The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 308 Give your pet a little reward for his hard work

Aiden opened the door to the underground cell and immediately caught Melifilia's gaze.

"Congratulations..." Melifilia immediately congratulated him, "Looking at you, you should have obtained the sole authority."

"...Sigh." Aiden sat down on the chair where he usually played chess and sighed suddenly.

"Oh, what's wrong? You have won the ticket to the throne of God that countless people dream of. Shouldn't you be happy?" Melifilia looked at Aiden.

"What's there to congratulate me for? This 'sole authority' was not won by me at all, but was arranged by 'you' to be given to me. In the end, I just completed a project assigned by you." "Aiden shrugged, "For me, there is no real sense of victory."

"Isn't it a joyful thing to have completed the test of the gods?" Melifilia said with a smile.

"I'm not your believer." Aiden said looking at Melifilia.

"In that case, you don't have to sigh when you see me." Melifilia looked at Aiden's face.

"When the pirate group came in with sole authority, this cell should have been affected, right?" Aiden asked, looking into the other person's eyes.

The moment he took the "Wordless Code" from Neville, Aiden felt that the domain of the "Wordless Code" included the underground part.

At that time, Melifilia's dungeon was probably also affected by the "no restriction of personal freedom" rule. The only power of authority must lie in these holy nails that only have a little bit of divinity.

As long as Melifilia regains control over this descended body, she will be able to use the Word of God, and it should be easy to escape from this prison.

Aiden went down to the dungeon this time to confirm Melifilia's containment status - although he guessed that Melifilia was still in the cell.

"Yes, at that moment, I could feel the holy nail loosening." Melifilia replied lightly, "Although it was only a small part, I did feel that I was reconnected with this body. ”

"You should have been able to use your strength to escape containment at that time." Aiden said expressionlessly, "But you didn't do that."

"Are you a little disappointed to see that I didn't escape from the prison? As a guard, shouldn't you feel relieved that your prisoner is staying in the cell?" Melifilia grinned.

"Why on earth are you staying in this prison?" Aiden crossed his hands, "If I guess correctly, you should be able to escape from this prison without the influence of the "Wordless Code". "

"Why do you say this?"

"The person who set up this trap is Melissa. Not only did she collect information about the Wordless Code, she also asked the ancestor of the blood clan to send people to capture the pirate king's daughter." Aiden said slowly, "How can an ordinary person ask the ancestor of the blood race who is above the saint level to do something? Even the saints I have come into contact with cannot easily come up with information related to authority like Melissa. It is unrealistic to say that she knows nothing about the power of authority. In short, it should be easy for her to kidnap you from this prison, but she did not do so. "

"Then why?" Melifilia asked in a test-question tone.

"I can only guess that this is also your will. After all, it was you who cooperated with me in going to prison, and Melissa has always claimed to be your loyal believer." Aiden shrugged, "Although I think she is definitely not that simple."

"Then what do you think she actually is?"

"I..." Aiden hesitated for a moment and handed over his answer sheet, "I actually suspect that she is your clone. Her speaking style is really similar to yours sometimes. This time, she posted this The way you play the game also makes me feel vaguely like playing chess with you. You can even control the points of the dice. Every time I play a game with you, I feel that you deliberately control the winning rate and then observe whether I can control it. Luck and judgment win.”

Aiden once read in the diary of the unknown witch that the "Desire" ruler used his will to corrode the unknown witch. Abigail guessed that it was the power of the "Desire" authority. And the authority of "wisdom" can also easily take over other people's bodies.

Aiden felt that with Melifilia's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to create a clone.

"So you came here to confirm this with me?" Melifilia asked.

"I want to know the real purpose of why you have been staying in this prison. I have completed the task you gave me this time. Isn't it too much to ask you to tell me a few truths?" Aiden spread his hands.

Melifilia opened her eyes slightly and showed a rare unexpected expression: "Why not go too far? The biggest beneficiary of obtaining the sole authority of 'Order' is obviously you. Normally, you should be the one to bow to me. Would you like to worship me?"

"From the beginning to the end, I just moved around on the chessboard you arranged. This is the result you expected." Aiden did not give in at all. "I want to use Melissa's own ability to seize the opportunity from the pirates." It shouldn't be difficult to follow the "Wordless Code". In fact, this authority has already fallen into your hands. All Melissa did was throw the food out and let me run over and pick it up like a pet. That's all, and she said it was all to please you..."


"Don't you think there should be some reward for your pet who works hard to please you?" Aiden spread his hands.

"Oh my, when did you become such a thick-skinned person?" Melifilia laughed, "Don't you even lose your self-esteem?"

"My self-esteem and dignity have been trampled to pieces by you a long time ago." Aiden shook his head, "I have always regarded myself as your caretaker, and the Inquisition also firmly believed that you have been contained. But until I personally went deep into the world of authority , I discovered that the power of God is beyond everyone’s imagination, and you are not my prisoner at all. We have been trying hard to control and supervise the gods we come into contact with, but now it seems... In your eyes, this is. Maybe it’s ridiculous?”

"That's not true. In fact, I think the theory of God's original sin you mentioned before is very interesting. It's just that reality is reality. If you want to accommodate a ruler... it's not that it is impossible for a mortal to do it, but it won't be like this. It's easy." An easy-going smile appeared on Melifilia's face, "Although you said that your self-esteem was crushed, you didn't seem to be disappointed except for sighing. You actually came to me to confirm your thoughts? "

"Mortals should not think about being decent when facing gods. This is what you taught me." Aiden said calmly, and then added, "Although it was taught through strip poker."

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