The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 497 Contacting the Vengeance Temple

"What do you mean, I can only investigate on my own from now on?" Aiden asked, looking into the receptionist's eyes.

"Yes. But think on the bright side, if the Kingdom Intelligence Bureau wants to investigate you, we can refuse with the same reason." The receptionist replied without changing his expression, "The intelligence department will more or less have its own secrets. "Not spying on each other's secrets is the underlying rule for maintaining peace between departments. We will not assist the Kingdom Intelligence Agency, nor will we hinder your investigation."

"What a shame," Aiden said sincerely.

"Please forgive me."

"So, have you made any progress in the investigation of the Resurrection Society?" Aiden brought up this issue again.

"The results of the investigation are the same as before. The Resurrection Society is inciting hostility between refugees and the government everywhere. Now not only the Inquisition Bureau, but also the public security police are targeting them." The receptionist shook his head helplessly, "But our The informant has made little progress for the time being, and it is said that the Pope of the Order has not appeared for a long time. "

"Regarding this, I actually have a piece of information that I can share with you, that is, the Pope of the Resurrection Society is currently busy instigating rebellion at a certain site of your Kingdom Intelligence Agency." Aiden lowered his voice.

"How did you know?" the receptionist asked suspiciously.

"You don't need to know how I know it. Your duty is not to ask questions, isn't it?" Aiden smiled, "You just need to tell your superior about it, and he will understand."

The receptionist was startled and nodded: "Okay, I understand."

"Very good." Aiden nodded with satisfaction.

As long as the receptionist tells Heinz this, Heinz will understand that Mr. Xueyi has discovered the secret of the Luohui City base and has already taken action - that guy used his power to instigate the officers there for his own use.

Aiden hopes that Heinz can reveal this matter to the military, draw the attention of the Luohui City base to the Resurrection Society, and be wary of Mr. Bloody's espionage activities. Anyway, Kiki Mora and the others can no longer use the same method.

Now they can move more aggressively, explore the core area more boldly, assassinate officers controlled by Mr. Bloody Clothes, directly arrest some insiders and use the "Wordless Code" for forced interrogation, etc. As long as their group has not been exposed to the military, all these things will be blamed on the Resurrection Society.

While the Luohui City base continues to be wary of the Resurrection Society, they can logically arrange a surprise attack on the Luohui City base and take away the research results there.

But to take action against a military base, you have to have a certain level of manpower. Mr. Xueyi should have already deployed a small force under his control within the base. If he rushes in rashly, he must be prepared for a head-on conflict. Even if you want to avoid conflicts and just rely on Kikimora's divine words to steal, it may be difficult to guarantee the success rate of the mission.

"Boy, have you laid the groundwork long enough?" The Fury became increasingly impatient, "Hurry up and get down to business!"

Aiden thought to be honest, what I just said is the real deal...

But obviously, for the Nemesis herself, what Aiden is going to ask next is the highlight.

"Actually, I have another request." Aiden said it directly.


"Can you tell me the contact channel for the Vengeance Templar Mercenary Group?" Aiden asked clearly and clearly.

Contacting the Temple of Vengeance - this matter has been discussed several times by the goddess of revenge shortly after she woke up. It was only now that she really needed manpower that Aiden began to seriously consider it.

The current Temple of Vengeance is full of terrorists who regard provoking ethnic conflicts and igniting war as their job. The core members among them are likely to be fanatic believers developed by the goddess of revenge using the power of "sacrifice", and are regarded as abandoned A dead soldier who doesn’t even care about him.

These people will listen to the orders of the Nemesis, and the existence that Aiden currently occupies is the Nemesis. As long as the Nemesis herself authorizes it, Aiden should also be able to directly command these people.

Aiden also knows very well that this does not mean that he can take this matter lightly. Even with the restrictions of the "Wordless Code", the goddess of revenge will not become a docile sheep. She is still a high-risk person who must be kept in the cage of his body. Prisoner.

But now that they can't get any other foreign aid, and even the secret police are unwilling to intervene too much, they really need manpower now.

Hearing the question raised by Aiden, the receptionist's face changed slightly, but he quickly controlled his facial expression and returned to normal.

"Why are you asking about this?" he asked in a calm voice.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't have any questions about me?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

The receptionist was at a loss for words. After thinking for a moment, he spoke cautiously: "I'm sorry for specifically mentioning the Vengeance Temple. I thought you should know something about it, so..."

"Don't worry, I'm not a war reporter." Aiden waved his hand.

He understood the nervousness of the receptionist. Although some of the commentators in the local tabloid columns knew about the war in the southern part of the mainland and that the Kingdom of Gistas might have played a disgraceful role, this matter had not yet been confirmed.

At that time, the Kingdom of Gistas hired the Vengeance Temple, which was composed of the remaining believers of the Goddess of Vengeance, to do this kind of thing. The secret police seemed to be somewhat involved in this matter. Of course, this matter would become confidential.

Aiden specifically asked the secret police for the contact channel of the Vengeance Temple, which was tantamount to telling the receptionist, "I already know everything."

If he publishes these details, it will undoubtedly cause serious damage to the international image of the Kingdom of Gistas.

If anyone else had said this, the receptionist would probably consider silencing him or arresting him and jailing him.

After thinking for a while, the receptionist gave a cautious answer: "I have to ask my superiors for instructions on this matter. Can you allow me to give you an answer tonight?"

"Of course no problem."

" that all you ask for?" the receptionist asked cautiously.

Aiden could tell from the other party's attitude that the other party no longer wanted him to continue to make more difficult demands.

"That's all." Aiden let him go.

After the two took off their hats to say goodbye to each other, Aiden left the contact point and came to the street outside.

"Finally, we can take a good look at how many followers I have left." The goddess of revenge laughed loudly next to him, and naturally no one on the street could hear her.

"When the time comes, please don't cause any trouble for me." Aiden said suddenly.

"Do you think I will say 'ok'?" Nemesis looked over with a smile, the expression on her face was somewhat provocative.

"No, it's just an advance warning." Aiden smiled.

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