The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 258: Beating My Teammates

Looking at the countless bats fighting in the sky above his head, Aiden silently stepped back a few steps, bent down to pick up the briefcase on the ground, and took out the mask and the silver dagger engraved with runes from it.

For tonight's action, he did make some equipment preparations, but he still felt a little bit regretful.

If he had known that he would have to fight the opponent in person today, he would have come wearing the full set of clothes and equipment of the superior judge.

The effect of the divine words has disappeared, and now he can only rely on Kyle as the main force and the agent to fight head-on.

Kyle's immortal body given by the ancestor can resist the deadly power of the "death" authority, but the opponent also has the power of "immortality". Aiden estimated that it would be difficult to determine the winner of this battle.

A small group of gray bats flew out from the bat swarm and rushed straight towards Aiden, but were soon caught up by another small group of black bats, leaving only a few fish that escaped the net and flew towards Aiden.

Aiden fired several shots, and then used a dagger to cut down the last two who came close.

Kyle and the agent were similar in physique, and Kyle would not suffer in terms of bloodline, and the number of bats after they split was almost the same.

Aiden looked back and glanced at the three dead bodies lying on the street. There was no movement on the three bodies.

In such a fierce fight, it seemed difficult for the agent to spare too much energy to attack him.

A large number of injured bats fell from the sky and crawled on the ground. Aiden reloaded bullets and looked up at the sky.

In just a few seconds, the number of bats was greatly reduced. The battle seemed chaotic, but Aiden also saw a little trick.

The core of the body of a high-level vampire is actually the heart. When a vampire splits, the heart part can split into four to seven small bat groups, and these bats cannot be separated too far from each other. Although the other parts can fly to a very far place, they have to return to the location of the heart when the time limit is close. The closer to the heart, the more accurately the vampire can control the bats split from other parts of the body.

For the superior judge, if they could attack the bats that transformed from the heart, they could severely injure the vampires in their transformed state. However, it was impossible for ordinary people to distinguish a few specific targets from the bat group.

But as the number of bats decreased, Aiden gradually observed the two most densely populated centers in the large group of bats.

One center was where the gray bats transformed by the agent were concentrated. They formed a sphere around each other in the air and were being besieged by black bats, while the other center was the opposite.

Whether it was Kyle or the agent, they had to do their best to protect their vital points in the battle, just like two boxers fighting each other, always protecting their vital points behind their fists while attacking each other's chins.

In other words, the side where the gray bats were concentrated was the vital point of the agent.

Aiden took the pistol with bullets loaded and estimated the straight-line distance - about thirty meters, which was the range that his marksmanship could reach. It was not very realistic to just find the heart of the agent and shoot it.

He put away his dagger and took out a sealed flask from his briefcase. It contained highly concentrated holy water, which had a strong corrosive effect on the undead. Ordinary evil spirits were basically wiped out after being sprinkled with it.

Recalling the experience of his predecessor Aiden beating Ophelia in the past, Aiden grabbed the flask and chanted a spell: "The blazing firelight shines on the palm of my hand."

Fine bubbles appeared in the holy water in the flask - the effect of this black magic is to heat a specific target, and the range of the magic is very short. It can basically only work on the objects held by the caster, and has no effect on living things.

Aiden used this black magic to heat the water in the flask to a near-boiling level, and then took a few steps forward and threw the flask of holy water towards the place where the gray bats were concentrated.

The test tube rose into the air and gradually approached the ball array where the gray bats gathered.

The agent noticed something was wrong, and several gray bats flew towards the flask, trying to knock it away - but it was too late.

Aiden quickly aimed and fired, blowing up the flask.

The burning holy water splashed in the air, carrying a lot of steam, and almost all the gray bats were hit - of course, the black bats transformed by Kyle who were participating in the siege were not spared.

This move was a trick that the former Aiden used to deal with Ophelia's atomization ability. He threw the heated sealed holy water at Ophelia, who turned her body into mist, and then broke the container with another shot - then Ophelia was beaten back to her original form and rolled on the ground in pain.

Along with the bats' shrill howls, Aiden saw the gray bats quickly gather into a human form in the air, fall from the air, and fall hard to the ground.

Aiden seized the opportunity and fired five shots at the body, directly emptying the magazine and sending all the remaining exorcism bullets into the body of the agent.

At the same time, the black bats also fell back to the ground, gathered together and turned back into Kyle's appearance.

"I'm dying, I'm dying!! Can you please say hello before you attack me, bro?" Kyle covered his face and wailed.

He was covered in wounds just like the agent over there, but the most serious damage was actually the large area of ​​holy water that Aiden had just splashed - Aiden's attack just now not only severely injured the agent, but also hit his teammates.

"I'm sorry, but if I tell him, he will be on guard, right?" Aiden reloaded the bullets without looking away. "And please either put on your clothes or turn around, don't face me, thank you."

Kyle finally recovered from the severe pain of being eroded by the holy water. Just as he was about to complain, he heard gunshots again - Aiden just changed the bullets and continued to shoot at the deputy pedestrian, emptying the magazine again.

The heart was eroded by the holy water, and he ate more than ten magic-eating bullets that were specially designed to hurt the undead. The deputy pedestrian could no longer get up and could only struggle in vain on the ground.

Then Aiden poured out the shells and continued to reload the bullets.

"I say, what are you doing..." Kyle asked blankly.

"To prevent him from getting up again." Aiden pushed the magazine in expressionlessly.

Kyle was dumbfounded. The agent was not only covered in wounds, but also had his heart shot several times. The joints of his body were also hit by the magic-devouring bullets. Although he could not die, he had no chance to resist this time.

What about this corpse whip?

Don't magic-devouring bullets cost money?

Then, Aiden aimed at the agent and fired again.

Listening to the agent's wailing, Kyle made a decision in his heart - if there is no need in the future, it is better not to be an enemy of this warden.

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