The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 401 Sincere Cooperation

An hour later, in the interview room, Aiden and Precia sat opposite each other across the iron table.

"You really gave me a difficult problem." After listening to Aiden's request, Precia gave her own evaluation, "It only changes a person's decision-making on a certain matter without affecting the spirit. For other parts, this kind of delicate work cannot be solved by spiritual magic. A swordsman may be able to kill monsters with a sword, but he may not be able to use a sword to cut people's nails. I can brainwash her. Do exactly what we say, but it will cause some mental trauma to her."

"Of course I didn't ask you to do that. I don't want to go to jail yet." Aiden waved his hand, "My request is if you can give her some hints so that she will gradually be inclined to do that."

"Well... maybe." Precia replied hesitantly, "But in the end, the final decision is hers."

"This is the effect I want." Aiden nodded.

The effect he wanted to achieve was actually ordinary psychological suggestion and guidance, and black magic was just a means to achieve the effect.

"Then my plan is to create a 'revelation' for her." Precia raised a finger.


"Many times when people are hesitant to choose something, they only need some factors to push them to make a decision." Precia explained, "At this time, a revelation is needed, just like some people She will choose to toss a coin, and the result of the coin will sometimes make her believe that this is a secret arrangement. In short, we want to create a factor to push her. "

"Okay, I can probably understand what you mean." Aiden nodded, "Then how to create this revelation? You can't just stuff a coin into her and force her to make a decision."

He has also done things like tossing coins. Although he was an atheist in his previous life, tossing a coin is just a method for him to make quick decisions using half probability, but the results of the coin are sometimes inexplicably very convincing.

If the result of the coin makes him hesitate enough to flip it again, he will simply choose the other result.

But no matter what, when people are wavering, sometimes they really just need a gentle push from some external factor.

"I suggest using dreams to create inspiration for her." Precia said without hesitation. "The concept of dreams itself is romantic, and it is especially effective for emotional issues. Sometimes a dream can make people feel a sense of affection. The effect of apocalypse.”

"It's interesting. You can do it, right?" Aiden also thought this plan was promising.

"I need to conduct enough psychoanalysis on the target to accurately interfere with her dreams, which takes time."

"How long will it take?"

"If we hurry, it can be done in three nights."

"This is too slow." Aiden shook his head, "I will arrange an excellent assistant for you. She is very good at creating dreams. You can guide her by your side."

"Excellent assistant?" Precia didn't react for a moment. After a while, she suddenly reacted, "Could it be..."

"It's what you think." Aiden smiled.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Sir Aiden, you really miss me, right?" Feier, who was brought over by the prison guards, excitedly opened the door of the interview room.

But the moment she saw Precia, her expression suddenly turned from cloudy to cloudy: "Why is there anyone else here? By the way, hasn't this woman been fucked by us once last time?"

"What exactly did you do to my body that day?" Precia was aroused again.

"Nothing. Okay, Faile, sit down...I told you to sit down! If you climb on the table again, believe it or not, I'll let the golem break off your horns?" Aiden quickly gave instructions, "This I called you here this time to use your ability again. There are serious things to do. "

"What about the inappropriate things later?" Feier tilted her head.

"If you insist on thinking so wildly, there's nothing I can do about it." Aiden spread his hands.

"Sister Aiden, you do this every time." Mayfair pouted angrily, "To you, am I just a cheap woman who can use it when you want and throw it aside when you don't need it?"

"If you want me to tell the truth..." Aiden paused, then nodded without hesitation, "Yes, yes!"

"Wow wow wow! Lord Aiden is so outrageous!" Faile quickly pretended to cry, but then she laughed again, "But I like it, hehe."

"Your conversation is really unbearable." Precia commented with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Okay Fei'er, if you don't want to help, I won't force you. It doesn't matter if you leave everything to Precia. Just take your time." Aiden said suddenly.

"Are you kidding? That won't work! If you let her take my job, you will definitely forget about me." Feier suddenly said resolutely.

"I really don't want to cooperate with this succubus with a bad mind." Precia held her forehead.

"You wait in the cell tonight, and I will bring someone to call you out to cast spells on the target. We will discuss the details now."

Half an hour later, Aiden took the two people out of the interview room and sent them back to the cells in the core area.

"Don't forget, I'll trouble you tonight." Aiden gave another instruction as he approached the gate.

"I know, I know." Precia breathed a sigh of relief, "It's you, the warden. I'll help you do these things. Don't forget what you promised me before."

"Lord Aiden, you actually have a secret deal with another woman!" Fei'er immediately pricked up her ears, "You obviously didn't want to tell me--"

"Don't get excited by everything you hear! Hurry up and move forward. If you stand here again, I'll kick you!" Aiden urged impatiently.

At this time, the gate of the core area in front suddenly opened. Prison guard Isabella, accompanied by a riot police, took the "madman" He Luo out. He Luo was wearing handcuffs, and the handcuffs were connected to a chain, and was tightly held by the riot police.

"Warden!" Isabella and the riot police stopped and saluted at the same time.

"Take her to take a shower?" Aiden glanced at He Luo.

He Luo stared at Aiden intently as before, squinting his eyes and slightly tilting his head, his expression seemed to be a little confused.

"Yes." Isabella replied.

Because of her mental problems, He Luo could not work, nor could she get along with other prisoners normally. Fortunately, she still had a certain degree of self-care ability. Aiden could only keep her in his cell for a long time, and only let the prison guards and riot police take her to the bathhouse to wash and change clothes at different times from other prisoners when she was still in a stable state.

"Go." Aiden nodded, and took Precia and Fei'er to the gate.

Isabella and the accompanying riot police also continued to move forward, but He Luo stood still at this time.

"Move forward!" Isabella ordered.

But He Luo still stood there, motionless, just turned his head and stared at Aiden's back.

"Hey, don't stand here--"

Isabella urged again, but at this time He Luo suddenly screamed, then turned around and rushed towards Aiden.

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