The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 273 Financial Report

Evening, Rose Iron Prison.

Aiden sat in his office. In front of him was a familiar long table with pumpkin lanterns and five witches surrounded by gray fog. The witches' credentials projected Abigail's summoning space in front of him.

He came to meet with the witches' gathering today to report on the first week of their cooperation project on the market.

"- In summary, it is almost the same as we expected. The response after the new product was put on the market was very good." Aiden concluded, "Although it can only face the high-end market due to cost reasons, but in horizontal comparison, none of the similar products can pose a competitive threat to our products. I have already piled up a lot of sales orders... At least we don't have to worry about not being able to sell things for the next year."

"Very good." Abigail, who was sitting at the end of the long table, nodded, "Then our share..."

"Of course, it will be settled according to the share agreed before. I will convert the money into cash and give it to you. You can come to pick it up when you are free. I will find a way to solve the tax and other procedures. Of course, the money is just material costs." Aiden answered calmly.

Normally, if you only charge for raw materials, there is no need to give up half of the profit.

But considering that the core value of the product lies almost entirely in the absorbent material provided by Vera, this split is actually a benefit for the Rose Iron Prison.

If Vera can apply for a patent for this kind of thing and then hire a factory to produce it, she has a chance to become a powerful female capitalist in this era.

"Your Excellency is really reliable." Qiqimora's voice was full of laughter, "Then I will visit you in the next few days?"

"Please be sure to go through the main gate and don't break into the prison casually, thank you." Aiden emphasized again.

"I'll try my best." Qiqimora smiled.

"The agreed 50-50 split of net profit... does it mean that all costs should be deducted before splitting?" Habinis began to find fault, "The costs are basically calculated by you, how do we know if you have tampered with the costs?"

"Why would I do something like giving birth to a child without an asshole? That's why I made a detailed account for you to see, and all the details have been listed." Aiden picked up the open account book and shook it.

The witches looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Is there anyone among you who can't read the accounts?" Aiden frowned.

There was silence.

They were the witches who were most enthusiastic about studying magic, and they didn't care much about money. In terms of income and expenditure, they basically found ways to make money when they were short of money, and then invested it in research, and they didn't make money through legitimate channels... So it really took them some time to understand these professional income and expenditure books and charts.

"It seems very simple for me to fool you all of a sudden... Anyway, the cost accounting part is all here. I have written every production expenditure clearly. You can ask any questions, and I can check with you one by one." Aiden took out a pen and drew a special cost accounting area for the witches. "In the future, I will make a special cost accounting table for you. This should be okay, right?"

"Since your Excellency has said this, of course we will not doubt it." Abigail spoke up.

"The labor cost is so low." Vera scanned the accounts.

"The prison organizes production labor to reform prisoners, how can they pay them? Otherwise, people who can't find a job outside will want to go to prison. This money is just their remuneration and subsidy."

"Every drop is the hard-earned money of the prisoners. It seems that running a prison is really profitable." Habinis spoke again with foul mouth as usual.

"The construction and maintenance costs of the prison cannot be made up by these prisoners doing some work. Miss Habinis, your level of common sense makes me worry that you can't even understand the numbers." Aiden retorted without hesitation.

"If you have the ability, don't leave when you get off work today! I'll wait for you at the door of your unit!!" Habinis slammed the table and challenged him to a fight.

"You are a wanted criminal..." Lamia reminded on the side.

"I will remember to leave an empty room for you." Aiden smiled.

Aiden now feels that he is beginning to adapt to the atmosphere of this party more and more. Through this business cooperation, the distance between him and the witch has narrowed a little. Even Vera, who had been at odds with him because of Daly and Precia, softened her attitude.

Only Habinis still picked on him at every turn - even though this guy was so rude to everyone.

"Anyway, this time it's really thanks to you, sir." Abigail said, passing over the meaningless quarrel between the two, "I would like to express my gratitude to you as the organizer of the Witch Gathering."

"You're welcome, I also have to thank you for making this prison financially free." Aiden replied.

"Then I look forward to the financial report at the end of the month." Abigail said, "Let's adjourn."

The gray fog rolled up, and the scene in front of Aiden returned to his office again.

He put away the credentials of the Great Witch and leaned back to rest.

Now his relationship with the Witch Gathering has been quite stable. Although the fundamental opposition has never changed, this jointly operated business has now firmly bound their interests together.

The Witch Coven is gradually recovering the huge losses caused by the Cult of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, and the Rose Iron Prison has also been able to get rid of its long-term funding shortage on its own.

Their cooperative relationship is purely based on interests, but to a certain extent, the relationship established on interests is the most reliable. As long as this common interest exists and has sufficient value, the two parties will not be completely Break up.

Now he doesn't have to worry too much about the threat that the Witch's Assembly will pose to this side. Abigail is obviously not the kind of fool who will blatantly tear down the opponent's corners while doing business.

The new production project has been successfully put on the right track, and now the only thing he needs to be particularly concerned about is the main task of exploring the power of authority.

But two weeks ago, when he went to visit Melissa at Melifilia's suggestion, Melissa only replied to him with a very strange divination result: "Now you just need to guard the prison and wait silently. Do you want to The authority will automatically come to you.”

It sounds very effortless at first, but Aiden felt a crisis - if the power of authority appeared in the prison, its impact on the prison would be immeasurable.

But no matter how she asked, Melissa refused to reveal a word more, and just kept saying: "The real prophecies and hints are the ones you click on."

Aiden sat in the office and thought about it, and finally decided to put this clueless matter aside for now.

"First... let's inspect the cells as usual." With that in mind, he stood up, put on his hat, and left the office.

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