The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 426 You can no longer get out of bed

"'Respected' goddess." Aiden walked into the infirmary, "Let's sit down and have a good chat."

In terms of personality, Nemesis is also a human being, but she is obviously the kind of person whose emotions are higher than reason. She saw that there was some connection between Aiden and the goddess of conspiracy, so she had to fight Aiden first no matter what.

Fortunately, Aiden has some experience in dealing with such violent prisoners.

After obtaining the divine word of "punishment", he was one step closer to the authority of "order", and the corresponding powers he mastered were also improved.

The "punishment" power he now possesses is more powerful than that of Heinz Hoffmann, who taught him the divine words. In addition to corporal punishment and imprisonment, he can also impose the punishment of exile on the target, and can exile sentient individuals in the domain to For a short period of time in other spaces, it can also be transferred directly to the edge of the field.

The maximum scope of the exile field is exactly the same as the field that can be declared by the "Return" Oracle after the upgrade - this made Aiden realize that the three powers of "Order" seemed to complement each other.

The goddess of vengeance inhabiting Hailuo should no longer be able to grasp the divinity of the divine word. Aiden judged that the power she possessed was at most the level of the god's "agent", similar to the death agent he encountered in the past. Man has three powers, but each of them is very incomplete.

The power of "betrayal" is very powerful and can directly seize control of another person's body, but the distance of use must be limited, and the power of "punishment" can fully cope with it.

"This doesn't look like the power of 'spiritual' authority." The goddess of vengeance got up after being thrown onto the bed in the corner of the infirmary. "Interesting, there are also variants of the lackeys of the goddess of conspiracy."

"Correct me, I'm not her lackey." Aiden raised a finger. "To be precise, I should be considered her new toy, the one who can't control herself. So strictly speaking, you want to settle accounts with me. You have found the wrong person. And I have taken care of your priestess, the owner of your body, for a long time. Even for this reason, you and I should not have any grudge. "

"I never cared about my followers. They offered sacrifices to me, and I gave them the sharp blade of revenge. And I just remembered that this is a prison, and you are only watching over 'us'." The goddess of revenge stood up without caring. , as if he wanted to continue fighting, "Even if I believe that you and the goddess of conspiracy are not the same, I don't like you, kid, because you make me feel like a conspirator - the kind I hate the most. . To put it bluntly, I can see what you are planning when you talk to me."

"Does this mean?" Aiden spread his hands.

"I don't want to talk, and I want to go out now." Nemesis said.

"It seems we can only tie you up before we talk." Aiden sighed, and then ordered, "Restrain!"

The amalgam golem broke into the infirmary from behind him, then rushed straight towards the Furies, wrapped around her, and quickly turned into shackles to restrain her on the hospital bed.

"You are very smart to use a mindless puppet to deal with me. It was the first time I saw a transformable golem. It was really interesting, but the orders you imposed on it originated from your will..." The goddess of revenge was unhurried. Said, "I can still reverse the positive and negative!"

The chains transformed by the amalgam golem suddenly melted back into a liquid state, and then turned into a human form - similar in outline to Hero, holding a double-headed dagger with sharp edges at both ends.

The power of "betrayal" takes effect, and the goddess of revenge takes away its control.

"Stab him a few times first!" The goddess of revenge raised her hand and pointed.

The amalgam golem came straight towards Aiden, and was only a few steps away. Aiden said expressionlessly: "Imprisonment!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the amalgam golem crashed into a transparent wall. A translucent square cage wrapped with countless chains to make it airtight flashed for a moment, then disappeared, and the amalgam golem tried to hit again. After a few attempts, it was impossible to break through this prison.

Then the movement of the amalgam golem suddenly stopped, and the next second it melted again, writhing and deformed, and once again turned into the outline of Aiden - the effect of "betrayal" was achieved.

"The duration is about three to four seconds." Aiden mentally calculated the control time of "Betrayal".

"Can we talk now?" Aiden said to Nemesis.


"You can't get out of bed, so you can only listen to a few words from me, a mortal." Aiden replied calmly.

The goddess of revenge immediately realized something, got up and kicked the bed. As a result, she hit an invisible iron plate. At the same time, the square cage that enveloped her also flashed, and the entire cage happened to cover her. This bed she was lying on - she really couldn't get out of the bed now.

"I designated two targets for the power just now." Aiden said, "I left a bed for you so that you can lie down and listen to me. You're welcome."

"Haha, this ability is quite fun, let me try it too." A twisted smile appeared on the face of the goddess of revenge, and she raised her hand to point at Aiden.

Aiden was alert for a moment, but didn't notice any movement. After a moment of confusion, he reacted and raised his hand to touch forward.

An invisible wall - he was imprisoned in the same prison.

"Can the power of 'Revenge' reach this level?" Aiden was a little surprised, "Your priestess can only use her to reflect physical damage."

"She sacrificed her sanity and received the gift, but she didn't have the brain to use it properly." The goddess of vengeance smiled, "But it is also thanks to her sacrifice that I have the opportunity to wake up."

"Sacrifice sanity?" Aiden pondered.

The power of the death god to obtain the power of "death" on behalf of others is to sacrifice life, while the power of "hatred" is to sacrifice the human spirit. It seems that the reason why He Luo went crazy is not just because of the failure of the sacrifice and the influence of the words of God.

The real power of "vengeance" is much stronger than Aiden has always known. It is not only physical damage that brings physical pain, but other behaviors that can cause "hatred" can also be fed back to the revenge object. He Luo can only rebound physical damage because she is crazy and can only use this power by instinct.

Mr. Blood Clothes, who holds the only authority in his hand, is even more powerful in this regard. This is also one of the reasons why Aiden wants to sit down and have a good talk with the goddess of vengeance now-the goddess of vengeance understands the power of the "hatred" authority.

"Great, goddess." Aiden nodded.

"Are you mocking me, kid?" The goddess of vengeance raised her eyebrows.

"Unfortunately, your power is not complete. You no longer have the authority." Aiden took out the "Wordless Code" and wrote the rule of "No Revenge" on it.

The cage that enveloped him flashed for a moment, and then shattered in an instant.

Under the slightly surprised eyes of the goddess of vengeance, Aiden moved the chair where the prison doctor sat on duty and slowly sat down, saying: "Let's talk now."

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