The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 402: The Conspirators' Minions

Hero's sudden madness startled everyone present. Although Hero was not sober on weekdays, she was basically quite cooperative when she was taken to take a shower and have some fresh air - she was just a lunatic, not mentally handicapped, and at least she was still well behaved when it came to the necessities of her life.

Fortunately, the riot police reacted in time, tightened the chain, and grabbed Hero. At the same time, he also felt a sharp pain in his wrist - this was the pain feedback from Hero's wrist being pulled by the shackles. Fortunately, this degree of pain did not affect the riot police's strength. He pulled the chain back and started tug-of-war with Hero.

With the physique of the riot police, both the strength and weight could completely suppress Hero, but the violent Hero burst out with amazing strength at this moment. She rushed towards Aiden like a mad dog being grabbed, completely ignoring the fact that the hard handcuffs had been deeply embedded in the flesh of her wrist.

At the same time, she screamed heartbreakingly: "Go to hell, enemy of my Lord! Blasphemer! Damn minions of the conspirators!! Ahhhhhh!!"

"Damn it!" The sudden situation made Isabella at a loss for a moment, and she subconsciously reached for the baton at her waist.

"Calm down, don't hit her!" Aiden pointed at Isabella.

Isabella suddenly reacted - if she used violence against Hero, she herself would probably have to lie in the infirmary.

Aiden and He Luo kept a safe distance. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and ordered: "Full restraint mode."

The amalgam golem that had been standing by Aiden's side and waiting for orders quickly took action, pounced over and quickly transformed, wrapped around He Luo like a snake, and then solidified again, turning into a set of strange shackles to shackle He Luo's neck. Four chains extended from her neck, two short ones buckled her wrists forward, and the long ones buckled her ankles backward. The length of the chains was very limited, so He Luo could not stretch her elbows and knees, and could only kneel on the ground with her hands and feet tied.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" He Luo was still shouting wildly.

Aiden added another order: "Silence."

The amalgam golem split into a mask to seal He Luo's mouth, so that she could only make a "mmm" sound.

"This binding technique is really exquisite. Warden, you are really good at it!" Fei'er's eyes suddenly lit up, "Let's try it next time?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work." Aiden instructed calmly, "Hypnotize her."

"I can't do this kind of mentally excited lunatic." Fei'er waved her hands repeatedly, "It's too tiring."

"Precia." Aiden had to change to a more professional one, "Prisoner 3397, unlock the spellcasting authority."

Precia stepped forward and muttered, "Close your eyes, and the night will rise from inside you."

The hypnosis took effect instantly, and He Luo was suddenly hit by a strong sleepiness. His body began to shake, but he was still cursing incoherently, as if talking in his sleep.

Precia recited the spell again to strengthen the spell effect.

"Go to sleep." She said to He Luo.

Hero finally calmed down, and under the restraints of the amalgam golem, he lowered his head heavily and lost consciousness.

Precia breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of mental interference without obvious hostility would not trigger Hero's "revenge" reaction. So far, Hero can rebound basically physical damage.

"Why is it so sudden?" Isabella was at a loss, "Warden, she... was really well behaved when she was brought out."

"I know, it has nothing to do with you." Aiden signaled her not to be nervous.

He had long noticed Hero's recent abnormality, but Hero's abnormal mental state made her unable to give any useful response even if he talked to her.

Now that Hero has finally taken actual action, Aiden realized that this madman was hostile to him.

My Lord's enemy... the minions of the conspirators?

Hero is a priestess of the "Temple of Vengeance", and the master she serves is the goddess of vengeance.

The enemy of the goddess of vengeance is the goddess of conspiracy, Melifilia - to be precise, it is actually Melifilia and Melissa. This is probably the conspirator she called.

Minions? This guy thinks he is the minions of the goddess of conspiracy?

Is he carrying some traces left by the dungeon goddess? Or was it the influence of the divinity accumulated in him or the divine words he mastered?

Or was it some kind of change in Hero himself?

In any case, the fundamental reason why Hero suddenly developed such hostility towards him was probably due to the Goddess of Conspiracy.

Perhaps Precia could investigate it by the way...

"How long can she stay like this?" Aiden asked Precia.

"It's no problem to sleep until tomorrow morning." Precia replied.

Aiden controlled the amalgam golem to untie the restraints and helped Hero to slowly fall to the ground.

Then Aiden turned to Isabella: "Ask someone to get a stretcher and move her to the infirmary."

"Do you want to treat her?" Isabella blinked.

"Do a mental examination and find a bed to tie her up. Precia, can you please work overtime before the evening mission?" Aiden turned to Precia again.

"Haven't I investigated this madman's mind before? This is not the level of my treatment." Precia replied with a frown.

After the Witch Gathering and the Mother Goddess of Plenty incidents, Precia began to work for Aiden with Daly. At that time, Aiden asked Precia to try to intervene in the mentally ill prisoners in the prison to a certain extent, and Hero was one of them.

In this world where psychology is not very developed, Precia, who has studied the black magic of the mental system to the pinnacle, is an expert in this field. Although the effect of mental magic is very short, if hypnosis is performed regularly and persisted for a long time, it can still have a certain corrective effect.

Many prisoners have achieved a certain degree of improvement under Precia's treatment. There are only two prisoners that Precia can't do anything about. One is Camilla. Aiden originally wanted to use mental treatment to improve this guy's addiction to violence, but she had a certain resistance to the hypnosis of mental magic and she didn't cooperate with the treatment at all. Several attempts ended in failure.

The other one is Hero. The problem with Hero is that Precia is powerless. When she first investigated Hero's mind, Precia reported that Hero's mind was "like several pieces of torn cotton wool", as if the brain had suffered serious damage or disease, and it could not be repaired by simple mental intervention.

"I don't want you to treat her, just investigate. Her mental state may have changed a little recently." Aiden looked at Precia and said.

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