The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 409 The Future You Want

Warden's Office.

"...The underground middleman that those spies found was indeed well-known in the underworld, but unfortunately he happened to be an informant of the Inquisition, and then the Inquisition happened to find him yesterday, and we discovered their traces. If nothing unexpected happens, their base is in the old city. I have to say that luck is on our side."

Aiden sat in his office chair and seriously instilled fabricated intelligence into Sera on the sofa.

Sera was nervous and tense, holding her knees with her hands, her knuckles white.

Aiden carefully observed Sera's expression and body reaction, and then began to test: "Why do you look like that? You can be a little happier. This is a good thing for both you and me. After they are caught, you will be safe for the time being, and I will save a lot of trouble."

"Warden..." Sera said cautiously, "Are you going to participate in person? Bring the prisoners?"

"I have fought with them before, so I have some experience. Besides, the other party came to this prison, and it can't be said that it has nothing to do with my duties. You have caused me this big trouble. To be honest, I am very unkind. I am willing, but there is nothing I can do now. " Aiden replied calmly, "As for using prisoners in the prison to handle cases, it is a precedent set by our prison in the local area... You can see that there are many prisoners with strong combat effectiveness in the core area, and they can really come in handy, so I selected some prisoners as execution personnel to assist us, Arsenal is one of them, and necromancers of her level are rare. "

"Then, the child in cell 11 is also?" Sera recalled that Arsenal once said that Avansha was the warden's gold medal fighter.

The name of the Bloody Death God is still quite loud in the autonomous prefecture and surrounding areas, and Sera has heard of it. The police force of the entire autonomous prefecture, plus the top killers, if they really set their tactics on the two key points of "killing" and "catching the thief first", Heinz might really lose his life.

The photos shown by Aiden in the dream suddenly appeared in front of Sera, shocking and making her heart sink.

"You mean Avansha? Ah, she did work for me before, but now she has accumulated enough major merits, and she is still in the stage of ideological transformation. I can't really let her go out to kill people. Now I mainly let her receive education in prison and strive for the opportunity to be released." Aiden paused and smiled, "But it doesn't matter, there are still many candidates, and the combat effectiveness is absolutely no problem. I can prepare two more red alert prisoners like Arsenal."

Sera's heart trembled.

"In short, you can rest assured now. When the matter is over, you can rest assured." Aiden smiled unusually brightly.

"Rest assured?" Sera suddenly reacted to this word, and she remembered the part in the dream where she was kidnapped by a carriage.

"Yes, without the elite of the Royal Secret Police, I guess your king brother should find it difficult to find someone who is capable of arranging assassinations against my prison. He can't let your affairs here be known to the world, and he can't extradite you, so he can only leave you alone." Aiden explained.

"Then, what about after I get out of prison?" Saira asked, staring into Aiden's eyes.

"This..." Aiden was "stunned". After two seconds, he awkwardly put on a relaxed expression and comforted Saira, "Your sentence is still relatively long. If this matter drags on for a long time, maybe he has stabilized the situation in the country, and there is no need to kill you. Don't worry so much."

Aiden deliberately acted awkward and unnatural in the last bit of comfort. Too empty and pale comfort would increase the other party's uneasiness - of course, this is the effect he wanted.

Saira's face became darker and darker. She thought of the carriage in her dream, those dangerous executioners, and the sharp knife approaching her eyeball.

Yes, maybe at that time her life would not be important to her brother, and she would become a dispensable person - dispensable, but dispensable.

If the king stabilized the situation during this period of time, there might really be no need to kill her, but on the other hand... there was actually no need to keep her alive.

The difference is that by then she will no longer be valuable enough to the opposition, and she will have no chance to actively participate in the political game to save herself.

The figure engraved in her heart through Precia's spiritual suggestion reappeared: "If you are given another chance to choose, what will you do?"

Those were just dreams, and the reality is still in time - this is the opportunity to choose.

But if she chooses the other side, will there really be a chance? Heinz gave her a little political lesson, and that little theory may not be enough for her to survive the crisis-ridden struggle for the throne while avoiding becoming a political prop.

Sera felt her throat dry due to tension, and she swallowed subconsciously, her heart beating like a war drum.

At this time, the picture of the last dream appeared in her mind.

Heinz stretched out his broad and warm hand, extending it to her like an invitation to a dance partner.

If they are together, there may be hope.

As long as she is willing to raise the sword and take a brave step, Heinz will follow her and support her - that is the future she is looking forward to!

Sera felt herself suddenly calm down.

Was this some kind of revelation from the unknown, or was it the voice from deep within her heart?

It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that she has a little courage in her heart. This courage was just a spark at first, but it soon found the firewood to ignite and quickly ignited in her heart.

"Warden..." She spoke cautiously. Because she was too nervous, her voice was even a little distorted, but she soon maintained the most basic calmness, "I want to... I want to discuss something with you."

"What's wrong?" Aiden pretended to be confused.

"If you clash with the secret police of Gistas, it will be very dangerous, right?" Saira said seriously.

"Of course, after all, the opponent is a well-trained soldier, and I have heard of the name of Count Hoffman from some channels." Aiden nodded, "But we will also be prepared to try to reduce the possibility of accidents."

"I have a proposal, maybe it can solve this matter more appropriately..." Saira calmed down and continued, "I am actually considering whether to try to take the initiative to inherit the throne. Since Heinz is already in the autonomous state, I am thinking... Can I find a chance to persuade him to give up the assassination mission and support and assist me?"

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