The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 427 We don’t get along

Nemesis looked at Aiden carefully: "There are quite a lot of tricks, boy. Isn't that book just now the only authority? Where did it come from?"

"This should be considered a gift from others." Aiden replied.

"A gift from your master?"

"She is not my master." Aiden corrected again.

"Toys and pets don't have a choice in this." Nemesis said in a mocking tone.

Aiden was stunned for a moment and found that he seemed unable to refute.

"Okay, that's true." He nodded.

It's a bit humiliating to admit this fact, but it's true and there's no point in denying it. He cannot escape from the clutches of the conspiracy goddess for the time being, and evasion cannot solve this problem.

The awakening of the goddess of revenge may be a breakthrough for him.

"She actually gave you the only authority? It seems that she likes you very much." The goddess of revenge said with hostility in her eyes again.

"You may not believe it, but this is just part of her game. She limited the rules for herself, gave me opportunities, and also gave me a test to see if I could finally get rid of her hands." Aiden explained.

"It's a completely useless thing. The ruler of 'wisdom' authority turns out to be a fool?" the goddess of revenge said suspiciously.

"No, a madman," Aiden replied.

"Like me?" Nemesis grinned.

"Once your thinking is far away from ordinary people, you are all crazy in the eyes of ordinary people. Of course you are all crazy, but the way of madness is different. According to her, she is just pursuing the fun of the game." Aiden said.

"It sounds like that bitch and I have something in common." Nemesis stared into Aiden's eyes, "Then, do you want to get rid of her?"

"My purpose is divided into two parts." Aiden raised two fingers. "The first step is to kill the man who took away the power from you. The second step is to get rid of the control of the goddess of conspiracy."

"That man..." Nemesis began to think back. Her memory was still a bit fragmented, and it was still a bit difficult to extract specific memory fragments.

"If you can't remember it, let me help you recall it." After finishing speaking, Aiden began to recite the divine words of the "substitute".

As soon as she finished speaking, Nemesis felt that the world in front of her was distorted for a moment, but nothing changed, except that there was a different person on the chair opposite.

The dark red hooded robe and pale mask tightly wrapped his true body.

The Goddess of Vengeance suddenly remembered that all the believers of the Goddess of Conspiracy who broke into her temple that day were dressed like this, including the man who finally took away her divinity and sole authority.

Although she couldn't see any details, with just one glance, she determined that the man in front of her was the enemy who took everything away from her.

Just when the goddess of revenge showed a ferocious smile like a bloodthirsty beast, the world was distorted again, and Aiden replaced his appearance.

"Remember?" Aiden asked.

"Boy." The goddess of revenge suddenly called him.


"That was... the power of 'existence' just now?"

"You know a lot."

"How about you let me kill you if you become like that again?" The goddess of revenge made an unreasonable request, "This is not a joke."


Aiden once again realized that the goddess of revenge had different thinking than ordinary people, and it seemed difficult for normal people to follow her channel.

"I remember that guy is also the goddess of conspiracy's bastard. Is this why you want to kill him?" asked the goddess of revenge.

"The thing is, after he took away his divinity from you, he directly betrayed the goddess of conspiracy in order to become a god himself. The goddess of conspiracy made a trick to make me the enemy selected in his promotion ceremony, and made him helpless Kill me easily. Now the game arranged by the conspiracy goddess is for us to kill each other to see who can survive." Aiden explained simply.

"It tastes good." The goddess of revenge actually gave a positive comment on her enemy's behavior.

"This isn't what you should focus on," Aiden reminded.

"Then what's the point?" Nemesis raised her eyebrows.

"We have a common enemy." Aiden could only point out the main points.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, which in his words was clearly a lice on the bald man's head - it was obvious, but the goddess of revenge seemed unaware here. Either there is a problem with her understanding, or... she has no intention of cooperating at all.

"Oh, so we should cooperate closely, right?" The goddess of revenge suddenly looked like she had realized something, with an exaggerated expression.

"Don't be so arrogant, goddess." Aiden sighed, "It sounds like you have no intention of cooperating?"

"I only accept one way. Offer me a sacrifice and I will avenge you." The goddess of revenge replied.

"Be specific?" Aiden asked.

"I have an idea, kid. You should have accumulated a lot of divinity in your body. Transfer all of it to me and help me regain my authority. Then I will realize your wish." The goddess of revenge gave her own proposal.

Aiden was silent for a while, then spread his hands and said, "Is this... your original joke?"

"What do you think?" asked the Furies.

"I can't believe you," Aiden replied.

"I am very honest in helping people to eliminate disasters, and I have a good reputation among believers." said the goddess of revenge.

"I don't believe in your integrity, but also your ability. First of all, even if you get enough divinity, you can only become a saint of the authority of 'hatred' at best if you lose the only authority. You may not even be able to deal with that man. Even if you successfully find a way to regain the throne, I don't believe you can beat the goddess of conspiracy. You have been defeated by her before." Aiden analyzed.

"That makes sense." The goddess of vengeance actually praised him, "You are indeed the kind of person who plans everything and moves step by step."

"I hope you call this cautious." Aiden said.

"That's what I don't like. You are really suitable to be a conspirator. In comparison, I prefer the way of gambling." The goddess of vengeance said, "The little girl just now is very good. Is she yours?"

"It seems..." Aiden nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that we don't get along very well."

"Hate" authority represents the irrational side of the spirit. Under the influence of this authority, the goddess of vengeance seems to be very resistant to the completely rational way of thinking, and is extremely self-centered. Nemesis saw the value of cooperation, but she didn't like the person in front of her, and she refused to cooperate for this reason alone.

"I said that a long time ago." Nemesis spread her hands.

Aiden thought for a moment: "Okay, let's change the way, how about we... use each other?"

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