The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 408 Precognitive Dream

The guest sitting on the sofa, Rebecca, the superior inquisitor of the Inquisition Bureau, stood up from her seat and put on her hat: "It should be in that area. With the information, we will be able to lock them in soon."

"You are still very efficient. They don't have any chance in this city." Aiden smiled.

"Their fighting power...cannot be achieved by relying on the Mounted Police Team alone, but must come from the Inquisition Bureau." Rebecca said slowly, "If there is a conflict, casualties may be unavoidable."

"Be prepared. This is a group of soldiers, and they are still in the city. If they resist, they can only kill them. We have this authority... I will also help with this matter. I have some good people here." Aiden nod.

"Are you going to use prisoners again?"

"When it comes to killing people, they are much more professional than the Heretic Inquisitors." Aiden nodded. "Capture the thief first, capture the king, and find a way to get rid of their commander. The rest are just a mess."

"Thank you, senior. Take your leave." After Rebecca finished speaking, she was about to leave.

"I'll give you two steps, you wait here first." Aiden turned to Saira, "There is good news, the Inquisition has caught the tail of those secret police, and we will catch them soon. "

After saying that, Aiden sent Rebecca out, completely ignoring the frightened expression on Saira's face.

This scene and this conversation are almost exactly the same as in the dream... Could it be that yesterday's dream was the legendary precognitive dream?

Then what will happen next -

Saira suddenly felt a chill.

In the corridor, Aiden sent Rebecca out of the core area and came to near the exit where the prison guards went to and from get off work.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I came here to report on the progress of the investigation..." Aiden said politely, "and you still cooperated with me in putting on such a good show."

"It's a small thing, but why do you do this? We obviously didn't find that group of people at all." Rebecca turned around and asked.

"Of course it's not that easy to find. How can those secret police be as good as us in catching wanted criminals before? And they should have had their own espionage network in neighboring countries for a long time..." Aiden shrugged, " I said this just for the prisoner to hear, to give her a push."

This is also part of the "dream plan", which was thought up by Aiden. By interpreting the dream in reality, it puts enough psychological pressure on Saira, deepens her psychological suggestion that she may miss everything if she continues to hesitate, and forces her to make a decision as soon as possible.

Judging from the feeling of contact, Saira does not have any scheming or courage. This trait makes her afraid to take a risky step, and also allows Aiden and the others to scare her easily.

To deal with simple people, you must use simple methods. This kind of deception method can be effective on her. The remaining question depends on whether she is really like Asena said, she can't hold up the wall.

"Who is the prisoner?" Rebecca asked.

"It's not convenient to say at the moment, but you can probably should be announced soon after the matter is over." Aiden raised his hand to indicate that she didn't need to go into details, "It's true that I plan to use prisoners to help. Tell the old man for me. With a precedent, he should be less stubborn. "

"He has approved it, although it is only verbal for the time being, and the procedures are still being processed. Before he came, he told me that you would definitely make this request, and he asked me to give you a reply first." Rebecca said calmly.

"The old man understands me quite well." Aiden smiled, but suddenly felt a little unsure.

Director Harold actually saw in advance that he was determined to participate in the operation against the Gestapo group - obviously this matter was not his responsibility.

The old man obviously noticed something from the recent incident he participated in.

"He also asked me to tell you something." Rebecca paused here, "He asked what exactly are you planning to do?"

To be asked directly to ask questions—Aiden was a little surprised for a moment.

"Actually, we have all noticed it." Rebecca continued, "You have become particularly active since the incident with the Fengyuan Mother Goddess Cult was solved. This year, I found you and jumped into the incident. , It’s not much less than what you solved at your previous job. Senior, are you planning something?”

Aiden was silent. The intelligence network of the Inquisition was not so tight that it could not detect his abnormality this year. Harold was not an Alzheimer's disease, so he could naturally see some clues.

However, asking him so directly instead of quietly investigating showed that everyone in the bureau still has a certain degree of trust in him. Not to mention that Harold once wanted to train "Aiden Garrod" to succeed the administrator of the Inquisition Bureau. Other superior inquisitors and his predecessor Aiden basically had a fateful relationship in which they trusted each other.

After pondering for a while, Aiden said: "Do you remember? Five years ago, there was a remnant of the Blood Moon Order who is still at large. I was attacked by him. After investigation, I found that this guy was conducting a cult ritual. This The ritual involves killing an enemy, and I am the enemy he is targeting, and he is now preparing to complete the ritual."

"Are you tracking him?" Rebecca was stunned.

"Yes, after all...your life is at stake."

"Then what happened recently that you were involved in..."

"Actually, it has little to do with him, but I can't say it has nothing to do with it. I'm collecting some clues. All I can say is that I won't do anything that goes against my conscience - just tell the old man this." Aiden said without changing his expression. said.

"Tracking down the fugitives who were missed in the case five years ago is the work of the Inquisition. You don't have to do it alone." Rebecca whispered.

"Do you think I'm that kind of fool?" Aiden laughed.

Rebecca thought for a while: "That's right, senior, you are always very calm..."

"I won't do it alone if I need to ask for help. But first of all, he is not active in the autonomous state for the time being. Secondly, this guy is too dangerous. He has mastered a power that is more terrible than black magic. The number of people doesn't mean much in front of him. I don't want to increase unnecessary casualties..." Aiden said calmly, "At least now, it's not time for the bureau to help."

"What more terrible power?" Rebecca was a little confused.

"This matter involves some top-level secrets. You just tell the old man like this, he should understand." Aiden replied.

Rebecca thought for a while, hesitated, and finally gave only one sentence: "In other words, senior, you already have a plan?"

"Yes." Aiden nodded.

"Well, now that you've said that, I'll definitely trust your judgment and ability..." Rebecca smiled helplessly, and simply gave up trying to get to the bottom of it. "Then when I need help--"

"Don't worry, I'll definitely find you guys to help me." Aiden waved his hand.

"I'll tell the director exactly what I said in the end." Rebecca smiled.

"Well, let's not do that. The old man will definitely flip the table." Aiden smiled bitterly.

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