The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 471 Lightbulb Goddess

The incoming train slowed down, and the sound of wheels rolling over the gap between the rails gradually subsided.

Aiden watched the train enter the station and took a closer look. He found that just as he expected, this was indeed a freight train. Only the all-inclusive carriage behind the front of the train was not a freight carriage. The windows were lit. There was no cargo visible inside, but there were figures of people inside.

After the train stopped, the door of the carriage opened immediately, and the conductor led several people dressed as porters to get out of the car and walked straight towards Aiden.

"Mr. Jarrod?" the capable conductor asked Aiden.

"It's me." Aiden handed him the ticket he had prepared in advance.

Since it was a special car that Heinz had arranged for him through his connections, the people in the car were probably either secret police or soldiers.

The conductor immediately confirmed the identity of the other party after a quick glance, nodded knowingly, and then pointed to the sealed box on the ground: "The goods you entrusted in advance?"

"It's a bit heavy, so be careful when moving it," Aiden replied.

"Please allow us to check." The conductor made a gesture, and a porter immediately leaned over and opened the box.

"Mercury?" The conductor was stunned for a moment after seeing what was inside, but in the end he didn't ask anything and ordered people to move the things onto the train.

"Let's help you carry your luggage." A porter came forward and picked up the luggage after Aiden nodded.

"I'm leaving." Aiden turned his head and said goodbye to Veronica who had not yet left the platform.

"Please, please wait a moment!" Veronica suddenly spoke out, her voice a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" Aiden stopped and turned around to ask.

But Veronica hesitated again: "This..."

At this time, the "conductor" not far away suddenly noticed something and interrupted: "Sir, is this what you want to bring?"

Aiden and Veronica looked over at the same time. The "conductor" was pointing to a meal basket on the waiting seat - exactly one seat away from where Veronica was sitting just now.

Veronica's eyes suddenly widened.

"Let me help you get on the train." The conductor said as he was about to put the meal basket on the train.

At this time, Veronica stopped him in a deep voice: "Hey."

"Huh?" The conductor looked back following the sound, and his expression suddenly froze - he could read the murderous look in Veronica's eyes.

He was also a strictly trained professional and would not be easily swayed by threats, but this girl just glared so fiercely, and he instinctively felt fear.

His instinct told him that if he took this meal basket without permission and got into the car now, he would die ugly in the next second.

Fortunately, Aiden reacted in time and came to his rescue: "I don't need to bother you with such a small thing. You go to the car and wait for me."

"Okay." The conductor was relieved and nodded gratefully to Aiden, then turned and returned to the car.

Only then did Aiden turn his attention to Veronica. Veronica's expression was tense and she seemed like she didn't know how to speak.

Finally, Aiden broke the silence: "Is that basket also for me?"

"Yes, yes!" Veronica quickly caught the hint and reached out to take the meal basket. "I... I was wondering if there would be food on board the bus at such a late hour... so I made some of it myself."

At this point, her voice suddenly became softer.

"If you can't finish it or you really don't like it, you can throw it away. It's okay." She pushed the meal basket into Aiden's arms, as if she was afraid that Aiden would refuse, but she never dared to look at Aiden.

"This is really surprising. I really didn't expect you to be able to cook." Aiden said.

"I didn't expect it to be too much." Veronica looked up at Aiden with some dissatisfaction, and the nervousness just now disappeared.

"Just kidding." Aiden smiled and took the meal basket, "Thank you very much. I was worried that there might be nothing to eat in the car."

Veronica looked relieved.

"I... learned some things from the chef in our cafeteria and tried it myself. It shouldn't taste bad," she said in a low voice.

"Okay, that's really exciting..." Aiden nodded.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a "whoosh" sound and an inappropriate whistle suddenly sounded, breaking the relatively good atmosphere. Aiden glanced aside.

The goddess of revenge was clasping her hands and watching them with a playful look on her face, with no intention of avoiding them at all.

After being silent for a long time, she finally spoke, and the first sound she made was a whistle.

"You are quite capable, so many members of the opposite sex are interested in you." The goddess of revenge teased Aiden.

This is the most annoying thing about having this guy attached to you, there is no privacy at all.

This goddess of revenge did not hesitate to act as a light bulb and reduced her divinity to a "disgusting" goddess.

"Just disappear as soon as you have nothing to do. Would a majestic goddess be interested in such a thing?" Aiden replied in a heartfelt voice.

"Of course I am interested in mortal love. The thing I like to see most is to see people fall into madness. People are really interesting. The deeper the desire, the easier it is to lose your mind." The goddess of revenge laughed, "Love The deeper you go, the more unforgettable the hatred caused by betrayal will be. This is the essence of the power of 'betrayal'."

Aiden simply stopped talking to her and blocked the image of the goddess of revenge in his mind. The illusion of the goddess of revenge disappeared immediately, but the other party's voice still sounded in his mind: "I really like this girl. I really want to change her into a girl." Become my toy.”

"Sir?" Veronica noticed Aiden's gaze moving just now, and glanced to the side twice, but saw nothing.

"I will finish eating with gratitude." Aiden quickly restored his smile, "It's a bit cold, you should go back early too."

"It's okay, I'll see you off." Veronica also smiled.

"Okay, then I'm really leaving this time."

"Please be careful on the road." Veronica waved her hand.

Aiden walked towards the carriage with the meal basket, and once again heard the voice of the goddess of vengeance: "Why don't you reply?"

"I usually don't stop others from dying." Aiden replied in his heart, "Occasionally I will push them."

"Threatening me? Haha, interesting."

Aiden stepped into the carriage, and the conductor took off his hat and saluted him inside: "We have prepared the highest standard of meals for you, but it seems that it is not necessary. You are a good girl, so enviable."

Aiden smiled silently and entered a box and sat down under the guidance of the other party.

The locomotive roared again, and the entire train began to crawl slowly like a snake waving from hibernation.

Aiden turned his head to look at the window, watching Veronica's waving figure getting farther and farther away. She stood there until she disappeared from Aiden's sight.

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