The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 485 You are also a big villain

An idea naturally emerged in Aiden's mind, and this idea instantly reconnected the broken clues in his mind and eliminated the new doubts.

It was like a long string of program codes that were blocked from running, and after filling in the missing line, it suddenly became smooth.

Why would Professor Dodge let the refugees disappear collectively like the military without any scruples...

The missing link is that he and the Kingdom's military are in the same group!

Aiden realized that he was influenced by inertial thinking. Because Professor Dodge had betrayed the Empire and secretly destroyed the Empire's demon project, he thought that Professor Dodge's position was because of his son's failure case, and began to insist on opposing the research of artificial demons, so he should also be opposed to the "infection" plan of Gistas.

Following this thinking, Aiden never considered the possibility that Professor Dodge and the plan implementer were on the same side.

At the beginning of the "infection" plan of the Kingdom of Gistas, an officer who participated in it disappeared, and then it was shelved due to research bottlenecks. After the plan was restarted, Professor Dodge stopped interfering. Aiden subconsciously guessed that it was because the "Infection" plan broke through the bottleneck, allowing Professor Dodge to see hope for improving his son's condition, so Professor Dodge had been planning to steal this research result.

But if you think about it carefully, just wanting to use the research results of the "Infection" plan, it is not necessary to "steal" the research results.

He can choose to "share" with the military.

As long as he is willing, the Intelligence Bureau of the Kingdom of Gistas has no reason not to accept this imperial traitor who has participated in the Imperial Demon Project in the past. In the final analysis, the Intelligence Bureau can establish the "Infection" plan, and Professor Dodge's informant has contributed greatly. As long as Professor Dodge is willing to put down his status, the Kingdom's military should be absolutely welcoming to this technical backbone.

In this case, Professor Dodge should be qualified to propose some conditions to the military, such as borrowing the research results of the kingdom to restore his son to a state where he can live normally.

Then Professor Dodge's behavior of kidnapping refugees of the same age as his son can be explained.

The research of the Gistas military has made a breakthrough, and Professor Dodge may have seen hope for his son's recovery.

But after his failure in the Empire, he should be more cautious.

This time, he may intend to conduct a thorough experiment before applying this treatment plan to his son, just like new drugs must undergo animal experiments before being used on humans.

The mice used as experimental sacrifices are necessary, and fortunately, the Kingdom of Gistas is not short of such mice now.

Those refugees who are about the same age as his son are the mice for drug testing - perhaps Professor Dodge merged them with the possessed demons, hoping to create a case similar to his son, and then use the research results of the Kingdom's military for treatment, intending to find an absolutely reliable treatment plan for his son.

The military's experiments are more comprehensive, so the people they kidnapped are men, women, young and old. Professor Dodge's experiment is based on his personal needs, so he did it himself, and the military probably only provided a little assistance.

In this matter, Professor Dodge may also be a big villain.

Thinking of this, Aiden felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

He destroyed the Empire's project, but assisted the Kingdom in implementing the plan. It seemed contradictory, but his ultimate goal always ran through his series of actions - to recover his son, and he would do whatever it took.

Can you really work with such a person?

Aiden didn't mind using those who were guilty of serious crimes. He had always done so in prison.

But Aiden still doubted his own ideas. He thought that Professor Dodge should be a person who insisted on something now, but now it seems that this person can do anything as long as it is for his son.

This type of partner is extremely dangerous.

"Excuse me..." Tabers, who collects rags, talked to Aiden cautiously, making him withdraw his attention.

"What's the problem? Tell me quickly!" Aiden urged.

"Are you a member of the Resurrection Society?" Tabers asked cautiously, "If I choose to believe in religion, can you let me go?"

"Is the Resurrection Society also involved in this matter?" Aiden asked immediately. He was a little sensitive to the word Resurrection Society now, after all, it was the power of his mortal enemy.

"I... heard that the Dillon people who joined the Resurrection Society are investigating the culprit who kidnapped their compatriots. Those days, when I revealed that the young people in my residence had disappeared collectively, the Resurrection Society seemed to investigate more closely, and there were also rumors that they were spreading that someone in the refugee camp was cooperating with the kidnappers. I have always been worried that if they knew it was me..." Tabers said in panic, "Madam, are you... really not a member of the Resurrection Society?"

Aiden felt his heart sinking.

The Resurrection Society has now expanded significantly with the refugee tide, and most of its members are refugees from refugee camps in various parts of the city. The intelligence network of the Resurrection Society has now penetrated into the refugee group, and Professor Dodge's selective kidnapping behavior has also been noticed by the Resurrection Society.

Mr. Bloody Clothes, have you already noticed that Professor Dodge may be cooperating with the Kingdom's military?

If he continues to use his power to infiltrate that base, I am afraid that he will soon find Professor Dodge's whereabouts.

It seems that there is not much time left for him.


At the same time, in a rental house on the outskirts of the city.

Professor Dodge was sitting beside the bed, and his sheepdog was lying on the bed, looking a little weak, but his breathing was stable.

"Fortunately, the situation has stabilized a little." Professor Dodge said softly, touching the head of his son Tony, the sheepdog, "But this body will not be used for long. Why don't you consider it-"

"Dad." Tony spoke and interrupted him. When he possessed an animal, he could transform the animal's vocal organs and let the host speak human language. "Is that doctor just now really your friend?"

Professor Dodge stared at his son and sighed. Every time he wanted to ask his son to live in a human body for a period of time, he would be rejected by his son.

In order to let his son grow up peacefully, Professor Dodge deliberately kept his son away from the world he was exposed to and educated him to be an honest and kind ordinary person.

As a result, he had his own persistence-unwilling to hurt others for his special situation.

Professor Dodge was proud of his son's strength, but also felt pain for it.

"Of course, it's a friend who has been taking care of us here. Otherwise, how could I let him know about you and bring you to his clinic for treatment?" He covered himself with a flawless smile.

"Dad." Tony stared into his father's eyes, as if he wanted to see through his heart, "Why don't you stop getting involved in dangerous things?"

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