The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 272: Can’t Compete with Dad

Because of the trumpet just now, more armed pirates poured out of the cabin of the pirate ship.

It doesn't take all the manpower to rob a merchant ship that has given up resistance, but now there are three monsters forcibly boarding the ship, which is undoubtedly an emergency situation that requires them to go all out.

The female captain continued to shoot at Kyle, but Kyle, who had been shot once, naturally would not stay where he was and be a live target. He and the other two quickly found a shelter.

"Load silver bullets, kill these vampires! Take out all the holy water in the warehouse!" The female captain began to command her men, and at the same time she began to reload bullets.

Pirates occasionally encounter some "incredible" things at sea or in the ruins of islands, including but not limited to monsters, evil spirits and curses, so they will also reserve some weapons and props specifically for such situations.

"You go first, be careful, since this is the person that the adult specifically wants to catch, maybe he is unexpectedly a strong man..." Kyle leaned behind the box and reluctantly used his fingers to pick out the silver bullet from the shoulder wound.

Another male prince silently split himself into bats and attacked the pirates gathered on the deck.

The pirates waved their arms in fear and fired randomly at the sky, but they couldn't kill many bats. Instead, the bats kept scratching them, and some bats directly sucked blood from them. Once they sucked enough blood, they left and split into new individuals.

The female captain saw that the situation was not good, and she squatted down with her head in her hands to avoid the attack of the bats, while drawing a rune on the ground.

Soon, white mist spread immediately, covering most of the deck.

Kyle, who was hiding behind the box, looked at the female princess.

"Kyle..." The female princess was hesitant to speak.

"I withdraw my words." Kyle shook his head and sighed, "This is too bad..."

She actually used this kind of black magic to block the sight of the vampires. It seems that this girl's understanding of the vampires only stays at the superficial level of using silver holy water to cause additional damage. If the judges of the Inquisition were to evaluate, this wave of operations could be regarded as bad to the point of picking one's feet.

Kyle was really a little confused. How could such a small character be ordered to be arrested by the ancestor himself?

But since the order came down, they could only obey.

"The target is only Anne Drake, then the others..." The princess asked Kyle.

Although he was also a prince who had made a blood pact with the ancestor, Kyle's status was actually slightly higher than theirs. He could be regarded as the leader of this action team.

"It's okay to deal with the others. Anyway, they are just a bunch of pirates... But the target requires capture alive. Now that you can't see anyone, you should attack conservatively." Kyle gave instructions.

The princess simply drew a rune on the deck, and the surrounding fog immediately became thicker. The two fogs targeting the vampires and the pirates overlapped, and both groups of people became blind.

Then, the princess split herself into bats and randomly searched for prey on the scene. Bats do not need vision, and they have an overwhelming advantage over pirates in this fog - these pirates still lack experience in fighting against vampires.

The vampires have many weaknesses, but their abilities are also very strange. The heretic inquisitor can defeat the vampires by targeting the vampires' weaknesses, but for those who don't know much about vampires, high-level vampires will be a rather unsolvable opponent.

These bats can only cause some very shallow wounds, and the amount of blood absorbed is not much, but as the damage continues to accumulate, pirates will soon fall down due to anemia.

"Damn it!" The female captain cursed, and she was bitten several times by the bats rushing around in the fog.

There was a white mist in front of her eyes, and her ears were full of squeaking bats and her subordinates wailing in the bat group.

The female captain began to realize that this battle was impossible to win. Today was really a bad day. She was just trying to rob a merchant ship, but three monsters jumped out from the opposite side.

Abandon the ship and escape - this thought immediately came to her mind.

A ship is certainly a big loss, but it is better than losing her life.

Moreover, with her "family background", she can afford to lose a ship.

She chanted a spell and cast a black magic to enhance her vision, and her vision was slightly restored. Then she immediately rushed to the port side of the ship. As the captain of the "Deer Eagle Beast", she knew exactly where the small boat used for escape was hung.

She avoided several men who fell to the ground and rolled, rushed to the left side of the deck, and quickly fled along the railing from the front deck where bats were concentrated.

Gradually moving away from the center of the range of the black magic, the fog in front of her eyes became much lighter.

The female captain estimated the distance and felt that she was about to get away.

But at this time, a figure appeared in front of her.

"Surprise?" The figure greeted with a smile.

The female captain immediately raised her gun - the sound was exactly the same as the first vampire to board the ship.

But the other party waved his hand casually, and a long blood-red whip flashed by. Then the female captain was surprised to find that the gun in her hand seemed to be cut diagonally, the barrel disappeared directly, and the magazine was also cut in half.

There was still a little blood left on the cut, which flowed down and stained her hand.

The female captain screamed and threw away the half-remaining gun. At this time, Kyle had already approached her.

"Don't worry, I am generally quite gentlemanly to ladies..." Kyle said with a smile.

The female captain drew her sword and chopped. Kyle was prepared. The bloody whip in his hand turned into a long sword in an instant. He swung the long sword and gently pushed away the opponent's sailor knife. Then Kyle rushed forward and raised his knee to hit the female captain's abdomen.

The female captain immediately fell to the ground in pain.

"So I will try not to leave scars on you." Kyle smiled, turned the blood sword in his hand back into a whip, and tied up the female captain tightly. "This is a return salute to the previous shot. Now answer me, are you the captain of the Deer Eagle Beast, Anne Drake?"

"You... dare to trouble me?" The female captain of this ship, Anne Drake, gritted her teeth and raised her face, "My father is the pirate king who controls the Coral Sea!"

"It sounds powerful, but I'm sorry, I don't know much about pirates... Well, to be honest, I don't know you very well." Kyle scratched his head apologetically, "But anyway, your background really doesn't scare me. Your father is unlikely to be as powerful as our 'father'."

When it comes to competing with fathers, there are probably few people who can compete with these blood princes.

"You don't know us? Then why are you looking for me!?" The female captain's eyes widened, "For ransom? Treasure?"

"Oh no, the order I received..." Kyle thought for a moment, "is just to hand you over to the authorities and put you in jail."

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