The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 486 Father's Lies

"What are you talking about, kid?" Professor Dodge used a gentle voice to hide his uneasiness.

Hans, the sheepdog he had raised for more than ten years, had eyes that were completely black and shiny, like a lake reflecting the night sky.

When being possessed by Tony, Hans' eyes were brighter than usual, and could clearly and completely reflect his face. The dark lake in his eyes seemed to swallow him.

He felt that this sensitive and delicate child saw something wrong.

"Let's leave here, and don't get close to 'that place' again." Tony said weakly.

"Don't talk nonsense, Dad is about to succeed. Didn't you also say that that kind of research can't continue? Dad will steal the research results of those bad guys and use them to cure you. You just have to wait patiently!" Professor Dodge emphasized that he had said this many times.

But the more he emphasized, the more Tony doubted it. When people maintain lies for a long time, they will always consciously emphasize the lies over and over again, hoping to imprint these words in other people's hearts.

In the past, when Tony was changing bodies, he had briefly possessed his father. In the possessed state, he could feel some physiological phenomena that the host himself could hardly feel actively.

In the possessed state, he had talked to his father about some topics about "that place". At that time, his father answered as if nothing had happened, but Tony clearly felt the other party's accelerated heartbeat and other abnormal nerve reactions - that was the reaction of lying.

Tony was not sure where his father lied, but he knew that it was definitely not an easy lie.

The city they stayed in was also filled with a heavy smell, as if there were dark clouds hovering in the sky all year round.

When he went out for a walk while possessed by the shepherd dog Hans, he saw: homeless people gathered here, wandering on the streets with lifeless eyes, and occasionally someone would stare at him with hungry eyes; in the square, in front of the city government, people gathered together passionately, gathered together to speak, argue, and protest with banners and signs. The battlefield was still far away, but the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

His father mentioned that this country was also making the same mistakes that his father had made in the past. He felt that it was necessary to correct this mistake, otherwise more people would be harmed, so they stayed here for two years.

He supported his father's decision because it was correct, but his father had not told him much about the progress in the past two years, and just kept telling him not to worry.

The more he emphasized this, the more Tony could smell the breath of danger. At least there was one thing he was sure of - his father was taking risks for him and hiding it from him.

"Dad, I'm already nineteen years old..." Tony looked into his father's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Professor Dodge replied: "You're only nineteen years old."

"Don't work so hard for my affairs anymore. I actually have no regrets..."

Tony wanted to say something, but was interrupted by his father.

"Don't talk nonsense. You haven't experienced anything yet. How can you talk about regrets?" Professor Dodge patted his son's head and said sternly, "Have a good rest and don't think too much."

Tony closed his mouth helplessly. He didn't really want to talk. Hans' body was too old, so old that his possession couldn't improve it much. When he was possessed by Hans, he felt very tired and sleepy.

But even so, it was better than when there was no host. At that time, the body seemed to have its spine taken away, and there was no strength to stand up. The breathing was disordered, and the heartbeat was stabbing, as if it would die at any time.

"You should sleep for a while." Professor Dodge patted his son and took the opportunity to perform a simple hypnosis.

Tony lay on the bed, his eyelids slowly struggled back and forth several times, and finally closed like a heavy lock and never opened again.

Professor Dodge sat by the bed for a while, got up, and walked outside the house.

The "friend" he told his son was waiting for him under an oak tree in the courtyard.

"Professor." The other party gave him a standard military salute, the military salute of the Kingdom of Gistas.

A technical officer from the Intelligence Bureau of the Kingdom of Gistas.

"I must thank you for providing timely assistance." Professor Dodge replied.

"Compared with the overall investment in 'Infection', the little request raised by our senior external consultant is just a drop in the bucket." The officer smiled.

"I hope to solve my little request as soon as possible. How is the progress of the 'clinical experiment' yesterday?" Professor Dodge said seriously.

"Seven of the last batch of ten samples survived, three died, and one actually died of adverse reactions during the initial fusion, so the actual success rate should be close to 80%." The officer reported respectfully and handed over a report.

"Only six people's demonization level reached the requirements?" Professor Dodge asked after reading the report.

"You know, the fusion results of the 'mixer' are random. This is its characteristic and cannot be controlled." The officer spread his hands.

"Are the three dead among them?" Professor Dodge asked.


"Two people died in the controlled experiment, which means that the real effective success rate is only two-thirds." He pondered expressionlessly, "It's about the same as the first two batches."

The thing they call "mixer" is the artifact that can forcibly break through the barriers and merge humans and demons. It is also the core of the "infection" project.

The power of this artifact is not controllable. The state of the fused demons is always random. Most of the experimental subjects will be eroded by their own demonic parts and eventually die. Now they have found a way to stabilize the state of the demons, but this method is not 100% successful.

Having learned from the lessons of the past in the empire, Professor Dodge no longer dares to take risks with his son.

He needs sufficient experiments. Only samples with a similar degree of demonization to his son are representative. In his eyes, the survival rate of two-thirds of the samples is still too low.

"The plan needs to be improved." He gave a direct conclusion.

"Professor, the success rate of this plan is much higher than that of other experiments." The officer persuaded, "People in the technical department discussed that it might be enough."

"Are you in a hurry to put it into use? Let your soldiers participate in a transformation project with a survival rate of only about 70%?" Professor Dodge stuffed the report back to the officer expressionlessly, "I don't care what you plan, I won't let my son take this risk and continue the 'clinical trial'."

"If you continue the experiment, you will need more samples." The officer reminded, "There will be more sacrifices."

"Then invest more sacrifices, it's that simple." Professor Dodge replied calmly, looking at the house, "We have done so many sinful things, is it necessary to talk about redemption now?"

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