The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 498 Bandit Lair

The next morning, a carriage was stopped at the checkpoint in the valley.

"Have we arrived yet?" Aiden sat in the carriage with his arms folded, lifted the curtain of the window and looked out.

"This is just a sentry post, and the camp of the Vengeance Temple is a little further inside." The receptionist sitting opposite him explained to him.

The night Aiden asked to contact the Vengeance Temple, the secret police gave a positive reply.

However, in the early morning of the next day, the receptionist arranged a carriage for Aiden. After nearly three hours of travel, Aiden was sent to a remote mountainous area in the border area of ​​Gistas, a place where even a small mountain village could hardly be found.

This temporary checkpoint was set up quite simply, with two tents for rest on both sides of the mountain road. The guards were two mercenaries dressed casually, one with a mask on his face, holding a shotgun and a pistol, and the other with bare arms and a rifle on his back. The roadblock was a staggered wooden fence with iron wire wrapped around it, two horses were tied to the side of the road, and there was also a cart for transporting goods.

"It looks like a bandit's copycat." Aiden commented in a low voice.

"After all, they are not regular soldiers." The receptionist responded, "But they are different from those counterfeit ones. Almost all of them are crazy people who are not afraid of death. If they really fight, with similar equipment, ordinary regular soldiers may not be able to defeat them."

"Counterfeit? Are there real and fake Vengeance Temples?" Aiden asked knowingly, he wanted to know how much the Royal Secret Police knew about this.

Most of the Vengeance Temple mercenary groups that have appeared on the mainland actually only rely on simple membership to obtain "franchisees" under the banner of Vengeance Temple. After the headquarters of Vengeance Temple was destroyed by the Blood Moon Cult manipulated by the Goddess of Conspiracy, the banner of Vengeance Temple not only lost its meaning, but also presented potential risks. Those ordinary mercenary groups that used the name of Vengeance Temple just to pursue profits immediately changed their banners.

The counterfeit people mentioned by the receptionist obviously refer to them, but this kind of thing is not a secret.

The key is that some groups of the Vengeance Temple, like the main group, are the true followers of the Goddess of Vengeance. The core members of these groups are mainly composed of fanatics who offer absolute loyalty to the Goddess of Vengeance by "sacrificing" power. Even if the Goddess of Vengeance falls and the power is taken away, their loyalty will not change.

The difference between them and the counterfeit mentioned above is that even if the main group is destroyed, they will not abandon their faith and insist on operating under the banner of the Vengeance Temple.

"It's hard to say whether it's true or false, it's just the difference between fanatics and ordinary believers." The receptionist replied calmly, "The fanatics of any religion are either crazy or stupid compared to normal people, without exception."

Aiden read from this answer that the secret police did not know much about the truth of the Vengeance Temple. The Royal Secret Police obviously only conducted in-depth investigations on foreign organizations that may pose a threat to the security of the kingdom, such as the Witch Assembly, and the Vengeance Temple was just a group of mercenaries without a stance in their eyes. For small countries in turbulent areas, mercenary groups are both props and hidden dangers. For a military power like Gistas, mercenaries are just props.

Aiden watched the secret police driving the carriage negotiate with the guard in a language he couldn't understand, and then showed something, and the two guards removed the roadblock and let them pass.

Aiden tried to shout to the goddess of vengeance in his mind: "Are there any of your believers among these two people?"

"The Vengeance Temple is my believer, but if you ask whether they are "loyal believers"... these two are not." The goddess of vengeance gave a direct response in his mind.

"Why did you come to this terrorist den?" The receptionist in the carriage suddenly asked.

"You have kept silent about my purpose all the way, and I thought you really wouldn't ask unnecessary questions." Aiden moved his eyes over, "Or are you worried about my personal safety?"

"I'm not worried about that. Speaking of professional principles, I shouldn't ask. If your superiors think you can contact the Vengeance Temple, then you can. But personally, I am still a little curious." The receptionist said.

"Then you can ask your superiors directly." Aiden pushed the question back.

The receptionist smiled and didn't reply. Of course, he couldn't directly ask about things that his superiors didn't want to disclose. Allowing a foreigner with unknown purpose to contact a group of terrorists in the country at will was simply unbelievable in the eyes of those who didn't know the inside story. But from his position, it was impossible to question the orders of his superiors.

The carriage drove into the depths of the valley, and Aiden saw a tree house. Through the gap in the curtains, he could vaguely see a gun barrel sticking out, and it seemed that someone was peeping from behind. Further inside, a camp appeared.

Aiden was about to get off the car, and the receptionist stopped him in time: "Please allow me to negotiate first. None of the people here are good people. It's not wise to wander around here with a female appearance, even if you are wearing a veil."

Aiden is still using the appearance of the goddess of vengeance, but this time he added a veil to himself when he used the "stand-in" power.

Aiden sat in the car honestly, watching the receptionist get off and talk to a mercenary approaching the carriage.

He was about to ask the goddess of vengeance when she suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I can feel it." The goddess of vengeance grinned with a twisted smile.

"Your believer?" Aiden asked.

"It's right there." The goddess of vengeance pointed in a certain direction.

Aiden opened the curtain again and looked in that direction. He saw a simply decorated cave under the mountain wall behind the camp. There were bonfires on both sides of the cave, and two masked mercenaries guarded the cave with guns.

Faintly, a majestic song could be heard from the cave.

"What is that?" Aiden frowned slightly.

"Maybe, it's my temple." The goddess of vengeance laughed, "My believers will hold sacrifices to me regularly. When I still have authority, I can directly establish contact with all believers who have offered their loyalty to me through "sacrifice". Now I can't hear their prayers, but they will definitely continue their sacrifices."

"Not bad, not bad, congratulations on returning home." Aiden replied calmly, "I wonder if you have any plans of your own now that you are back home?"

"What plans can I have? I am now trapped in your body and restricted by that broken book." The goddess of vengeance replied.

"You never know. If a believer suddenly offers his body to you, you might be able to break free from this 'cage'." Aiden said seriously, "I hope you won't do such a stupid thing, otherwise I will have to hunt down the fugitive on the spot."

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