and tears on her face.

Aiden realized that although the other party had become a vampire, she was completely dead - probably after becoming a vampire in the first embrace, she was killed by the agent as a sacrifice to the god of death.

Aiden easily dodged the vampire female corpse that flew over, let her lie on the ground, and then shot her in the back.

Without the ability of the vampire, even if it is controlled by the "psychic" power, it is just an ordinary zombie.

The agent turned her into a vampire, probably just as a reserve combat power.

As for the black-clothed woman before, probably because she wanted to disguise her as a living person, the agent did not give her the first embrace - after all, the vampires are subtly different from humans in many details.

After leaving behind the female corpse of the vampire, Aiden turned his sight to the agent, who was holding the last "dead" summoned from the underworld, standing in front of him as a shield, and biting the other's neck from behind to suck blood.

The woman she was holding was shedding blood and tears that only vampires would shed, and her eyes showed obvious fear.

"Help! I don't want to die!!" The woman was unable to break free from the agent and reached out to Aiden for help.

The fourth "dead" was not a female corpse of the vampire like before, but a "living" vampire.

Aiden realized the purpose of the agent. He offered three sacrifices to the god of death, and the fourth "dead" was just a vampire that he had embraced for the first time and had not yet completely killed, so that he could not only trap her in the "underworld", but also get fresh blood from her at any time.

Just now, Aiden had left him with fatal injuries that were considered fatal to the vampires. After digging out the magic-devouring bullets, he used blood magic and the ability to transform to mend the wounds, which would probably require a lot of consumption, so he used the "blood packs" he had been saving.

Aiden continued to close the distance with the other party. Seeing that there was no time to continue sucking blood, the agent simply dug out the heart from the woman's back and bit it hard.

The woman screamed miserably, and her dark red eyes lost their light. She was not immortal, and her heart was severely injured to this extent, so she died on the spot.

Aiden realized that the agent had dug out two magic-devouring bullets in his body. It was meaningless to shoot at a high-level vampire who was ready to atomize his body at any time, so he raised his gun and shot at the body of the female vampire who had just died, so as to prevent the agent from manipulating the dead to use the abilities of the vampires as he did just now.

At this time, the agent hiding behind the dead man dispersed his body into gray bats, and the bats flew quickly into the air. Some of the bats gathered into the head of the agent, which was held up by the bats and looked down at Aiden from a high position.

"The effective distance is less than ten meters... There should not be much time left." He laughed at Aiden, "Aiden Jarod, the enemy of my lord, make a deal, hand over the woman you just let go and Ophelia Kaoduo, and tell me where the remains of the "breeding" saint are... I will spare your life."

"You have too many conditions, I can't remember them." Aiden responded coldly.

But at the same time, he also realized that it was impossible to catch this agent by himself.

The damage accumulated before was forcibly replenished by the other party by eating the heart of the dependent.

As for Aiden's own trump card, the range of the "return" divine word, the other party has thoroughly figured it out by using the attack of the vampire dead just now.

At the same time, the agent also saw that the "return" divine word could only last for a short time, so he did not choose to escape, but carefully kept a safe distance while brewing the next attack, and even confidently negotiated with Aiden.

If he dragged it here, he would definitely die. The only wise choice was to escape back to prison while the divine word could still work.

Next, Veronica might have to stay in prison for a while... As for dealing with the agent of the god of death, he could only think about it in the long run.

With the regret of not being able to deal with the enemy, Aiden prepared to retreat.

But at this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him: "I think so too."

As soon as the voice fell, a small group of black bats passed over Aiden and rushed straight towards the agent, fighting with the gray bat group in the air.

Aiden turned his head subconsciously and saw Kyle Kaoduo appear from the path on the side of the prison and walked towards him quickly. The left sleeve was empty - the black bat group just now was transformed by his left hand.

"What's wrong with you?" Aiden didn't expect a reinforcement to jump out at this time.

"I came here directly after hearing the gunshots. Are you surprised?" Kyle smiled brightly, then moved his eyes to the sky, and his expression quickly became cold, "I seem to have heard a name that I don't want to hear from this person just now."

"Me too." Aiden echoed.

Whether it is kidnapping people from his prison or trying to attack his subordinates, it is something Aiden can't tolerate.

"The running dog of the ancestor!?" The face of the death god agent twitched.

"Warden, the current situation..." Kyle asked Aiden for advice.

The current situation obviously can no longer proceed as planned. Let the agent escape here, it will be difficult to catch him in the future.

"Please try to fight him first, I'll support you if necessary." Aiden pointed at the spell on Kyle's neck and silently recited the secret spell of the Inquisition to help Kyle remove the restrictions on his transformation ability.

The Death Agent saw that the situation was not good and was about to split his body to escape. At this time, Kyle also completely split his body into countless bats that rushed into the sky and started a melee with the gray bats separated by the Agent.

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