The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 307: Wordless Code

The next afternoon, Aiden sat in his office with the "Wordless Code" on his desk.

After finishing most of the aftermath work, Aiden finally had time to carefully study this trophy.

He put his hand on the "Code", and the impression of the surrounding space immediately emerged in his mind, as if someone in his mind took out a three-dimensional map and showed it to him.

On this map, a spherical space was lit up and marked. This space just wrapped up the entire Rose Iron Prison.

This is the "domain" set by him, where the "Wordless Code" is currently in effect.

After snatching this "Code" from Neville yesterday, Aiden has discovered some rules of the "Wordless Code".

First of all, just like the laws of a country can only take effect within the territory of this country, the rules of the "Wordless Code" can only take effect within the pre-specified domain.

This domain appears with the "Code" as the center, and the size can be adjusted, but the maximum can only reach two or three blocks.

A person can only write three rules in the Code in one day, and the Code can only have three rules at the same time. Each rule can be abolished at any time - declared in words or directly crossed out.

In the designated area, the Code will force all people and things to abide by the rules written on it. If the development of things will affect the rules, the Code will directly apply the rules to things.

For example, when Neville wrote "prohibited from directly or indirectly harming each other", the traps in the prison that would cause harm to people would automatically become invalid. When writing "prohibited from restricting personal freedom", the door of the cell would be opened and could not be locked again.

If it is a person who violates the rules, he will be "warned" by the Code. If he continues to ignore the "warning", the Code will directly deprive the violator of his ability to act and prevent him from taking further action. If the rule also stipulates a penalty, the Code will also punish him.

The moment he came into contact with the Wordless Code, Aiden automatically understood the punishment methods of the Code, which are four in total:

The first is corporal punishment. Violators will grow black tattoos in the shape of thorns. The tattoos will cause unbearable pain, but will not cause substantial harm to the violators. The duration is about five minutes. If the violator insists on breaking the rules, the punishment will continue.

The second is imprisonment. The Code will create several invisible walls around the violator and confine the target in this "cell". These "invisible" walls will only take effect on those who violate the rules, and will not affect other people and objects. The duration is about one hour.

The third is exile, or expulsion. The Code will teleport those who violate the rules in the field to a dark space with "nothing" for a period of time, and then send the target back to a random location outside the edge of the field. Those who violate the "exile" cannot return to the field within a day, and will be thrown out in the same way if they force their way in.

The fourth is the death penalty - no need to explain, as the name suggests, once the rules are violated, they will be executed directly. This should be considered as a few types of punishments, and only the punishment that can directly cause substantial harm to the person who violates the rules.

Aiden thought for a while and tried to write on a blank page: "Suicide is prohibited, and violators will be sentenced to death."

This rule seems a bit ridiculous, but it is logically feasible. If someone starts to commit suicide in prison and has the ability to complete suicide, the rules of the Code will take effect. The person who commits suicide will still die, but the cause of death should change from suicide to being executed by the Code.

But after the rules are written, the handwriting quickly becomes the same as when it was abolished, swallowed up by the pages without a trace.

Then, a line of neat words that looks like printed text will appear at the place where the rules were originally written: "Insufficient authority".

"This magic weapon really recognizes people." Aiden sighed in his heart.

Obviously, the "Wordless Code" does not recognize his authority to use the death penalty.

Melifilia once mentioned that although the sole authority is just an object, it has the consciousness of merging with the corresponding ruler. It will call on the "saints" who are qualified to become rulers. The closer the holder is to the corresponding authority, the more permissions the sole authority will open to him.

If it is a saint with the authority of "order", he should have the authority to use the death penalty.

Aiden thought about it and tried to rewrite a new rule: "It is forbidden to disobey the orders of Aiden Garrod."

Similarly, this line of words was quickly swallowed up, and "Insufficient authority" reappeared.

"It is forbidden for prisoners in the prison to disobey the orders of the prison guards."

"Insufficient authority."

"It is forbidden for Aiden Garrod to stand upside down in the field."

"Insufficient authority."

In the field of the "Wordless Code", even the holder cannot enjoy privileges, nor can the rules be effective only for specific objects-all of this is because he, as the holder, does not have the corresponding authority.

In other words, with the corresponding authority, it may be possible.

Perhaps only by becoming the ruler of the "order" that integrates the "Wordless Code" can one control this power at will.

Aiden thought for a moment and wrote another line: "The weather is nice today."

The word was absorbed again, and this time the reply was: "Invalid Article".

"It is forbidden to walk east and west at the same time."

It is also an "invalid article".

"It is forbidden to violate the "Prison Management Regulations".

It is still an "invalid article".


Aiden experimented several times and found that those meaningless, unclear, self-contradictory, or objectively impossible rules would all be identified as "invalid articles", and each rule must be able to be interpreted independently, and rules applied to other rules would not be recognized.

Although this "Code" does not have independent consciousness, Aiden still feels a kind of "willfulness" from this artifact-this is not something he can easily control now.

But to some extent, this thing can now serve as his life-saving talisman.

"It is forbidden to use the power of hatred authority, and violators will be punished with corporal punishment." Aiden wrote this line.

But soon, he got a reply: "Invalid clause."

Aiden thought about it and rewrote: "It is forbidden to take unfavorable actions against others for the purpose of revenge. Violators will be punished with corporal punishment."

This time the rule was not absorbed - Aiden realized that the rules specified above could not directly interfere with the power of authority by name, but could target something that authority could do.

The person who is the only authority of an object is below the ruler, but above the saint.

This "Wordless Code" should be able to restrict Mr. Bloody Clothes. The only problem is... if the only authority of "hatred" in Mr. Bloody Clothes's hand can break this rule, he will still not escape death.

Thinking of this, he stood up and took the lantern from the bookshelf.

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