The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 472: Gossip Market at the Train Station

The next afternoon, in the Kingdom of Gistasi, Luohui City Railway Station.

"Extra! Dillon was bombarded this morning, and the city was burned down. More than a thousand people died. The scene was horrible!" The young newsboy waved the supplementary tabloid and shouted hard.

The passengers waiting for the train stood in a row on the platform, almost everyone had a newspaper, and the men were smoking cigarettes.

Some people were holding newspapers and talking with their companions.

"See, I told you they would fight again! What's the point of our mediation? It's all empty talk! Dillon the hungry ghost won't stop, and he has to be beaten to behave!"

"I don't understand, Dillon's tiny country is so volatile. He even carried out terrorist attacks, haha, and he was beaten back to his original form with one shot."

"There are more refugees..."

"Damn it, the country is in trouble, but these rubbish don't defend the country properly, but come here to beg for food. It's not unfair to be arrested for treason! Didn't the mayor say last month that he would issue a regulation to move refugees to the suburbs? No news since then?"

"Didn't you read last week's newspaper? When the police caught the refugee robber, the hungry ghost jumped into the river and drowned. A lot of people protested in the Civic Square!"

"Refugees protest? Who cares? What?"

"They are all locals! They are from the mutual aid association, do you understand?"

"Fuck you saintly bitch, no wonder the policy can't be implemented."

"What if it is implemented? What's the use of such a superficial solution? Dillon is a hungry ghost, and it's like feeding an uncooked wolf. If you give them bread, they want to eat cakes, and if you give them tents, they want to live in villas. Besides, imagine a group of thieves who would steal wallets to feed themselves?"

"Of course, they would steal two wallets every day, and lose one of their own. It's up to fate to make more or less money."



"Extra! Dillon's fire burned down the city, and it was a hell on earth. It was horrible!" The newsboy was still shouting, "Hey, sir, buy a newspaper."

The young man in front of him was carrying a heavy luggage, and he obviously came from afar.

The other party didn't say much, took out a universal coin, bought a tabloid, held it in one hand, and walked forward while reading.

A small figure appeared behind his butt, following him through the gaps between the crowds.

The child, who was about ten years old, was wearing old clothes, had dark skin, and had southern facial features. Anyone could tell that he was a refugee from Dillon.

A local saw this scene from a distance and immediately knew that the young man's wallet was targeted. But in the end, no one spoke up to remind him. This kind of thing happened every day at the train station, and everyone was numb. Even if the station staff were notified, they would not drive out the refugees wandering in the station. Once the matter was reported in the newspaper, the person involved would lose his job.

The child quickly approached his target and locked onto the pocket of the other person's coat. He observed that the other person was used to putting his wallet there when he bought a newspaper.

He was a person who was completely unguarded for the convenience of taking out his wallet. He was a fat sheep among fat sheep. The pocket was simply waving to him to come and take it quickly. As long as he approached and reached out from behind, the other person would probably have to wait until he went back to eat and pay the bill before he realized what he had encountered.

Two steps, one step... Just as the child was about to reach out, the young man turned around without warning, leaned over and looked at the child face to face and shouted: "Surprise, little friend!!"

"Wow!" The child was so scared that he fell to the ground.

"You picked the wrong target." The young man looked down at him and raised his eyebrows.

The child suddenly reacted, got up and ran, bumping into several people during the process, leading to a series of curses.

"I ran into three thieves before leaving the station. Has the public security in Gistas become so bad?" Next to the young man, the female companion clasped her hands and sighed.

No passers-by noticed this woman, and some even passed through her body directly, because she was just an illusion projected in the young man's consciousness.

"With such a large-scale refugee wave, it is impossible for public security not to be affected."

The young man-Aiden looked around and responded to the words of the goddess of vengeance with his heart.

He was used to this kind of telepathic communication. If he spoke every time, others would think he needed to register at a mental hospital.

After confirming that no suspicious people were following him, he picked up the tabloid again and read it while walking.

"Ordinary military suppression, burning a street, unknown casualties... Haha, the newspaper boy just now was really brave to shout." Aiden smiled and put down the newspaper.

In this world where information relies on paper media, the train station with the largest flow of people is the gossip market with the most concentrated information.

"Dillon is not far from here, but it seems very far away from what they are talking about." The goddess of vengeance said.

"Because it is really far away, the war in the south cannot burn to the Kingdom of Gistasi. If either of the two small countries in the south dares to point their guns at Gistasi, it is equivalent to destroying their own country as soon as possible." Aiden said quietly, "They are all ordinary people, but their situations will be very different in different countries. For ordinary people in big countries, the sun will always rise as usual tomorrow, so the war in the distance is just a topic of conversation for them. They have the energy to despise the trivial policies of their own country and the energy to accuse the citizens of small countries of not having patriotism, but they cannot understand how rare and precious this patriotism is."

Aiden had some geographical knowledge left by his predecessor Aiden in his mind. The Kingdom of Gistasi and the Dragon Spine Empire were both great powers with a long history. The two countries at war in the south, including Dillon, which had been beaten to a large number of refugees, had changed regimes more than once in the past fifty or sixty years.

The south of the continent has always been more turbulent than the north. Several small countries have struggled to survive under the shadow of the big countries. Military conflicts have occurred from time to time. The regimes have changed quickly, and the names of countries have also changed quickly.

To exaggerate a little, the country was even temporarily integrated by squeezing together several regions that were not originally a country due to complex political factors after the war.

The cultural heritage of many countries was cut off in the change of regimes. The citizens of these small countries do not have much sense of belonging to their own countries. Even if some people have a motherland that they identify with, it is the name of a long-dead country, not the name of the country that the land they live in is now named after.

The dignity brought by the strength of the country and the belonging of the culture is subtle. The imperial people see themselves as imperial people, and the Jistas see themselves as Jistas. In their eyes, this is a natural thing. Under such conditions, it is difficult to put oneself in the shoes of those people who have lost their roots like duckweed.

"What do they mean by mediation just now?" The goddess of vengeance suddenly asked.

"It's just a job that some big countries like very much." Aiden suddenly laughed, "World Police."

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